The Broadband Guide
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Vulnerable Ports

This list (a very small part of our SG Ports database) includes TCP/UDP ports currently tested by our Security Scanner, and corresponding potential security threats. We update the list on a regular basis, however if you feel we should add other port(s) to the list or modify their descriptions, please . Any feedback and suggestions can also be posted to our Security forum.

 1 |....| 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 |....| 55 
Port(s) Protocol Service Scan level Description
 17442 tcp vmware not scanned VMWare TrustPoint Security Platform uses the following ports:
17440/TCP, 443/TCP - console to server communication
17442/TCP - clients to server
17443/TCP - console and trace clients to trace server traffic
17444/TCP - trace clients to module server
17472/TCP - server to zone server, local client to client traffic
17477/TCP - server to module server
 17442 tcp vmware not scanned VMWare TrustPoint Security Platform uses the following ports:
17440/TCP, 443/TCP - console to server communication
17442/TCP - clients to server
17443/TCP - console and trace clients to trace server traffic
17444/TCP - trace clients to module server
17472/TCP - server to zone server, local client to client traffic
17477/TCP - server to module server
 17443 tcp vmware not scanned VMWare TrustPoint Security Platform uses the following ports:
17440/TCP, 443/TCP - console to server communication
17442/TCP - clients to server
17443/TCP - console and trace clients to trace server traffic
17444/TCP - trace clients to module server
17472/TCP - server to zone server, local client to client traffic
17477/TCP - server to module server
 17444 tcp vmware not scanned VMWare TrustPoint Security Platform uses the following ports:
17440/TCP, 443/TCP - console to server communication
17442/TCP - clients to server
17443/TCP - console and trace clients to trace server traffic
17444/TCP - trace clients to module server
17472/TCP - server to zone server, local client to client traffic
17477/TCP - server to module server
 17449 tcp trojan Premium scan Kid Terror trojan
 17472 tcp vmware not scanned VMWare TrustPoint Security Platform uses the following ports:
17440/TCP, 443/TCP - console to server communication
17442/TCP - clients to server
17443/TCP - console and trace clients to trace server traffic
17444/TCP - trace clients to module server
17472/TCP - server to zone server, local client to client traffic
17477/TCP - server to module server

Tanium Server, Client and Appliance use these TCP ports: 80, 443, 8443, 17472, 17477
 17474 udp applications not scanned DMXControl 3 Network Discovery
 17475 tcp games not scanned Battlefield 2142
Test Drive Unlimited (TCP/UDP)
DMXControl 3 Network Broker
 17477 tcp vmware not scanned VMWare TrustPoint Security Platform uses the following ports:
17440/TCP, 443/TCP - console to server communication
17442/TCP - clients to server
17443/TCP - console and trace clients to trace server traffic
17444/TCP - trace clients to module server
17472/TCP - server to zone server, local client to client traffic
17477/TCP - server to module server

Tanium Server, Client and Appliance use these TCP ports: 80, 443, 8443, 17472, 17477
 17478 udp games not scanned Delta Force - Land Warrior
 17490 tcp trojan Premium scan CrazzyNet trojan
 17499 tcp trojan Premium scan CrazzyNet trojan
 17500 tcp trojan Premium scan CrazzyNet trojan

Dropbox LanSync Protocol (db-lsp) also uses port 17500 (TCP/UDP). It is used to synchronize file catalogs between Dropbox clients on a local network.
 17502 tcp games not scanned Medal of Honor 2010
 17503 tcp malware not scanned Trojan-Proxy.Win32.Ranky.dh / Unauthenticated Open Proxy - the malware listens on TCP port 17503. Third-party attackers
who can connect to the infected system can relay requests from the original connection to the destination and then back to the origination system. Attackers may then be able to launch attacks, download files or port scan third party systems and it will appear as the attacks originated from that infected host.
References: [MVID-2021-0364]
 17555 tcp ailith not scanned Ailith management of routers (IANA official)
 17569 tcp trojans Premium scan Infector trojan, 04,1999. Affects Windows 9x (ICQ). Uses ports 146, 1208, 17569, 24000, 30000
 17593 tcp trojan Premium scan AudioDoor trojan
 17677 udp games not scanned F1 Challenge 99-02, GTR FIA GT Racing Game
 17703 tcp,udp applications not scanned Unspecified vulnerability in Websense TRITON AP-EMAIL before 8.0.0 has unknown impact and attack vectors, related to port 17703.
References: [CVE-2015-2763]
 17761 udp games not scanned Nascar 3
 17771 udp applications not scanned Hamachi

