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Vulnerable Ports

This list (a very small part of our SG Ports database) includes TCP/UDP ports currently tested by our Security Scanner, and corresponding potential security threats. We update the list on a regular basis, however if you feel we should add other port(s) to the list or modify their descriptions, please . Any feedback and suggestions can also be posted to our Security forum.

 1 |....| 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 
Port(s) Protocol Service Scan level Description
 41523 tcp applications not scanned The Discovery Service (casdscvc) in CA ARCserve Backup 12.0.5454.0 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a packet with a large integer value used in an increment to TCP port 41523, which triggers a buffer over-read.
References: [CVE-2008-1979], [BID-28927]

Multiple buffer overflows in CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup r11.5 SP1 and earlier, r11.1, and 9.01; BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Windows r11; BrightStor Enterprise Backup 10.5; Server Protection Suite r2; and Business Protection Suite r2 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted data on TCP port 6071 to the Backup Agent RPC Server (DBASVR.exe) using the RPC routines with opcode (1) 0x01, (2) 0x02, or (3) 0x18; invalid stub data on TCP port 6503 to the RPC routines with opcode (4) 0x2b or (5) 0x2d in ASCORE.dll in the Message Engine RPC Server (msgeng.exe); (6) a long hostname on TCP port 41523 to ASBRDCST.DLL in the Discovery Service (casdscsvc.exe); or unspecified vectors related to the (7) Job Engine Service.
References: [CVE-2006-5143] [BID-20365] [SECUNIA-22285]
 41524 udp ArcServe not scanned Arc Serve (looks for license violations)

Stack-based buffer overflow in the Discovery Service for BrightStor ARCserve Backup 11.1 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long packet to UDP port 41524, which is not properly handled in a recvfrom call.
References: [CVE-2005-0260]
 41626 tcp trojan Premium scan Shah trojan
 41666 tcp,udp trojan Premium scan Remote Boot trojan
 41794 tcp crestron-cip not scanned IANA registered for: Crestron Control Port
 41795 tcp,udp crestron-ctp not scanned IANA registered for: Crestron Terminal Port
 41796 tcp crestron-cips not scanned IANA registered for: Crestron Secure Control Port
 41797 tcp crestron-ctps not scanned IANA registered for: Crestron Secure Terminal Port
 41823 tcp,udp applications not scanned Murealm Client
 41934 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Ranky.C [Symantec-2003-102714-5526-99] (2003.10.27) - a trojan horse that runs as a proxy server. By default, the trojan opens TCP port 41934.
 41952 tcp,udp applications not scanned Tversity Media Player - this application uses port 41952 to download video, audio and/or music files from the Internet. You can run TVersity in PCs, as well as in Playstations, Nintendo Wii, and the Xbox 360.

