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Vulnerable Ports

This list (a very small part of our SG Ports database) includes TCP/UDP ports currently tested by our Security Scanner, and corresponding potential security threats. We update the list on a regular basis, however if you feel we should add other port(s) to the list or modify their descriptions, please . Any feedback and suggestions can also be posted to our Security forum.

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Port(s) Protocol Service Scan level Description
 23000 tcp trojan Premium scan Storm worm
 23000 udp applications not scanned Gamespy Port (for Internet games), Battlefield Vietnam, Fly For Fun (TCP/UDP)
 23001 tcp trojan Premium scan Storm worm
 23005 tcp trojans Premium scan Infinaeon, Oxon, W32.HLLW.Nettrash [Symantec-2004-011310-3331-99]

Backdoor.Platrash [Symantec-2002-101613-3415-99] (2002.10.16) - a trojan horse coded in Visual Basic 6 that can allow unauthorized access to an infected computer. By default, it opens TCP ports 23005 and 23006 to listen for a connection.
 23006 tcp trojans Premium scan Infinaeon, Oxon, W32.HLLW.Nettrash [Symantec-2004-011310-3331-99]

Backdoor.Platrash [Symantec-2002-101613-3415-99] (2002.10.16) - a trojan horse coded in Visual Basic 6 that can allow unauthorized access to an infected computer. By default, it opens TCP ports 23005 and 23006 to listen for a connection.
 23023 tcp trojan Premium scan Sometimes used as an alternate to the standard ssh port 23
Some TechniColor routers use this port for ssh using root/root as login

Logged trojan horse
 23032 tcp trojan Premium scan Amanda trojan
 23053 tcp gntp not scanned Generic Notification Transport Protocol [Growl Project] (IANA official)
 23073 tcp,udp games not scanned Soldat
 23083 tcp games not scanned Soldat
 23210 tcp,udp applications not scanned Gameday Payoff
 23213 tcp,udp applications not scanned PowWow VoIP IM chat program by Tribal Voice
 23214 tcp,udp applications not scanned PowWow by Tribal Voice
 23232 tcp trojan Premium scan Backdoor.Berbew.J trojan [Symantec-2004-082414-4142-99] - trojan that attempts to steal cached passwords and gather confidential user information by displaying fake windows. Opens a rootshell on port 23232/tcp and FTP server on port 32121/tcp.
 23272 udp s102 not scanned S102 application
 23294 tcp 5afe-dir not scanned IANA registered for: 5AFE SDN Directory
 23294 udp 5afe-disc not scanned IANA registered for: 5AFE SDN Directory discovery
 23321 tcp trojan Premium scan Konik trojan
 23399 tcp,udp applications not scanned Skype Default Protocol
 23401 tcp nvidia not scanned NvBackend.exe - nVidia GeForce Experience service may listen to ports 23401 and/or 23402 TCP.

IANA registered for: Novar Alarm
 23402 tcp nvidia not scanned NvBackend.exe - nVidia GeForce Experience service may listen to ports 23401 and/or 23402 TCP.

IANA registered for: Novar Global
 23432 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Asylum (05.2000) - remote access trojan, uses ports 81, 2343, 23432 by default.
 23435 tcp trojan Premium scan Backdoor.Frango [Symantec-2003-101816-5050-99] - a backdoor trojan horse that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a computer. Backdoor.Frango is packed by FSG. It notifies the attacker by ICQ and CGI requests and listens on port 23435 by default.

Trojan.Framar [Symantec-2003-120314-1133-99]

Backdoor.Volac [Symantec-2003-121108-2958-99] - a backdoor trojan horse server that allows unauthorized remote access to an infected system.
 23444 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.NetBull.11.a / Remote Buffer Overflow - Netbull listens on both TCP ports 23444 and 23445, sending a large string of junk chars causes stack corruption overwriting EDX register.
References: [MVID-2021-0035]
 23445 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.NetBull.11.a / Remote Buffer Overflow - Netbull listens on both TCP ports 23444 and 23445, sending a large string of junk chars causes stack corruption overwriting EDX register.
References: [MVID-2021-0035]
 23456 tcp trojans Members scan Common sequence of numbers "2 3 4 5 6" often used as default port by some programs and trojans.