Trojan.Mitglieder.F [Symantec-2004-040514-3126-99] (2004.04.05) - a variant of Trojan.Mitglieder. This trojan horse opens a proxy on the system, attempts to stop security software, and can update itself.
 17777 tcp solarwinds Premium scan SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor (SAM) uses the following ports:
4369 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (EMPD)
5671 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP over TLS/SSL)
5672 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP unencrypted backup port)
17777 TCP - Orion module traffic, RSA handshake, AES 256 communication using WCF
17778 TCP - SolarWinds Information Service API
17779 TCP - SolarWinds Toolset Integration over HTTP
17790 TCP - Agent communication with the Orion server
17791 TCP - Agent communication with the Orion server
25672 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (Erlang distribution)
SolarWinds also uses the following standard ports: 22/TCP, 25/TCP, 135/TCP, 161-162/UDP, 443/TCP, 445/TCP, 465/TCP, 587/TCP, 1801/TCP

Malware that uses port 17777: Nephron trojan
 17778 tcp solarwinds not scanned SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor (SAM) uses the following ports:
4369 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (EMPD)
5671 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP over TLS/SSL)
5672 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP unencrypted backup port)
17777 TCP - Orion module traffic, RSA handshake, AES 256 communication using WCF
17778 TCP - SolarWinds Information Service API
17779 TCP - SolarWinds Toolset Integration over HTTP
17790 TCP - Agent communication with the Orion server
17791 TCP - Agent communication with the Orion server
25672 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (Erlang distribution)
SolarWinds also uses the following standard ports: 22/TCP, 25/TCP, 135/TCP, 161-162/UDP, 443/TCP, 445/TCP, 465/TCP, 587/TCP, 1801/TCP
 17779 tcp solarwinds not scanned SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor (SAM) uses the following ports:
4369 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (EMPD)
5671 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP over TLS/SSL)
5672 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP unencrypted backup port)
17777 TCP - Orion module traffic, RSA handshake, AES 256 communication using WCF
17778 TCP - SolarWinds Information Service API
17779 TCP - SolarWinds Toolset Integration over HTTP
17790 TCP - Agent communication with the Orion server
17791 TCP - Agent communication with the Orion server
25672 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (Erlang distribution)
SolarWinds also uses the following standard ports: 22/TCP, 25/TCP, 135/TCP, 161-162/UDP, 443/TCP, 445/TCP, 465/TCP, 587/TCP, 1801/TCP
 17781 tcp applications not scanned Buffer overflow in ldcconn in Hewlett-Packard (HP) Controller for Cisco Local Director on HP-UX 11.11i allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long string to TCP port 17781.
References: [CVE-2007-4241], [BID-25227]
 17790,17791 tcp solarwinds not scanned SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor (SAM) uses the following ports:
4369 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (EMPD)
5671 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP over TLS/SSL)
5672 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP unencrypted backup port)
17777 TCP - Orion module traffic, RSA handshake, AES 256 communication using WCF
17778 TCP - SolarWinds Information Service API
17779 TCP - SolarWinds Toolset Integration over HTTP
17790 TCP - Agent communication with the Orion server
17791 TCP - Agent communication with the Orion server
25672 TCP - RabbitMQ messaging (Erlang distribution)
SolarWinds also uses the following standard ports: 22/TCP, 25/TCP, 135/TCP, 161-162/UDP, 443/TCP, 445/TCP, 465/TCP, 587/TCP, 1801/TCP
 17940 tcp trojans Members scan W32.Imav.A [Symantec-2006-012610-4055-99] (2006.01.26) - a worm spreading through ICQ messages, may also arrive as a .zip attachment to emails. Disables security-related products and lowers security settings on the compromised computer. Connects to on port 17940/tcp, and sends out messages containing links to copies of the worm.
 17988 tcp hp Premium scan HP integrated Lights Out Management Feature uses this port.
Also used by HP iLO as Virtual Media port.
 17990 tcp applications not scanned Res Manager in Worldspan for Windows Gateway 4.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a malformed request to TCP port 17990.
References: [CVE-2002-1029], [BID-5169], [EDB-21594]
 18000 tcp,udp games not scanned Battlefield 2142

Phala network default ports: 9944, 18000, 19944
 18010 tcp applications not scanned Super Dancer Online Extreme(SDO-X)—CiB Net Station Malaysia Server
 18017 tcp wanduck Premium scan Wanduck http server process on some ASUS routers (wanduck.c, ASUS RT AC66U, AC68Um etc.) binds server on port 18017/tcp
 18060 tcp games not scanned Battlefield 2142
Spore, developer: Maxis
 18067 tcp trojans Basic scan Trojans/worms that exploit the Microsoft Plug and Play Buffer Overflow Vulnerability ([MS05-039]) commonly use this port to listen for remote commands via IRC.

