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Vulnerable Ports

This list (a very small part of our SG Ports database) includes TCP/UDP ports currently tested by our Security Scanner, and corresponding potential security threats. We update the list on a regular basis, however if you feel we should add other port(s) to the list or modify their descriptions, please . Any feedback and suggestions can also be posted to our Security forum.

 1 |....| 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 
Port(s) Protocol Service Scan level Description
 50200 tcp,udp altiris-wol not scanned Symantec Altiris Notification and Task Server WOL magic packets use this port. on Nexans FTTO GigaSwitch before 6.02N and 7.x before 7.02 implements a Backdoor Account for SSH logins on port 50200 or 50201.
References: [CVE-2022-32985]
 50201 tcp,udp applications not scanned on Nexans FTTO GigaSwitch before 6.02N and 7.x before 7.02 implements a Backdoor Account for SSH logins on port 50200 or 50201.
References: [CVE-2022-32985]
 50305 tcp trojans Members scan Backdoor.Longnu [Symantec-2003-031111-4501-99] (2003.03.11) - a trojan that gives a hacker access to your computer. It downloads other components from specific Web sites. Upon execution, this trojan also displays a fake error message, "Error #251: Failed to init randomized generator."
 50318 tcp,udp whatsapp not scanned WhatsApp uses these ports:
80, 443, 4244, 5222, 5223, 5228, 5242 TCP
50318, 59234 TCP/UDP
3478, 45395 UDP
 50370 tcp trojans Members scan Backdoor.Cycbot [Symantec-2010-103008-0555-99] - a trojan that opens a back door on TCP port 50370 to listen for inbound connections. It may use this port to act as a proxy server. It modifies the proxy settings of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera browsers to point to the proxy server on port 50370. It may also contact a malicious server and report back what version of itself is running and may download updates. The trojan may monitor activity on popular websites, such as social networks, search engines, e-commerce, and video websites.
 50505 tcp trojans Premium scan Sockets des Trois2 trojan. Typically uses ports 5000, 5001, 30303, and 50505. Includes remote administration tool like Back Orifice and NetBus, so it has a server (spread with virus) and client portion.
 50530 udp malware not scanned HEUR.Backdoor.Win32.Denis.gen / Remote Denial of Service (UDP Datagram) - the malware listens on UDP port 50530 and the last digit increments by one each time the malware is restarted e.g. 50531. Third-party attackers who can reach infected systems can send 16 byte UDP packet to trigger an access violation and crash.
References: [MVID-2021-0395]
 50551 tcp trojan Premium scan R0xr4t [Symantec-2002-082915-1621-99], a.k.a. RoxRat backdoor, BD R0xr4t 1.0. Uses ports 5050,50551,50552,60551,60552.
 50552 tcp trojan Premium scan R0xr4t [Symantec-2002-082915-1621-99], a.k.a. RoxRat backdoor, BD R0xr4t 1.0. Uses ports 5050,50551,50552,60551,60552.
 50726 tcp,udp voddler not scanned Voddler uses ports 42042-42051 and 50726.
 50766 tcp trojans Premium scan Fore remote access trojan - ports 21, 50766
Scwhindler remote access trojan - ports 21554, 50766
 50776 tcp trojans Premium scan Fore, Fore 1.0, Remote Windows Shutdown
 50777 tcp applications not scanned zenAdminSrv.exe in Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA zenon 6.51 SP0 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted packet to TCP port 50777, aka Reference Number 25240.
References: [CVE-2011-4533], [BID-51897]
 50829 tcp,udp trojan not scanned KiLo trojan [Symantec-2003-021319-1815-99]

Backdoor.Win32.BirdSpy.b / Weak Hardcoded Credentials - the malware listens on TCP port 50829. Authentication is required, however the password "ccbird" is weak and hardcoded in the PE file.
References: [MVID-2022-0523]
 51000 tcp systracer not scanned SysTracer software (Blue Project Software) default listening port for remote scan server/client connections.