Cisco SD-WAN edge devices use these ports to establish connections with peers in the overlay network:
UDP ports 12346, 12446, 12546, 12646 (UDP if DTLS)
TCP ports: 23456, 23556, 23656, 23756 (TCP if DTLS)

Trojans/backdoors that use this port: Evil FTP, Ugly FTP, WhackJob

An issue was discovered on AVStar PE204 3.10.70 IP camera devices. A denial of service can occur on open TCP port 23456. After a TELNET connection, no TCP ports are open.
References: [CVE-2019-18382], [XFDB-170155]

Backdoor.Win32.NetBull.11.b / Remote Buffer Overflow - NetBull.11.b listens on both TCP ports 23456 and 23457, sending a large junk packet results in buffer overflow overwriting stack registers.
References: [MVID-2021-0066]
 23456 udp games not scanned Flight Simulator 2004
 23457 tcp,udp games not scanned Deer Hunter 2004

Backdoor.Win32.NetBull.11.b / Remote Buffer Overflow - NetBull.11.b listens on both TCP ports 23456 and 23457, sending a large junk packet results in buffer overflow overwriting stack registers.
References: [MVID-2021-0066]
 23458 tcp applications not scanned Deer Hunter 2005
 23472 tcp applications not scanned HP Diagnostics Server is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow, caused by improper bounds checking by the magentservice.exe. By sending an overly long string to port 23472 TCP, a remote attacker could overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system with SYSTEM level privileges or cause the application to crash.
References: [XFDB-72363], [BID-51398], [EDB-18423]
 23476 tcp trojans Premium scan Donald Dik Trojan - backdoor trojan similar to BlackOrifice, affects Windows 9x/NT, opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands on ports 23476/tcp and 23477/tcp.
 23477 tcp trojans Premium scan Donald Dik Trojan - backdoor trojan similar to BlackOrifice, affects Windows 9x/NT, opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands on ports 23476/tcp and 23477/tcp.
 23513 tcp,udp applications not scanned Duke Nukem Ports
 23523 tcp trojans Premium scan W32.Mytob.KM@mm [Symantec-2005-101214-2941-99] - a mass-mailing worm with backdoor capabilities, that also lowers security settings on the compromised computer. Opens a backdoor by connecting to and listens for remote commands on port 23523/tcp.
 23546 tcp areaguard-neo not scanned AreaGuard Neo - WebServer [SODATSW spol] (IANA official)
 23556 tcp cisco Premium scan Cisco SD-WAN edge devices use these ports to establish connections with peers in the overlay network:
UDP ports 12346, 12446, 12546, 12646 (UDP if DTLS)
TCP ports: 23456, 23556, 23656, 23756 (TCP if DTLS)
 23560 tcp prtg Premium scan Paessler PRTG Remote Probe uses port 2356.

Backdoor.Sparta.D [Symantec-2005-093012-4729-99] - backdoor trojan that can be controlled by a remote attacker via IRC channels, uses port 23560/tcp.
 23656 tcp cisco Premium scan Cisco SD-WAN edge devices use these ports to establish connections with peers in the overlay network:
UDP ports 12346, 12446, 12546, 12646 (UDP if DTLS)
TCP ports: 23456, 23556, 23656, 23756 (TCP if DTLS)
 23666 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Beasty.F [Symantec-2003-040209-5622-99] - a trojan that allows for remote control, listens on port TCP 23666 on your computer.
 23732 tcp,udp applications not scanned Canasis Canasta
 23733 tcp,udp applications not scanned Canasis Canasta
 23756 tcp cisco not scanned Cisco SD-WAN edge devices use these ports to establish connections with peers in the overlay network:
UDP ports 12346, 12446, 12546, 12646 (UDP if DTLS)
TCP ports: 23456, 23556, 23656, 23756 (TCP if DTLS)
 23777 tcp trojan Premium scan InetSpy
 24000 tcp trojans Premium scan Infector trojan (1999.04) - affects Windows 9x (ICQ). Uses ports 146, 1208, 17569, 24000, 30000

Apple med-ltp web service (with performance cache) uses the range 24000-24999/tcp.
 24004 tcp med-ovw not scanned EOSCoreScada.exe in C3-ilex EOScada before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon restart) by sending data to TCP port (1) 5050 or (2) 24004.
References: [CVE-2012-1810]

med-ovw (IANA official)
 24006 tcp applications not scanned EOSDataServer.exe in C3-ilex EOScada before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service by sending a large amount of data to TCP port 24006.
References: [CVE-2012-1811]
 24013 tcp,udp games not scanned Battle for the Universe, developer: Misty Software LLP
 24032 tcp,udp applications not scanned Cu-SeeMe White Pine
 24279 tcp med-ltp not scanned Apple web service with performance cache
 24289 tcp trojan Premium scan Backdoor.Latinus [Symantec-2002-060710-5206-99] - remote access trojan, afects Windows 9x/ME/NT/2k/XP, opens TCP port 11831/tcp for direct control, 29559/tcp for file transfer, may also use ports 21957/tcp, 24289/tcp, 29559/tcp.
 24307 tcp trojan Premium scan Wildek trojan
 24322 udp hid not scanned Transport of Human Interface Device data streams [Freebox_SAS] (IANA official)
 24323 tcp vrmg-ip not scanned IANA registered for: Verimag mobile class protocol over TCP
 24444 tcp,udp applications not scanned NetBeans integrated development environment
 24465 tcp,udp tonidods not scanned Tonido Directory Server for Tonido which is a Personal Web App and P2P platform (IANA official)
 24554 tcp,udp binkp not scanned Airburst - Freeverse Software