Backdoor.Mousey [Symantec-2005-080510-2502-99] - a trojan that opens a backdoor on the compromised computer. It listens for remote commands via IRC on port 18067/tcp.

W32.Esbot.B - a worm that spreads by exploiting the Microsoft Windows Plug and Play Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (MS Security Bulletin [MS05-039]). Opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands by connecting to IRC servers on port 18067/tcp (W32.Esbot.A [Symantec-2005-081610-2800-99] variant uses port 30722/tcp).

W32.Mocbot.A [Symantec-2005-102415-5716-99] - a worm with backdoor capabilities that exploits the MS Plug and Play Buffer Overflow Vulnerability ([MS05-039]). Opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands on port 18067/tcp.
 18070 tcp applications not scanned Timespliters Future Perfect
 18075 tcp,udp applications not scanned Timespliters Future Perfect
 18080 tcp puremessage not scanned Rainmachine smart sprinkler controllers use ports 80, 8080 and 18080.

Port also used by PureMessage Manager, MySQL Enterprise Dashboard, Monero P2P network communications
 18081 tcp,udp games not scanned Dragon Age: Origins

Directory traversal vulnerability in Sixnet SixView Manager 2.4.1 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in an HTTP GET request to TCP port 18081.
References: [CVE-2014-2976], [OSVDB-106149], [SECUNIA-58231], [XFDB-93753]

Monero incoming RPC calls also use this port (TCP)
 18082 tcp vipre not scanned VIPRE Business Security uses the following TCP ports: 8123, 18082, 18086, 18090. It may also communicate through TCP ports 135, 139, 445.
 18086 tcp vipre not scanned VIPRE Business Security uses the following TCP ports: 8123, 18082, 18086, 18090. It may also communicate through TCP ports 135, 139, 445.
 18090 tcp applications not scanned VIPRE Business Security uses the following TCP ports: 8123, 18082, 18086, 18090. It may also communicate through TCP ports 135, 139, 445.

FIFA Manager 10, developer: Bright Future GmbH
 18091 tcp applications not scanned An issue was discovered in Couchbase Server. Authenticated users can send arbitrary Erlang code to the 'diag/eval' endpoint of the REST API (available by default on TCP/8091 and/or TCP/18091). The executed code in the underlying operating system will run with the privileges of the user running Couchbase server.
References: [CVE-2018-15728], [BID-105157]
 18095 tcp,udp games not scanned FIFA Manager 10
 18104 tcp radpdf not scanned RAD PDF Service
 18120 tcp games not scanned Battlefield 2142
Spore, developer: Maxis
 18136 tcp racf not scanned IANA registered for: z/OS Resource Access Control Facility
 18180 tcp applications not scanned DART Reporting server
 18200 tcp ghidra not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server