Honeywell Experion PKS Safety Manager through 2022-05-06 has Missing Authentication for a Critical Function. According to FSCT-2022-0051, there is a Honeywell Experion PKS Safety Manager multiple proprietary protocols with unauthenticated functionality issue. The affected components are characterized as: Honeywell Experion TCP (51000/TCP), Safety Builder (51010/TCP). The potential impact is: Manipulate controller state, Manipulate controller configuration, Manipulate controller logic, Manipulate controller files, Manipulate IO. The Honeywell Experion PKS Distributed Control System (DCS) Safety Manager utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality, including process data acquisition, controller steering and configuration management. These protocols include: Experion TCP (51000/TCP) and Safety Builder (51010/TCP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality. There is no authentication functionality on the protocols in question. An attacker capable of invoking the protocols' functionalities could achieve a wide range of adverse impacts, including (but not limited to), the following: for Experion TCP (51000/TCP): Issue IO manipulation commands, Issue file read/write commands; and for Safety Builder (51010/TCP): Issue controller start/stop commands, Issue logic download/upload commands, Issue file read commands, Issue system time change commands. A mitigating factor with regards to some, but not all, of the above functionality is that these require the Safety Manager physical keyswitch to be in the right position.
References: [CVE-2022-30313]
 51003 tcp applications not scanned Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in the Thomson/Alcatel SpeedTouch 7G router, as used for the BT Home Hub 6.2.6.B and earlier, allow remote attackers to perform actions as administrators via unspecified POST requests, as demonstrated by enabling an inbound remote-assistance HTTPS session on TCP port 51003.
NOTE: an authentication bypass can be leveraged to exploit this in the absence of an existing administrative session.
References: [CVE-2007-5384], [BID-25972]
 51010 tcp applications not scanned Honeywell Experion PKS Safety Manager through 2022-05-06 has Missing Authentication for a Critical Function. According to FSCT-2022-0051, there is a Honeywell Experion PKS Safety Manager multiple proprietary protocols with unauthenticated functionality issue. The affected components are characterized as: Honeywell Experion TCP (51000/TCP), Safety Builder (51010/TCP). The potential impact is: Manipulate controller state, Manipulate controller configuration, Manipulate controller logic, Manipulate controller files, Manipulate IO. The Honeywell Experion PKS Distributed Control System (DCS) Safety Manager utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality, including process data acquisition, controller steering and configuration management. These protocols include: Experion TCP (51000/TCP) and Safety Builder (51010/TCP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality. There is no authentication functionality on the protocols in question. An attacker capable of invoking the protocols' functionalities could achieve a wide range of adverse impacts, including (but not limited to), the following: for Experion TCP (51000/TCP): Issue IO manipulation commands, Issue file read/write commands; and for Safety Builder (51010/TCP): Issue controller start/stop commands, Issue logic download/upload commands, Issue file read commands, Issue system time change commands. A mitigating factor with regards to some, but not all, of the above functionality is that these require the Safety Manager physical keyswitch to be in the right position.
References: [CVE-2022-30313]
 51069 tcp cognex not scanned Cognex In-Signt (IANA official) uses these ports:
68 udp - DHCP In-Signt vision system only
502 tcp - Modbus
1069 tcp/udp - In-Sight
1070 tcp - machine status data
2222 udp - Ethernet IP
5753 tcp - audit message server
44818 tcp/udp - Ethernet IP
51069 tcp - In-Sight secure
 51100 tcp applications not scanned The web GUI for Novell iChain 2.2 and 2.3 SP2 and SP3 allows attackers to hijack sessions and gain administrator privileges by sniffing the connection on TCP port 51100 and replaying the authentication information or obtaining and replaying the PCZQX02 authentication cookie from the browser.
References: [CVE-2005-0744]
 51201 tcp,udp applications not scanned Dialpad
 51210 tcp applications not scanned Dialpad
 51234 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Cyn [Symantec-2002-083012-4557-99] (2002.08) - remote access trojan, affects all current Windows versions, listens on ports 15432 and 51234.