BitTorrent also uses this port.
 42042-42051 tcp,udp voddler not scanned Voddler uses ports 42042-42051 and 50726.
 42100 tcp games not scanned Medal of Honor 2010
 42172 tcp applications not scanned iTunes Radio streams
 42321 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Ranky.E [Symantec-2004-031918-5809-99] - a trojan horse that runs as a proxy server, opens TCP port 42321 by default.
 42424 tcp applications not scanned ASP.NET Session State, ASP.NET State Service
 42500 udp games not scanned Heroes of Might and Magic V
 42508 tcp,udp candp not scanned Computer Associates network discovery protocol
 42509 tcp,udp candrp not scanned Computer Associates discovery response
 42510 tcp,udp caerpc not scanned Computer Associates eTrust RPC
 42511 tcp inoculateit not scanned eTrust AV - default port for Computer Associates' eTrust antivirus, a.k.a InoculateIT.
 42557 tcp applications not scanned iTunes Radio streams
 42590 tcp,udp applications not scanned Glue - MakePro X
 42591 tcp,udp applications not scanned Glue - MakePro X
 42592 tcp,udp applications not scanned Glue - MakePro X
 42593 tcp,udp applications not scanned Glue - MakePro X
 42594 tcp,udp applications not scanned Glue - MakePro X
 42595 tcp,udp applications not scanned Glue - MakePro X
 42893 udp games not scanned Virtual Tennis, developer: Strangelite
 42999 tcp curiosity not scanned API endpoint for search application (IANA official)
 43000 tcp recvr-rc not scanned Receiver Remote Control [Research_Electronics_International] (IANA official)
 43000 udp recvr-rc-disc not scanned Receiver Remote Control Discovery [Research_Electronics_International] (IANA official)
 43034 tcp,udp applications not scanned LarmX.comâ„¢ database update mtr port
 43047 tcp applications Premium scan TheosMessenger, TheosNet-Admin uses these ports:
2500/tcp, 2501/tcp - listening for client connections
43047/tcp, 43048/tcp - service ports
 43048 tcp applications not scanned TheosMessenger, TheosNet-Admin uses these ports:
2500/tcp, 2501/tcp - listening for client connections
43047/tcp, 43048/tcp - service ports
 43188 tcp,udp reachout not scanned REACHOUT
 43189 tcp,udp ndm-agent-port not scanned NDM-AGENT-PORT
 43190 tcp,udp ip-provision not scanned IP-PROVISION
 43191 tcp noit-transport not scanned Reconnoiter Agent Data Transport
 43210 tcp trojan Premium scan Master's Paradise, Schoolbus 1.6 / 2.0 trojan horse

Octave network daemon

Shaper Automation Server Management [Shaper_Automation] (IANA official)
 43210 udp shaperai-disc not scanned Bombsquad game uses port 43210 UDP

Shaper Automation Server Management Discovery [Shaper_Automation] (IANA official)
 43287 tcp trojans Members scan W32.Mytob.KU@mm [Symantec-2005-101522-1102-99] - mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine, has backdoor capabilities, and lowers security settings on the compromised computer. Opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands on port 43287/tcp.

Also: W32.Mytob.KR@mm [Symantec-2005-101517-4223-99] variant.
 43438 udp hmip-routing not scanned IANA registered for: HmIP LAN Routing
 43439 tcp eq3-update not scanned EQ3 firmware update [eQ-3 AG] (IANA official)
 43439 udp eq3-config not scanned EQ3 discovery and configuration [eQ-3 AG] (IANA official)
 43440 tcp ew-mgmt not scanned Cisco EnergyWise Management
 43440 udp ew-disc-cmd not scanned Cisco EnergyWise Discovery and Command Flooding
 43441 tcp,udp ciscocsdb not scanned Cisco NetMgmt DB Ports [Cisco Systems] (IANA official)
 43594 tcp,udp applications not scanned Runescape Private Server
 43595 tcp applications not scanned RuneScape JAGGRAB servers
 43654 tcp viera not scanned Panasonic Viera cast may use the following ports: 80, 443, 43654, 48705
 43690 udp applications not scanned Huawei EchoLife HG520c could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an error when processing packets. By sending specially-crafted packets to UDP port 43690, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain firmware version, IP addresses and other sensitive information.
References: [XFDB-57952], [BID-39650], [SECUNIA-39491]
 43720 udp trojan not scanned KiLo trojan [Symantec-2003-021319-1815-99]
 43900 tcp games not scanned PGA Championship Golf 2000 uses ports 43900-43910
 43910 tcp games not scanned PGA Championship Golf 2000 uses ports 43900-43910
 43958 tcp applications Members scan Serv-U FTP Server

