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Vulnerable Ports

This list (a very small part of our SG Ports database) includes TCP/UDP ports currently tested by our Security Scanner, and corresponding potential security threats. We update the list on a regular basis, however if you feel we should add other port(s) to the list or modify their descriptions, please . Any feedback and suggestions can also be posted to our Security forum.

 1 |....| 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 |....| 55 
Port(s) Protocol Service Scan level Description
 19000 udp applications not scanned JACK sound server
 19001 udp games not scanned Silent Hunter IV: Wolves Of The Pacific, developer: UbiSoft Romania

Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 19002 udp games not scanned Silent Hunter IV: Wolves Of The Pacific, developer: UbiSoft Romania
 19007 tcp,udp scintilla not scanned Scintilla protocol for device services [Veejansh_Inc] (IANA official)
 19020 tcp j-link not scanned J-Link TCP/IP Protocol [SEGGER] (IANA official)
 19050 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Surila.j / Port Bounce Scan - the malware listens on random TCP high port numbers typically starting with "1" E.g. 12356, 14985, 13850, 19050, 13137. The malware has an FTP component that accepts any username/password credentials. Third-party attackers who successfully logon can abuse the backdoor FTP server as a man-in-the-middle machine allowing PORT Command bounce scan attacks using Nmap. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to abuse your system and discreetly conduct network port scanning. Victims will then think these scans are originating from the infected system running the afflicted malware FTP Server and not you.
References: [MVID-2021-0288]

Backdoor.Win32.Surila.j / Authentication Bypass - the malware listens on random TCP high port numbers typically starting with "1" E.g. 12356, 14985, 13850, 19050, 13137. Third-party attackers who can reach infected systems can logon using any username/password combination.
References: [MVID-2021-0289]

Backdoor.Win32.Surila.j / Remote Denial of Service - the malware listens on random TCP high port numbers typically starting with "1" E.g. 12356, 14985, 13850, 19050. Third-party attackers who can reach infected systems can logon using any username/password combination. Supplying a long string of characters for the FTP PORT command argument results in access violation and crash.
References: [MVID-2021-0290]
 19132 udp games not scanned Minecraft Pocket Edition multiplayer server
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition multiplayer server
 19133 udp games not scanned Minecraft: Bedrock Edition IPv6 multiplayer server
 19150 tcp gkrellm not scanned GKrellM remote system activity meter daemon
 19170 tcp klserver not scanned Kaspersky Security Center uses these ports:
8060, 8061 TCP, 15000, 15001 UDP - installation and update packages
8080 TCP - web console
13000 TCP/UDP - server port
13111, 17000, 17100 TCP, 15111 UDP - KSN proxy server
13291, 13292, 13294, 13295, 13299, 14000, 19170 TCP - client device management
 19191 tcp trojan Premium scan BlueFire trojan
 19216 tcp trojan Premium scan BackGate Kit trojan
 19220 tcp cora not scanned IANA registered for: Client Connection Management and Data Exchange Service
 19220 udp cora-disc not scanned IANA registered for: Discovery for Client Connection Management and Data Exchange Service
 19226 tcp applications not scanned Panda Software AdminSecure Communication Agent

Integer overflow in Panda Software AdminSecure allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted packets with modified length values to TCP ports 19226 or 19227, resulting in a heap-based buffer overflow.
References: [CVE-2007-3026], [BID-25046]