Backdoor.Fearles [Symantec-2003-111910-1404-99] (2003.11.18) - a trojan horse that gives an attacker remote access to your computer. By default, the trojan listens on TCP port 51234.

Port also used by TeamSpeak server to telnet remotely.
 51410 tcp not scanned VDG Security SENSE (formerly DIVA) 2.3.13 sends the user database when a user logs in, which allows remote authenticated users to obtain usernames and password hashes by logging in to TCP port 51410 and reading the response.
References: [CVE-2014-9577]
 51413 tcp,udp p2p Premium scan Commonly used by Transmission BitTorrent Client.
 51435 tcp trojans Members scan W32.Kalel.A@mm 2005-052419-5348-99 (2005.05.24) - mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine, also spreads through file-sharing networks. Opens a backdoor for remote access on port 51435/tcp.
 51820 udp wireguard not scanned Wireguard VPN default listening port
 51915 tcp vmware not scanned VMWare vSphere Authentication Proxy web service used to add host to Active Directory domain.
 51966 tcp trojans Premium scan Trojan Cafeini

Backdoor.Win32.Cafeini.b / Denial of Service - the malware listens on TCP port 51966 and is packed by a modified UPX implementation. Third-party adversaries who can reach an infected system can terminate the malware by issuing the cmd DIEDIEDIE, without being required to authenticate.
References: [MVID-2022-0525]

Backdoor.Win32.Cafeini.b / Weak Hardcoded Credentials - the malware listens on TCP ports 51966 and 23. Authentication is required, however the password "mama" is weak and found within the PE file. Moreover, the FTP server running on non standard port 23 also uses same password. Trying to execute a program incorrectly you get reply like, "STATUS I can't run program", as it requires the full path to the file to execute.
References: [MVID-2022-0617]
 51996 tcp trojan Premium scan CafeIni trojan
 52001 tcp,udp applications not scanned Xlockmore, which is the maintained edition of Xlock, makes use of port 52001 to administer an X server network. Xlock prevents illegal access to the X server while the user is still keying in his or her password.

Jabber Session Manager (JSM) also employs port 52001 for administering instant messaging activities.
 52013 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Graybird.C [Symantec-2003-041516-5125-99] (2003.04.15) - a backdoor trojan and a variant of Backdoor.Graybird. It gives a hacker unauthorized access to your computer. It opens port 52013 to listen for commands. The existence of the file, HGZSERVER.EXE, is an indication of a possible infection.
 52028 tcp,udp applications not scanned Altiris Agent for Linux, Mac and Unix
BibleTime for Linux
 52179 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Tjserv.D [Symantec-2005-100415-4002-99] (10.04.2005) - a backdoor trojan that acts as a HTTP and SOCKS4/5 proxy. Opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands on port 8080/udp. Also opens a HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy on port 52179/tcp.
 52217 udp fudjitsu not scanned Fudjitsu default Scan-to-Mobile port
 52303 udp applications not scanned Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000 is vulnerable to a heap-based buffer overflow, caused by improper bounds checking by the BKCLogSvr.exe service. By sending specially-crafted packets to UDP port 52303, a remote attacker could overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system or cause the application to crash.
References: [BID-66130], [CVE-2014-0781], [XFDB-91783]
 52311 tcp IBM not scanned IBM License Metric Tool ports
1433 TCP - SQL server connection
9081 TCP - HTTPS web browser connections to server
50000 TCP - DB2 server connection
52311 TCP - BigFix clients and console connect to the server
 52317 tcp trojans Premium scan Port used by: Acid Battery 2000 trojan
 52365 tcp trojan Premium scan Way trojan
 52559 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.AntiLam.20.Q [Symantec-2003-082907-5935-99] (2003.08.29) - a backdoor trojan horse that gives its creator access to a computer. By default this trojan listens on ports 20226 and 52559. The existence of the file nas.exe is in indication of a possible infection. This threat is written in the Delphi programming language.
 52805 tcp applications not scanned A security issue has been reported in NEC Universal RAID Utility, which can be exploited by malicious people to bypass certain security restrictions. The security issue is caused due to the application improperly restricting access permissions, which can be exploited to conduct arbitrary operations on a hard disk being managed by the application via TCP port 52805.
References: [CVE-2013-0706], [SECUNIA-52241]
 52810 udp malware not scanned HackTool.Win32.Hidd.b / Remote Stack Buffer Overflow (UDP Datagram) - the malware listens on UDP ports 52810 and 65423. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected system can send a 479 byte payload to port 65423 and trigger a classic stack buffer overflow overwriting the EIP, ECX registers.
References: [MVID-2021-0318]
 52901 udp trojan Premium scan Possibly the Omega DDoS tool.
 52978 tcp trojans Members scan Gspot, also known as Backdoor.Optix.Downloader, G-Spot, Trojan.Win32.GoBind, TrojanDownloader.Win32.G-Spot.10 and TrojanDownloader.Win32.G-Spot.15, is a backdoor Trojan written in Delphi affecting Microsoft Windows operating systems.