Trojans that use this port:
Backdoor.ServU-based (AVP), Backdoor.ServU.B (Central Command), Troj/Vicwor-A, BKDR_ServU_ey
 43981 udp applications not scanned Netware IP, Vicar networks X10 mgmt
 44000 udp games not scanned Brothers in Arms: Road To Hill 30, Far Cry, Heroes of Might and Magic V, Rainbox Six 3: Raven Shield
 44000 tcp games not scanned PGA Championship Golf 2000
 44003 tcp,udp applications not scanned MTA SA R1.0
 44014 tcp,udp trojan not scanned Iani trojan
 44123 tcp z-wave-s not scanned Z-Wave Secure Tunnel [Sigma Designs Inc] (IANA official)
 44280 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Amitis.B [Symantec-2003-051915-1012-99] (2003.05.19) Windows remote access trojan. Listens on ports 3547, 7823, 12345, 13173, 44280, 44390, 47387, 64429. Other variants of Backdoor.Amitis also use ports 27, 551.
 44323 udp pcp not scanned IANA registered for: Port Control Protocol
 44333 tcp,udp applications not scanned Kerio MailServer, Kerio Personal Firewall, and Kerio WinRoute Firewall are vulnerable to a denial of service attack. A remote attacker, with access to the administration ports, 44333, 44334, and 44337 could send specially-crafted data to exceed the amount of connections allowed, resulting in a denial of service.
References: [BID-13458], [CVE-2005-1063], [XFDB-20337]
 44334 tcp,udp tiny firewall Members scan Remote administration port used by Tiny Personal Firewall, and Kerio Personal firewall.
There is a possible exploit in Kerio Personal Firewall using this port: SecuriTeam 5HP0A2AA1Y
Also Kerio personal firewall has hidden "Internal Traffic Rules" that allow for open ports not being displayed in the GUI.

A remote attacker, with access to the administration ports, 44333, 44334, and 44337 could send specially-crafted data to exceed the amount of connections allowed, resulting in a denial of service.
References: [BID-13458], [CVE-2005-1063], [XFDB-20337]
 44337 tcp,udp applications not scanned Kerio MailServer, Kerio Personal Firewall, and Kerio WinRoute Firewall are vulnerable to a denial of service attack. A remote attacker, with access to the administration ports, 44333, 44334, and 44337 could send specially-crafted data to exceed the amount of connections allowed, resulting in a denial of service.
References: [BID-13458], [CVE-2005-1063], [XFDB-20337]
 44390 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Amitis.B [Symantec-2003-051915-1012-99] (2003.05.19) Windows remote access trojan. Listens on ports 3547, 7823, 12345, 13173, 44280, 44390, 47387, 64429. Other variants of Backdoor.Amitis also use ports 27, 551.
 44405 tcp,udp applications not scanned Mu Online
 44444 tcp trojan Members scan Prosiak trojan
Cognex DataMan Management Protocol [Cognex] (IANA official)

Cisco Prime Central for Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS) Assurance 8.6 and 9.x before 9.2(1) allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a flood of TCP packets to port 44444, aka Bug ID CSCtz92776.
References: [CVE-2013-3388]
 44445 tcp acronis-backup not scanned Acronis Backup Gateway service port (IANA registered)

Malware: W32.Kibuv
 44488 tcp,udp applications not scanned BackupStream
 44490 tcp,udp applications not scanned BAckNBiz
 44501 tcp kerio Members scan Port used by Kerio Personal Firewall pop-up blocking.
There is a script that sends information on this port about blocked pages. Also, reportedly Kerio personal firewall has "Internal traffic rules" for open ports not displayed in the GUI.
 44544 udp domiq not scanned DOMIQ Building Automation [DOMIQ Sp zoo] (IANA official)
 44575 tcp trojan Premium scan Exploiter trojan
 44600 udp asihpi not scanned IANA registered for: AudioScience HPI
 44624 udp games not scanned Virtual Tennis, developer: Strangelite
 44767 tcp,udp trojan not scanned School Bus trojan
 44818 tcp,udp ethernetip not scanned Rockwell Encapsulation

Cognex In-Signt (IANA official) uses these ports:
68 udp - DHCP In-Signt vision system only
502 tcp - Modbus
1069 tcp/udp - In-Sight
1070 tcp - machine status data
2222 udp - Ethernet IP
5753 tcp - audit message server
44818 tcp/udp - Ethernet IP
51069 tcp - In-Sight secure