Panda Security for Business and Panda Security for Enterprise products could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by a directory traversal flaw in the Panda AdminSecure Communications Agent (Pagent.exe). By sending a specially-crafted request to TCP port 19226, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to create and overwrite arbitrary files and execute arbitrary code with SYSTEM privileges.
References: [XFDB-88091]
 19227 tcp applications not scanned Integer overflow in Panda Software AdminSecure allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted packets with modified length values to TCP ports 19226 or 19227, resulting in a heap-based buffer overflow.
References: [CVE-2007-3026], [BID-25046]
 19234 tcp applications not scanned A vulnerability in Siemens SICAM PAS (all versions before V8.09) could allow a remote attacker to cause a Denial of Service condition and potentially lead to unauthenticated remote code execution by sending specially crafted packets to port 19234/TCP.
References: [CVE-2016-9157], [BID-94549]
 19235 tcp applications not scanned A vulnerability in Siemens SICAM PAS (all versions before V8.09) could allow a remote attacker to upload, download, or delete files in certain parts of the file system by sending specially crafted packets to port 19235/TCP.
References: [CVE-2016-9156], [BID-94549]
 19283 tcp,udp keysrvr not scanned Key Server for SASSAFRAS (IANA official)
 19294 tcp applications not scanned IANA registered for: Google Talk Voice and Video connections
 19295 udp applications not scanned IANA registered for: Google Talk Voice and Video connections
 19302 udp voip not scanned VoIP STUN servers (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT), i.e. IP phones behind a firewall/NAT commonly use UDP port 3470 and 19302

Google Talk, DUO, Hangouts commonly use ports 19302-19308 UDP and 19305-19308 TCP

IANA registered for: Google Talk Voice and Video connections
 19303-19308 tcp,udp voip not scanned Google Talk, DUO, Hangouts commonly use ports 19302-19308 UDP and 19305-19308 TCP
 19315 tcp,udp keyshadow not scanned Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS (IANA official)
 19334 tcp,udp malware not scanned HEUR:Trojan.MSIL.Agent.gen / Information Disclosure - the malware runs an HTTP service on port 19334. Attackers who can reach an infected host can make HTTP GET requests to download and or stat arbitrary files using forced browsing.
References: [MVID-2022-0654]
 19340 tcp,udp trojans not scanned Backdoor.RemoteNC.B [Symantec-2002-111518-0305-99] (2002.11.15) - a backdoor trojan that allows a hacker to gain access to your system. The hacker can then delete, copy, and execute files and perform other actions. By default it opens port 19340.
 19421 tcp,udp applications not scanned In the Zoom Client through 4.4.4 and RingCentral 7.0.136380.0312 on macOS, remote attackers can force a user to join a video call with the video camera active. This occurs because any web site can interact with the Zoom web server on localhost port 19421 or 19424. NOTE: a machine remains vulnerable if the Zoom Client was installed in the past and then uninstalled. Blocking exploitation requires additional steps, such as the ZDisableVideo preference and/or killing the web server, deleting the ~/.zoomus directory, and creating a ~/.zoomus plain file.
References: [CVE-2019-13450], [BID-109082]

In the Zoom Client before 4.4.2 on macOS, remote attackers can cause a denial of service (continual focus grabs) via a sequence of invalid launch?action=join&confno= requests to localhost port 19421.
References: [CVE-2019-13449], [XFDB-163500], [XFDB-163501]
 19424 tcp,udp applications not scanned In the Zoom Client through 4.4.4 and RingCentral 7.0.136380.0312 on macOS, remote attackers can force a user to join a video call with the video camera active. This occurs because any web site can interact with the Zoom web server on localhost port 19421 or 19424. NOTE: a machine remains vulnerable if the Zoom Client was installed in the past and then uninstalled. Blocking exploitation requires additional steps, such as the ZDisableVideo preference and/or killing the web server, deleting the ~/.zoomus directory, and creating a ~/.zoomus plain file.
References: [CVE-2019-13450], [BID-109082], [XFDB-163501]
 19535 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Freddy.2001 / Authentication Bypass Command Execution - the malware listens on TCP port 19535. Third-party intruders who can reach an infected host can gain access using an empty password and run commands made available by the backdoor using TELNET.
References: [MVID-2022-0486]
 19540 tcp,udp sxuptp not scanned Belkin Network USB Hub