The backdoor uses a client/server relationship, where the server component is installed in the victim's system and the remote attacker has control of the client. The server attempts to open a port, typically TCP port 52978, to allow the client system to connect. Gspot could allow a remote attacker to gain unauthorized access to the system.
References: [XFDB-15165]
 52999 tcp applications not scanned The GetMagicNumberString function in Massive Entertainment World in Conflict 1.000 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL dereference and daemon crash) via a string to the VoIP port (52999/tcp) with an invalid value in the third byte.
References: [CVE-2007-5369], [BID-25985]
 53001 tcp trojans Premium scan Remote Windows Shutdown trojan
 53184 malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Delf.aez / Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution - the malware listens on several TCP ports and accepts unauthenticated commands on port 53187 and 53184. Commands are in Polish e.g. Wylogowuj translated is "Log out" and we get response "#Zmiany Profilu w│aczone" ("#Profile change enabled."). Sending a single characters "d" or "f" to port 53187 also returns system information.
References: [MVID-2021-0217]
 53187 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Delf.aez / Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution - the malware listens on several TCP ports and accepts unauthenticated commands on port 53187 and 53184. Commands are in Polish e.g. Wylogowuj translated is "Log out" and we get response "#Zmiany Profilu w│aczone" ("#Profile change enabled."). Sending a single characters "d" or "f" to port 53187 also returns system information.
References: [MVID-2021-0217]
 53211 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Agent.ju (PSYRAT) / Authentication Bypass RCE - the PsyRAT 0.01 malware listens on random high TCP ports 53297, 53211, 532116 and so forth. Connecting to an infected host returns a logon prompt for PASS. However, you can enter anything or nothing at all and execute commands made available by the backdoor. The malware will return a BADPWD and or "Invalid command" error string but the command executes regardless. Custom client is required as it seems to dislike CRLF \r\n characters when using netcat or telnet.
References: [MVID-2024-0677]
 53217 tcp trojan Premium scan Acid Battery 2000 trojan horse (TCP)
 53297 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Agent.ju (PSYRAT) / Authentication Bypass RCE - the PsyRAT 0.01 malware listens on random high TCP ports 53297, 53211, 532116 and so forth. Connecting to an infected host returns a logon prompt for PASS. However, you can enter anything or nothing at all and execute commands made available by the backdoor. The malware will return a BADPWD and or "Invalid command" error string but the command executes regardless. Custom client is required as it seems to dislike CRLF \r\n characters when using netcat or telnet.
References: [MVID-2024-0677]
 53357 tcp,udp virus not scanned W95.Sma [Symantec-2002-060510-2532-99] (2002.05.29) - an oligomorphic stealth virus which affects Windows 9x environments. It is network-aware and has a payload that runs arbitrary code that originates from a specific IP address.
 53484 tcp linksys Premium scan Sony VLP Network Projectors use port 53484 by default.