IANA registered for: BINKP
 24596 tcp,udp games not scanned Active Lancer, developer: De Software
 24666 tcp sdtvwcam not scanned Service used by SmarDTV to communicate between a CAM and a second screen application (IANA official)
 24676 tcp,udp canditv not scanned Canditv Message Service
 24681 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Lowtaper [Symantec-2004-101411-3637-99] - remote access trojan, affects Windows, uses ports 24681/tcp and 10104/udp
 24726 tcp flipshare not scanned FlipShare Server uses ports 24726 and 24727 TCP.
 24727 flipshare not scanned FlipShare Server uses ports 24726 and 24727 TCP.
 24754 tcp cslg not scanned Citrix StorageLink Gateway
 24800 tcp,udp applications not scanned Synergy: keyboard/mouse sharing software
 24842 tcp,udp applications not scanned StepMania: Online: Dance Dance Revolution Simulator
 24850 udp assoc-disc not scanned Device Association Discovery [Microsoft Corporation] (IANA official)
 24960 tcp,udp applications not scanned CQPhone
 24961 tcp,udp applications not scanned CQPhone
 24962 tcp,udp applications not scanned CQPhone
 24999 tcp med-ltp not scanned med-ltp web service (with performance cache) uses the range 24000-24999 tcp.
 25000 tcp applications not scanned Teamware Office standard client connection
 25001 tcp icl-twobase2 not scanned Default port for Unity3D game engine networking
icl-twobase2 (IANA official)
 25002 tcp,udp trojan not scanned MOTD trojan
 25003 tcp applications not scanned Teamware Office client notifier
 25005 tcp applications not scanned Teamware Office message transfer
 25007 tcp applications not scanned Teamware Office MIME Connector
 25010 tcp applications not scanned Teamware Office Agent server
 25025 tcp trojans not scanned Backdoor.Kodalo [Symantec-2003-070115-1200-99] - a backdoor trojan horse that gives an attacker full access to an infected computer, listens on ports 25025, 25026, or 25044/tcp by default.
 25026 tcp trojans not scanned Backdoor.Kodalo [Symantec-2003-070115-1200-99] - a backdoor trojan horse that gives an attacker full access to an infected computer, listens on ports 25025, 25026, or 25044/tcp by default.
 25042 tcp,udp applications not scanned BitComet
 25044 tcp trojans not scanned Backdoor.Kodalo [Symantec-2003-070115-1200-99] - a backdoor trojan horse that gives an attacker full access to an infected computer, listens on ports 25025, 25026, or 25044/tcp by default.
 25072 tcp,udp applications not scanned radmin in eSeSIX Thintune thin clients running firmware 2.4.38 and earlier starts a process port 25072 that can be accessed with a default "jstwo" password, which allows remote attackers to gain access.
References: [CVE-2004-2048] [BID-10794] [SECUNIA-12154] [OSVDB-8246]
 25080 tcp,udp applications not scanned Ninja Email Security - port for checking against phishing attacks, spam, and malware.
 25100 tcp db2c-tls not scanned IBM Db2 Client Interface - Encrypted (IANA official)
 25105 tcp applications not scanned Default port for Insteon Hub
 25120 tcp,udp applications not scanned DMW Scanner
 25121 tcp,udp applications not scanned VOISpeed VoIP
 25123 tcp trojan Premium scan Goy'Z TroJan

DMW Scanner also uses this port (TCP/UDP)
 25150 tcp,udp games not scanned R.U.S.E. uses ports 25150-25199
 25199 tcp,udp games not scanned R.U.S.E. uses ports 25150-25199
 25226 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Delf.F [Symantec-2003-040117-4857-99] backdoor trojan that gives a hacker access to your computer. By default, it opens TCP ports 25226 and 45672. The existence of the file Svced.exe is an indication of a possible infection.
 25332 tcp,udp games not scanned Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
 25333 tcp games not scanned Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
 25386 tcp trojan Premium scan MoonPie trojan
 25471 sctp rna not scanned IANA registered for: RNSAP User Adaptation for Iurh
 25486 tcp trojan Premium scan MoonPie trojan
 25555 tcp trojan Premium scan FreddyK trojan
 25556 tcp trojan Premium scan FreddyK trojan
 25560 tcp applications not scanned codeheart.js Relay Server
 25565 tcp applications not scanned MySQL Standard port
Minecraft Dedicated Server (IANA official)

Vulnerabilities listed: 100 (some use multiple ports)
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