SXUPTP (IANA official)
 19545 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Prexot.a / Authentication Bypass - the malware listens on random high TCP ports e.g 11404, 19545, 17001, 10110. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected system can logon using any username/password combination.
References: [MVID-2022-0484]

Backdoor.Win32.Prexot.a / Port Bounce Scan (MITM) - the malware listens on random high TCP ports e.g 11404, 19545, 17001, 10110 and accepts any credentials. Third-party intruders who successfully logon can abuse the backdoor FTP server as a man-in-the-middle machine allowing PORT Command bounce scan attacks using Nmap. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to abuse your system and discreetly conduct network port scanning. Victims will then think these scans are originating from the infected system running the afflicted malware FTP Server and not you.
References: [MVID-2022-0485]
 19604 tcp trojan Premium scan Metal trojan
 19605 tcp trojan Premium scan Metal trojan
 19638 tcp applications not scanned Ensim Control Panel
 19650 tcp malware not scanned / Unauthenticated Open Proxy - the malware listens on TCP port 19650. Third-party attackers who can connect to the infected system can relay requests from the original connection to the destination and then back to the origination system. Attackers may then be able to launch attacks, download files or port scan third party systems and it will appear as the attacks originated from that infected host.
References: [MVID-2021-0269]
 19712 tcp,udp games not scanned Giants: Citizen Kabuto
 19786 tcp,udp applications not scanned Risk II
 19788 udp mle not scanned Mesh Link Establishment [IESG] (IANA official)
 19790 tcp faircom-db not scanned FairCom Database (IANA official)
 19800 udp applications not scanned A vulnerability in Mxserver can be exploited to compromise a vulnerable system. The vulnerability is caused due to a boundary error when processing network packets. This can be exploited to cause a stack-based buffer overflow via a specially crafted packet sent to UDP port 19800.
References: [SECUNIA-39051]
 19801 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Wnetpols [Symantec-2008-042215-5247-99] (2008.04.22) - a trojan horse that opens a back door on the compromised computer.
 19810 tcp applications not scanned Stack-based buffer overflow in B Labs Bopup Communication Server allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted request to TCP port 19810.
References: [CVE-2009-2227]
 19812 tcp applications not scanned 4D database SQL Communication
 19813 tcp applications not scanned 4D database Client Server Communication

HP Data Protector Media Operations is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by a NULL pointer dereference in the DBServer.exe and DBTools.exe programs. By sending a specially-crafted packet to TCP port 19813, a local attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the application to crash.
References: [XFDB-61751], [BID-43167], [OSVDB-68528]
 19814 tcp applications not scanned 4D database DB4D Communication
 19864 tcp trojan Premium scan ICQ Revenge trojan
 19937 tcp trojan Premium scan Backdoor.Gaster [Symantec-2003-122909-2907-99]
 19944 tcp phala not scanned Phala network default ports: 9944, 18000, 19944
 19966 tcp,udp games not scanned Stronghold Legends
 19991 tcp trojan Premium scan Dfch trojan

Monopoly 3 also uses port 19991 (TCP/UDP)
 19998 tcp iec-104-sec not scanned IANA registered for: IEC 60870-5-104 process control - secure
 19999 tcp,udp dnp-sec not scanned Distributed Network Protocol - Secure (IANA official)
 20000 tcp,udp dnp Premium scan GlassWire service uses port 7010 by default, may also listen to port 20000.
QuickTime Streaming Server 4 also uses ports 10000-20000 (TCP).
Ultimate Baseball Online Client uses ports 20000-22200 (UDP)
Usermin, Web-based user tool, OpenWebNet - communications protocol used in Bticino products

Trojans that use this port: Millenium, PSYcho Files, XHX

The DNP Master Driver in Software Toolbox TOP Server before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (master-station infinite loop) via crafted DNP3 packets to TCP port 20000 and allows physically proximate attackers to cause a denial of service (master-station infinite loop) via crafted input over a serial line.
References: [CVE-2013-2804]