Reportedly, some newer Linksys "Smart WiFi" routers like EA6300 can open port 53484 by default. To close the port on such routers, disable any "Remote Access", and "Smart Phone access".
 53535,53540,53541 tcp,udp activepdf not scanned ESET Live Grid, Antispam and Web Control

ActivePDF software - automates PDF generation process from different sources, such as a website
ActivePDF WebGrabber - port 64320
ActivePDF Server - port 53535
ActivePDF DocConverter - port 53540 and port 53541
 54045 udp arx not scanned Logitech LGS Arx control app listens to port 54045 UDP and uses outbound port 54099 UDP. It also uses a random TCP port, reportedly in the following ranges (57851, 57856, 57907, 57911, 57913, 57924, 57943, 63235)
 54099 udp arx not scanned Logitech LGS Arx control app listens to port 54045 UDP and uses outbound port 54099 UDP. It also uses a random TCP port, reportedly in the following ranges (57851, 57856, 57907, 57911, 57913, 57924, 57943, 63235)
 54112 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Ranky.F [Symantec-2004-040119-5250-99] (2004.04.01) - a trojan horse that runs as a proxy server. By default, the trojan opens TCP port 54112.
 54138 tcp applications not scanned Toshiba 4690 operating system could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information. By sending a specially crafted string to TCP port 54138, an attacker could return environment variables to an unauthenticated client. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to restricted data.
References: [CVE-2014-8476], [XFDB-103666]
 54188 tcp applications not scanned An issue was discovered on Askey AP4000W TDC_V1.01.003 devices. An attacker can perform Remote Code Execution (RCE) by sending a specially crafted network packer to the bd_svr service listening on TCP port 54188.
References: [CVE-2020-8614], [XFDB-176230]
 54236 tcp,udp applications not scanned Razer Chroma SDK Rest Server through 3.12.17 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary programs because there is a race condition in which a file created under "%PROGRAMDATA%\Razer Chroma\SDK\Apps" can be replaced before it is executed by the server. The attacker must have access to port 54236 for a registration step.
References: [CVE-2020-16602]
 54283 tcp trojan Premium scan Trojans using this port:
BackDoor-G, SubSeven, Sub7(*) (TCP)
 54312 tcp,udp trojans not scanned Backdoor.Niovadoor [Symantec-2002-103118-2307-99] (2002.10.31) - a backdoor trojan that gives an attacker unauthorized access to an infected computer. By default it opens port 54312 on the infected computer. The trojan attempts to disable some antivirus and firewall programs by terminating their active processes.
 54320 udp trojan not scanned Back Orifice 2000, BO2K(*) trojan horse (UDP)
 54321 tcp various Premium scan Citrix admin workstation connects to provisioning server over ports 54321-54323 TCP for SOAP service, used by console and APIs (MCLI, PowerShell, etc.)

opendkim default port (may also use ports 8891,12345)

Trojans using this port:
Schoolbus .69-1.11, 1.6, 2.0 (TCP)
Back Orifice 2000, BO2K(*) (TCP/UDP)
Backdoor.Robofo [Symantec-2007-053013-4425-99]

Stack-based buffer overflow in MDMUtil.dll in MDMTool.exe in MDM Tool before 2.3 in Moxa Device Manager allows remote MDM Gateways to execute arbitrary code via crafted data in a session on TCP port 54321.
References: [CVE-2010-4741]

The Terminal Upgrade Tool in the Pilot Below Deck Equipment (BDE) and OpenPort implementations on Iridium satellite terminals allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by uploading new firmware to TCP port 54321.
References: [CVE-2014-0327]
 54321 udp loadavg not scanned UDP port used by "loadavg" - a service that replies with the load average of a machine.
 54322 tcp citrix not scanned Citrix admin workstation connects to provisioning server over ports 54321-54323 TCP for SOAP service, used by console and APIs (MCLI, PowerShell, etc.)
 54323 tcp citrix not scanned Citrix admin workstation connects to provisioning server over ports 54321-54323 TCP for SOAP service, used by console and APIs (MCLI, PowerShell, etc.)
 54340 tcp,udp vlc not scanned VLC Streamer default port
 54345 tcp loadrunner not scanned Port used by HP LoadRunner for checking performance and behavior of a system when under load.