IANA registered for EtherNet/IP messaging

Cisco IOS is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an error within the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) feature when processing malicious packets. By sending specially-crafted IPv4 packets destined to TCP port 44818, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the device to reload.
References: [CVE-2015-0649], [XFDB-101804]

Rockwell Automation ControlLogix is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by the improper validation of input being sent to the buffer. By sending a specially-crafted CIP message to TCP and UDP ports 2222 and 44818, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the CPU to stop logic execution and enter a denial of service.
References: [XFDB-81235]

Rockwell Automation RSLinx Classic Versions 4.00.01 and prior. This vulnerability may allow a remote threat actor to intentionally send a malformed CIP packet to Port 44818, causing the software application to stop responding and crash. This vulnerability also has the potential to exploit a buffer overflow condition, which may allow the threat actor to remotely execute arbitrary code.
References: [CVE-2018-14829]

Rockwell Automation RSLinx Classic Versions 4.00.01 and prior. A remote, unauthenticated threat actor may intentionally send specially crafted Ethernet/IP packets to Port 44818, causing the software application to stop responding and crash. The user must restart the software to regain functionality.
References: [CVE-2018-14827]

Rockwell Automation RSLinx Classic Versions 4.00.01 and prior. This vulnerability may allow a remote, unauthenticated threat actor to intentionally send a malformed CIP packet to Port 44818, causing the RSLinx Classic application to terminate. The user will need to manually restart the software to regain functionality.
References: [CVE-2018-14821]

Tec4Data SmartCooler is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by missing authentication for a critical function. By sending a specially crafted CIP packet to Port 44818, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause a denial of service.
References: [CVE-2018-14796], [XFDB-150211]
 44900 tcp,udp m3da not scanned M3DA is used for efficient machine-to-machine communications [Eclipse Foundation] (IANA official)
 45000 tcp cisco-ids not scanned CiscoSecure IDS communication
Monitoring Protocol data transfer NSi AutoStore Status [Notable Solutions Inc] (IANA official)
 45000 udp games not scanned Brothers in Arms: Road To Hill 30, Heroes of Might and Magic V
Monitoring Protocol device, monitoring NSi AutoStore Status [Notable Solutions Inc] (IANA official)
 45001 udp games not scanned Brothers in Arms: Road To Hill 30
 45001 tcp asmps not scanned Monitoring Protocol secure data transfer [Notable Solutions Inc] (IANA official)
 45002 tcp rs-status not scanned Redspeed Status Monitor (IANA official)
 45054 tcp,udp invision-ag not scanned InVision AG
 45092 tcp trojan Premium scan BackGate Kit
 45100 tcp,udp applications not scanned Limewire client magnet, Azureus
 45395 udp whatsapp not scanned WhatsApp uses these ports:
80, 443, 4244, 5222, 5223, 5228, 5242 TCP
50318, 59234 TCP/UDP
3478, 45395 UDP
 45454 tcp trojan Premium scan Osiris trojan
 45456 tcp httptoolkit not scanned HTTP Toolkit ( uses ports 45456/tcp and 45457/tcp as part of its internal communication and management API
 45457 tcp httptoolkit not scanned HTTP Toolkit ( uses ports 45456/tcp and 45457/tcp as part of its internal communication and management API
 45514 tcp cloudcheck not scanned IANA registered for: ASSIA CloudCheck WiFi Management System
 45514 udp cloudcheck-ping not scanned IANA registered for: ASSIA CloudCheck WiFi Management keepalive
 45559 tcp trojan Premium scan Maniac rootkit trojan
 45631 tcp applications not scanned Air Video
 45632 tcp trojan Premium scan Little Witch trojan
 45672 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Delf.F [Symantec-2003-040117-4857-99] backdoor trojan that gives a hacker access to your computer. By default, it opens TCP ports 25226 and 45672. The existence of the file Svced.exe is an indication of a possible infection.
 45673 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Acropolis [Symantec-2001-021616-0142-99] remote access trojan, affects Windows, listens on TCP ports 32791, 45673.

Vulnerabilities listed: 100 (some use multiple ports)
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