The Kepware DNP Master Driver for the KEPServerEX Communications Platform before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (master-station infinite loop) via crafted DNP3 packets to
TCP port 20000 and allows physically proximate attackers to cause a denial of service (master-station infinite loop) via crafted input over a serial line.
References: [CVE-2013-2789]

The master-station DNP3 driver before driver19.exe, and Beta2041.exe, in IOServer allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop) via crafted DNP3 packets to TCP port 20000.
References: [CVE-2013-2790]

IOServer is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by improper handling of TCP packets within DNP3 drivers. By sending a specially-crafted packet to TCP port 20000, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the system to enter into an infinite loop.
References: [BID-60450], [CVE-2013-2783]

A denial of service vulnerability exists in Schneider Electric's MiCOM Px4x (P540 range excluded) with legacy Ethernet board, MiCOM P540D Range with Legacy Ethernet Board, and MiCOM Px4x Rejuvenated could lose network communication in case of TCP/IP open requests on port 20000 (DNP3oE) if an older TCI/IP session is still open with identical IP address and port number.
References: [CVE-2018-7758]

DNP (IANA official)
 20001 tcp trojans Premium scan Insect, Millennium, PSYcho Files trojans
 20001 udp qnap not scanned QNAP CloudLink uses port 20001 UDP to allow access without explicit port forwarding (technology similar to STUN for VoIP). CloudLink is not required if ports are manually forwarded and the NAS accessible.
QNAP uses the following ports:
Web server: 80,8081 TCP and 443,8080 TCP (web admin)
FTP/SFTP/SSH: 20,21,22 TCP and 13131 TCP (telnet)
Remote Replication: 873,8899 TCP
VPN server: 1723 TCP (PPTP), 1194 UDP (OpenVPN)
CloudLink: port 20001 UDP (optional, only required for access without manual port forwarding)

Game: Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII (developer: Ubisoft Romania)
 20002 tcp trojans Premium scan Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII also uses this port.

PSYcho Files, AcidkoR trojans

This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of TP-Link Archer A7 Firmware Ver: 190726 AC1750 routers. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the tmpServer service, which listens on TCP port 20002. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to execute a system call. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current process. Was ZDI-CAN-9662.
References: [CVE-2020-10886]
 20002 udp applications not scanned This vulnerability allows network-adjacent attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of TP-Link Archer A7 Firmware Ver: 190726 AC1750 routers. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the tdpServer service, which listens on UDP port 20002 by default. When parsing the slave_mac parameter, the process does not properly validate a user-supplied string before using it to execute a system call. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the root user. Was ZDI-CAN-9650.
References: [CVE-2020-10882]

This vulnerability allows network-adjacent attackers execute arbitrary code on affected installations of TP-Link Archer A7 Firmware Ver: 190726 AC1750 routers. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the tdpServer service, which listens on UDP port 20002 by default. This issue results from the use of hard-coded encryption key. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute code in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-9652.
References: [CVE-2020-10884]
 20005 tcp netusb Members scan MoSucker trojan (2010)

[CVE-2015-3036] KCodes NetUSB Linux kernel driver is vulnerable to a buffer overflow via the network over TCP port 20005 that may result in a denial of service or code execution. The KCodes NetUSB driver has been integrated into several routers and network products, including Netgear, TP-Link, Trendnet, etc. An unauthenticated attacker on the local network (and a remote attacker with the default configuration on some devices) can trigger a buffer overflow that may result in a denial of service, or code execution. The vulnerability is triggered by simply specifying a machine name longer than 64 characters.