Stack-based buffer overflow in magentproc.exe for Hewlett-Packard Mercury LoadRunner Agent, Performance Center Agent, and Monitor over Firewall allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a packet with a long server_ip_name field to TCP port 54345, which triggers the overflow in mchan.dll.
References: [CVE-2007-0446], [BID-22487]
 54444 tcp applications not scanned NMMediaServer.exe in Nero MediaHome and earlier, as used in Nero and earlier, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a long HTTP request to TCP port 54444.
References: [CVE-2008-1905]

Multiple off-by-one errors in NMMediaServerService.dll in Nero MediaHome and earlier allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a long string in the (1) request line or (2) HTTP Referer header to TCP port 54444, which triggers a heap-based buffer overflow.
References: [CVE-2012-5876]
 54533 udp applications not scanned Really Simple IM is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by the improper handling of packets. By sending a specially-crafted packet to UDP port 54533, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the application to crash.
References: [XFDB-60454], [OSVDB-66447], [EDB-14408]
 54593 tcp citrix not scanned Citrix AppDNA Server uses port 54593 TCP for connections with the AppDNA Remote Admin Agent.
 54915 tcp,udp logitech not scanned Logitech Gaming Software - LCore.exe uses port 54915/udp. Disabling Arx control may stop the broadcasts.
 54925 udp brother not scanned Brother MFC printers use ports 137 UDP and 161 UDP (network printing and remote setup), 54925/udp (network scanning), 54926 UDP (PC fax receiving). Some may also open port 21 TCP (scan to FTP feature).
 54926 udp brother not scanned Brother MFC printers use ports 137 UDP and 161 UDP (network printing and remote setup), 54925/udp (network scanning), 54926 UDP (PC fax receiving). Some may also open port 21 TCP (scan to FTP feature).
 55000 tcp,udp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Roxe [Symantec-2004-092814-2335-99] - remote access trojan, affects Windows. Exploits the MS GDI+ Library vulnerability: MS Seciruty Bulletin [MS04-028]. Listens on port 55000/tcp.

Port also used by Windows Home Server for managing the various components of the home network.

Some uTorrent versions use port 55000 by default.
 55023 tcp,udp applications not scanned Lupus Electronics XT2 Plus Alarm System could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by the running of a telnet server on port 55023 by the panel. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a hard coded secret to obtain the root password from MAC address.
References: [XFDB-159044]
 55123 udp applications not scanned Default VoIP client port, Battlefield 2
 55124 udp applications not scanned Default VoIP server port
 55125 udp applications not scanned Standard VoIP port
 55165 tcp trojans Premium scan Some trojans use this port: File Manager trojan, WM Trojan Generator
 55166 tcp trojan Premium scan WM Trojan Generator
 55502 tcp,udp applications not scanned B&R APROL versions < R 4.2-07 doesn't process correctly specially formatted data packages sent to port 55502/tcp, which may allow a network based attacker to cause an application Denial-of-Service.
References: [CVE-2022-43765]
 55553 tcp metasploit not scanned Metasploit RPC daemon default port, also used by Armitage team server.
 55554 tcp applications not scanned Share KM application for Android is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an error in the Share KM PC Server. By sending a specially-crafted request containing an overly long string argument to TCP port 55554, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the server to crash.
References: [BID-62586], [XFDB-87386], [EDB-28451]
 55555 tcp trojan Premium scan Shadow Phyre trojan

JUNG Smart Visu Server contains two undocumented operating system user backdoor accounts. By connecting to the device over SSH on Port 55555, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to gain administrative access to the device.
References: [XFDB-121625]

Backdoor.Win32.Wollf.m / Weak Hardcoded Password - the malware listens on TCP port 55555 and runs with SYSTEM integrity. Authentication is required for remote user access. However, the password "alfaromeo" is weak and hardcoded within the executable and appears many times in a database of leaked passwords.
References: [MVID-2021-0435]

Backdoor.Win32.Wollf.m / Authentication Bypass - the malware listens on TCP port 55555 and runs with SYSTEM integrity. The malware has an FTP component that can be enabled using the FTPD command. Third-party attackers who can reach the server can logon using any username password combination.
References: [MVID-2021-0436]
 55565 tcp applications not scanned Honeywell Experion LX through 2022-05-06 has Missing Authentication for a Critical Function. According to FSCT-2022-0055, there is a Honeywell Experion LX Control Data Access (CDA) EpicMo protocol with unauthenticated functionality issue. The affected components are characterized as: Honeywell Control Data Access (CDA) EpicMo (55565/TCP). The potential impact is: Firmware manipulation, Denial of service. The Honeywell Experion LX Distributed Control System (DCS) utilizes the Control Data Access (CDA) EpicMo protocol (55565/TCP) for device diagnostics and maintenance purposes. This protocol does not have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality. There is no authentication functionality on the protocol in question. An attacker capable of invoking the protocols' functionalities could issue firmware download commands potentially allowing for firmware manipulation and reboot devices causing denial of service.
References: [CVE-2022-30317]
 55665 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Latinus [Symantec-2002-060710-5206-99]
Pinochet [trojan]
 55666 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Latinus [Symantec-2002-060710-5206-99]
Pinochet [trojan]
 55901 tcp,udp applications not scanned Mu Online
 56010 tcp applications not scanned Unspecified vulnerability in NEC WebSAM DeploymentManager 5.13 and earlier, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (OS shutdown or restart) via unknown vectors related to Client Service for DPM and crafted packets to port 56010.
References: [CVE-2010-1941], [BID-40196]
 56015 tcp applications not scanned Unspecified vulnerability in NEC CapsSuite Small Edition PatchMeister 2.0 Update2 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (OS shutdown or restart) via vectors related to Client Service for PTM and crafted packets to port 56015.
References: [CVE-2010-1943], [BID-40190]
 56123 tcp,udp applications not scanned Monsoon Vulkano
 56185 tcp malware not scanned / Authentication Bypass RCE - the malware listens on TCP ports 10426, 56185. Third-party attackers who can reach infected systems can logon using any username/password combination. Intruders may then upload executables using ftp PASV, STOR commands, this can result in remote code execution.
References: [MVID-2021-0303]
 56565 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Osirdoor [Symantec-2002-081217-3251-99] - remote access trojan, affects Windows
 56574 tcp,udp pando networks not scanned port used by Pando Media Booster (pmb.exe) - streaming software used by several online games using cloud relivery technology, developed by Pando Networks (
 56700 tcp lifx not scanned LIFX smart lighting listens and broadcasts message responses on port 56700 TCP by default.
 56768 tcp,udp applications not scanned iVisit
 56789 tcp webobjects Members scan Commonly used default port when configuring programs, and possibly malware, because of the sequential numbers "5 6 7 8 9"

Apple WebObjects Monitor (WO-Monitor) application, also JavaMonitor use port 56789 TCP

Cyber Intel Classification Banner - service agent uses port 56789 by default

Malware: Win32/Autorun.OA worm - it may change the computer system date, delete other programs, or connect to a remote site and await commands from a remote attacker. Opens a backdoor and attempts to connect to '' using TCP port 56789.
 56790 tcp malware not scanned Port sometimes used as default/consecutive port when configuring programs/malware/botnets, because it follows a very common default high port "5 6 7 8 9". As such, programs/malware that need multiple open ports often use sequential ports 56790, 56791, etc.
 56791 tcp botnets not scanned Port sometimes used as default/consecutive port when configuring programs/malware/botnets, because it follows a very common default high port "5 6 7 8 9". As such, programs/malware that need multiple open ports often use sequential ports 56790, 56791, etc.

Vulnerabilities listed: 100 (some use multiple ports)
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