Certain D-Link, Edimax, NETGEAR, TP-Link, Tenda, and Western Digital devices are affected by an integer overflow by an unauthenticated attacker. Remote code execution from the WAN interface (TCP port 20005) cannot be ruled out; however, exploitability was judged to be of "rather significant complexity" but not "impossible." The overflow is in SoftwareBus_dispatchNormalEPMsgOut in the KCodes NetUSB kernel module. Affected NETGEAR devices are D7800 before, R6400v2 before, and R6700v3 before
References: [CVE-2021-45608]
 20012 udp ss-idi-disc not scanned Samsung Interdevice Interaction discovery
 20013 tcp ss-idi not scanned Samsung Interdevice Interaction

Dark and Light game also uses port 20013 (TCP/UDP).
 20014 tcp,udp opendeploy not scanned DART Reporting server (TCP)

OpenDeploy Listener (IANA official)
 20023 tcp trojan Premium scan VP Killer trojan
 20031 tcp,udp applications not scanned Sony Bravia TV service may open TCP port 20031.

npvmgr.exe in BakBone NetVault Backup 8.22 Build 29 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) via a packet to TCP/UDP port 20031 with a large value in an unspecified size field, which is not properly handled in a malloc operation.
References: [CVE-2009-3448] [BID-36489]

Heap-based buffer overflow in the demo version of Bakbone Netvault, and possibly other versions, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a large packet to port 20031.
References: [CVE-2005-1547]

NetVault is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow caused by improper bounds checking of user-supplied input in the processing of the configure.cfg file. By creating a specially-crafted computername 'Name=' entry containing more than 111 bytes, a local attacker with access to the configure.cfg file, could overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system with SYSTEM level privileges, once the NetVault Process Manager restarts.
Note: A remote attacker could also exploit this vulnerability by connecting to port 20031 and sending a specially-crafted clientname entry in the Available NetVault Machines list to overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system.
References: [XFDB-19932], [CVE-2005-1009], [BID-12966], [BID-12967]
 20034 tcp trojans Members scan Some trojans/backdoors use this port: NetBus, NetRex, Whack Job
 20034 udp applications not scanned Stack-based buffer overflow in Azeotech DAQFactory 5.85 build 1853 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and execute arbitrary code via a crafted NETB packet to UDP port 20034.
References: [CVE-2011-3492]
 20046 tcp,udp tmophl7mts not scanned TMOP HL7 Message Transfer Service
 20048 tcp,udp mountd not scanned NFS mount protocol
 20049 tcp,udp,sctp nfsrdma not scanned Network File System (NFS) over RDMA [RFC 5666] (IANA official)
 20050 udp games not scanned Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII, developer: Ubisoft Romania
 20050 tcp applications not scanned In IXP EasyInstall 6.2.13723, there are cleartext credentials in network communication on TCP port 20050 when using the Administrator console remotely.
References: [CVE-2019-19898]
 20051 tcp applications not scanned In IXP EasyInstall 6.2.13723, there is Remote Code Execution via the Agent Service. An unauthenticated attacker can communicate with the Agent Service over TCP port 20051, and execute code in the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM context of the target system by using the Execute Command Line function.
References: [CVE-2019-19897]
 20057 tcp avesterra not scanned IANA registered for: AvesTerra Hypergraph Transfer Protocol (HGTP)
 20080 games not scanned Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII, developer: Ubisoft Romania
 20100 udp games not scanned Soldier of Fortune 2
 20101 tcp applications not scanned Stack-based buffer overflow in the CGenericScheduler::AddTask function in cmdHandlerRedAlertController.dll in CmdProcessor.exe in Trend Micro Control Manager 5.5 before Build 1613 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted IPC packet to TCP port 20101.
References: [CVE-2011-5001], [BID-50965]
 20111 tcp applications not scanned Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000 is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow, caused by improper bounds checking by the BKBCopyD.exe service. By sending specially-crafted packets to TCP port 20111, a remote attacker could overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system or cause the application to crash.
References: [BID-66114], [XFDB-91785], [EDB-32210]
 20139 tcp trojan Premium scan #skanbotz IRC-SubSeven trojan
 20168 tcp worm Premium scan W32.HLLW.Lovgate.C@mm
 20171 tcp applications not scanned Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000 is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow, caused by improper bounds checking by the BKHOdeq.exe service. By sending specially-crafted packets to TCP port 20171, a remote attacker could overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system or cause the application to crash.
References: [CVE-2014-0783], [BID-66111], [XFDB-91784], [EDB-32209]
 20192 tcp trojans not scanned Backdoor.Ranky.V [Symantec-2005-110215-2104-99] (2005.11.02) - a trojan horse that allows the compromised computer to be used as a covert proxy. Starts a proxy on a random TCP port between 1025 and 65535, uses port 20192/tcp to send notifications of infection.
 20203 tcp trojans not scanned Chupacabra, Logged!
 20222 tcp applications not scanned Unspecified vulnerability in the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) component in 7T Interactive Graphical SCADA System (IGSS) before allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted packet to TCP port 20222, which triggers memory corruption related to an "invalid structure being used."
References: [CVE-2011-2214], [BID-47960]

Stack-based buffer overflow in the ODBC server service in Citect CitectSCADA 6 and 7, and CitectFacilities 7, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long string in the second application packet in a TCP session on port 20222.
References: [CVE-2008-2639] [BID-29634] [SECUNIA-30638]

iPulse-ICS (IANA official)
 20226 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.AntiLam.20.Q [Symantec-2003-082907-5935-99] (2003.08.29) - a backdoor trojan horse that gives its creator access to a computer. By default this trojan listens on ports 20226 and 52559. The existence of the file nas.exe is in indication of a possible infection. This threat is written in the Delphi programming language.
 20331 tcp trojan Premium scan Backdoor.Bla.Trojan [Symantec-2000-121815-1846-99] - opens TCP ports 20331, 22456, 22457 by default.
 20432 tcp,udp ddos not scanned Shaft (DDoS)
 20433 udp trojan not scanned Shaft Agent
 20480 tcp trojan Premium scan Trojan.Adnap trojan [Symantec-2002-081616-4214-99]
 20499 tcp applications not scanned OMICRON StationGuard before 1.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (connectivity outage) via crafted tcp/20499 packets to the CTRL Ethernet port.
References: [CVE-2021-30464]
 20500 udp applications not scanned Default Call of Duty 2 CD-Key Validation
 20510 udp applications not scanned Default Call of Duty 2 Master Server
 20547 tcp,udp applications not scanned A Stack-based Buffer Overflow issue was discovered in Emerson Process Management ControlWave Micro Process Automation Controller: ControlWave Micro [ProConOS v.4.01.280] firmware: CWM v.05.78.00 and prior. A stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability caused by sending crafted packets on Port 20547 could force the PLC to change its state into halt mode.
References: [CVE-2018-5452], [BID-103180]
 20560 udp applications not scanned Killing Floor
 20561 udp mikrotik not scanned MikroTik RouterOS uses the following ports:

5678/udp - Mikrotik Neighbor Discovery Protocol
6343/tcp - Default OpenFlow port
8080/tcp - HTTP Web Proxy
8291/tcp - Winbox GUI
8728/tcp - API
8729/tcp - API-SSL
20561/udp - MAC Winbox GUI
 20600 udp games not scanned Call of Duty - United Offensive
 20610 udp games not scanned Call of Duty - United Offensive
 20702 tcp applications not scanned Precise TPM Listener Agent
 20720 tcp applications not scanned Symantec i3 Web GUI server
 20742 tcp trojans Members scan Trojan.Mitglieder.E [Symantec-2004-031315-1648-99] (2004.03.13) - Mail Relay trojan. Affects all current Windows versions, creates a listening proxy on a configurable high port that allows the ability to relay email. By default, the Trojan listens on port 20742.
 20790 tcp applications not scanned Precise TPM Web GUI server
 20800 udp games not scanned Call of Duty 4

Vulnerabilities listed: 100 (some use multiple ports)
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