Ghidra - open source reverse engineering suite of tools developed by the NSA, uses the following ports: 13100 TCP - default server port, 9010 TCP - optional jvisualvm port (dcom sun management jmxremote), 18200 TCP - optional java debug port.
 18201 tcp,udp games not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18206 tcp,udp games not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18231 tcp checkpoint not scanned Check Point VPN-1 ports:
259 udp - MEP configuration
264 tcp - Topology download
500 tcp/udp - IKE
2746 udp - UDP Encapsulation.
18231 tcp - Policy Server logon, when the client is inside the network
18232 tcp - Distribution server when the client is inside the network
18233 udp - Keep-alive protocol when the client is inside the network
18234 udp - Performing tunnel test, when the client is inside the network
18264 tcp - ICA certificate registration
 18232 tcp checkpoint not scanned Check Point VPN-1 ports:
259 udp - MEP configuration
264 tcp - Topology download
500 tcp/udp - IKE
2746 udp - UDP Encapsulation.
18231 tcp - Policy Server logon, when the client is inside the network
18232 tcp - Distribution server when the client is inside the network
18233 udp - Keep-alive protocol when the client is inside the network
18234 udp - Performing tunnel test, when the client is inside the network
18264 tcp - ICA certificate registration
 18233 udp checkpoint not scanned Check Point VPN-1 ports:
259 udp - MEP configuration
264 tcp - Topology download
500 tcp/udp - IKE
2746 udp - UDP Encapsulation.
18231 tcp - Policy Server logon, when the client is inside the network
18232 tcp - Distribution server when the client is inside the network
18233 udp - Keep-alive protocol when the client is inside the network
18234 udp - Performing tunnel test, when the client is inside the network
18264 tcp - ICA certificate registration
 18234 udp checkpoint not scanned Check Point VPN-1 ports:
259 udp - MEP configuration
264 tcp - Topology download
500 tcp/udp - IKE
2746 udp - UDP Encapsulation.
18231 tcp - Policy Server logon, when the client is inside the network
18232 tcp - Distribution server when the client is inside the network
18233 udp - Keep-alive protocol when the client is inside the network
18234 udp - Performing tunnel test, when the client is inside the network
18264 tcp - ICA certificate registration
 18242 tcp iclid not scanned Checkpoint router monitoring [Check Point Software] (IANA official)
 18243 tcp clusterxl not scanned Checkpoint router state backup [Check_Point_Software] (IANA official)
 18264 tcp applications not scanned Check Point VPN-1 R55, R65, when Port Address Translation (PAT) is used, allows remote attackers to discover intranet IP addresses via a packet with a small TTL, which triggers an ICMP_TIMXCEED_INTRANS (a.k.a. ICMP time exceeded in-transit) response containing an encapsulated IP packet with an intranet address, as demonstrated by a TCP packet to the firewall management server on port 18264.
References: [CVE-2008-5849] [BID-32306]

Directory traversal vulnerability in Check Point Firewall-1 R55W before HFA03 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via an encoded .. (dot dot) in the URL on TCP port 18264.
References: [CVE-2006-3885] [BID-19136] [SECUNIA-21200]

Check Point ports:
259 udp - MEP configuration
264 tcp - Topology download
500 tcp/udp - IKE
2746 udp - UDP Encapsulation.
18231 tcp - Policy Server logon, when the client is inside the network
18232 tcp - Distribution server when the client is inside the network
18233 udp - Keep-alive protocol when the client is inside the network
18234 udp - Performing tunnel test, when the client is inside the network
18264 tcp - ICA certificate registration
 18300 tcp,udp games not scanned Battlefield 2142

Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18301 tcp,udp games not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18302 tcp,udp portmon not scanned Portmon- monitors and displays all serial and parallel port activity on a system.
 18306 tcp,udp games not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18308 udp games not scanned Scrabble Complete
 18321 tcp,udp games not scanned Medieval: Total War
 18332 tcp bitcoin not scanned Bitcoin JSON-RPC testnet server
 18333 tcp,udp bitcoin not scanned Bitcoin Testnet uses this port. See also port 8333.
 18354 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Heplane [Symantec-2005-050122-5053-99] (2005.05.01) - a trojan that allows a remote attacker to have unauthorized access to the compromised computer. It also acts as a proxy server.
 18390 tcp games not scanned Battlefield: Bad Company 2, developer: EA Digital Illusions CE
 18395 tcp,udp games not scanned Battlefield: Bad Company 2, developer: EA Digital Illusions CE
 18400 tcp,udp games not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18401 tcp,udp games not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18443 tcp siemens Premium scan Siemens Openstage and Gigaset phones use the following ports:
389/tcp - LDAP
636/tcp - LDAPS
5010/tcp - RTP
5060/tcp - SIP gateway, backup proxy
8085/tcp - DLS
18443/TCP and 18444/TCP - provisioning over TLS (HTTPS)
 18444 tcp siemens Premium scan Siemens Openstage and Gigaset phones use the following ports:
389/tcp - LDAP
636/tcp - LDAPS
5010/tcp - RTP
5060/tcp - SIP gateway, backup proxy
8085/tcp - DLS
18443/TCP and 18444/TCP - provisioning over TLS (HTTPS)
 18505 tcp,udp games not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18506 tcp,udp games not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server
 18507 udp applications not scanned The Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) through 2022-04-29 mishandles authentication. It utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality. These protocols include Firmware upgrade (18508/TCP, 18518/TCP); Plug-and-Play (18510/UDP); Hawk services (18507/UDP); Management (18519/TCP); Cold restart (18512/UDP); SIS communications (12345/TCP); and Wireless Gateway Protocol (18515/UDP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality.
References: [CVE-2022-29957]
 18508 tcp applications not scanned The Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) through 2022-04-29 mishandles authentication. It utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality. These protocols include Firmware upgrade (18508/TCP, 18518/TCP); Plug-and-Play (18510/UDP); Hawk services (18507/UDP); Management (18519/TCP); Cold restart (18512/UDP); SIS communications (12345/TCP); and Wireless Gateway Protocol (18515/UDP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality.
References: [CVE-2022-29957]
 18510 tcp games not scanned Battlefield 2142
 18510 udp applications not scanned The Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) through 2022-04-29 mishandles authentication. It utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality. These protocols include Firmware upgrade (18508/TCP, 18518/TCP); Plug-and-Play (18510/UDP); Hawk services (18507/UDP); Management (18519/TCP); Cold restart (18512/UDP); SIS communications (12345/TCP); and Wireless Gateway Protocol (18515/UDP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality.
References: [CVE-2022-29957]
 18512 udp applications not scanned The Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) through 2022-04-29 mishandles authentication. It utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality. These protocols include Firmware upgrade (18508/TCP, 18518/TCP); Plug-and-Play (18510/UDP); Hawk services (18507/UDP); Management (18519/TCP); Cold restart (18512/UDP); SIS communications (12345/TCP); and Wireless Gateway Protocol (18515/UDP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality.
References: [CVE-2022-29957]
 18515 udp applications not scanned The Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) through 2022-04-29 mishandles authentication. It utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality. These protocols include Firmware upgrade (18508/TCP, 18518/TCP); Plug-and-Play (18510/UDP); Hawk services (18507/UDP); Management (18519/TCP); Cold restart (18512/UDP); SIS communications (12345/TCP); and Wireless Gateway Protocol (18515/UDP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality.
References: [CVE-2022-29957]
 18516 udp heythings not scanned IANA registered for: HeyThings Device communicate service
 18518 tcp applications not scanned The Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) through 2022-04-29 mishandles authentication. It utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality. These protocols include Firmware upgrade (18508/TCP, 18518/TCP); Plug-and-Play (18510/UDP); Hawk services (18507/UDP); Management (18519/TCP); Cold restart (18512/UDP); SIS communications (12345/TCP); and Wireless Gateway Protocol (18515/UDP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality.
References: [CVE-2022-29957]
 18519 tcp applications not scanned The Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) through 2022-04-29 mishandles authentication. It utilizes several proprietary protocols for a wide variety of functionality. These protocols include Firmware upgrade (18508/TCP, 18518/TCP); Plug-and-Play (18510/UDP); Hawk services (18507/UDP); Management (18519/TCP); Cold restart (18512/UDP); SIS communications (12345/TCP); and Wireless Gateway Protocol (18515/UDP). None of these protocols have any authentication features, allowing any attacker capable of communicating with the ports in question to invoke (a subset of) desired functionality.
References: [CVE-2022-29957]
 18550 tcp,udp applications not scanned The Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System (DCS) controllers and IO cards through 2022-04-29 misuse passwords. TELNET on port 18550 provides access to a root shell via hardcoded credentials. This affects S-series, P-series, and CIOC/EIOC nodes. NOTE: this is different from CVE-2014-2350.
References: [CVE-2022-29963]
 18605 tcp,udp applications not scanned X-BEAT—Status/Version Check
 18606 tcp,udp applications not scanned X-BEAT
 18624 tcp applications not scanned Buffer overflow in the PKI Web Service in Check Point Firewall-1 PKI Web Service allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a long (1) Authorization or (2) Referer HTTP header to TCP port 18624. NOTE: the vendor has disputed this issue, stating "Check Point Security Alert Team has analyzed this report. We've tried to reproduce the attack on all VPN-1 versions from NG FP2 and above with and without HFAs. The issue was not reproduced. We have conducted a thorough analysis of the relevant code and verified that we are secure against this attack. We consider this attack to pose no risk to Check Point customers." In addition, the original researcher, whose reliability is unknown as of 20090407, also states that the issue "was discovered during a pen-test where the client would not allow further analysis."
References: [CVE-2009-1227] [BID-34286]
 18634 tcp,udp rds-ib not scanned Reliable Datagram Service
 18635 tcp,udp rds-ip not scanned Reliable Datagram Service over IP
 18667 tcp trojan Premium scan Knark trojan
 18668 tcp,udp vdmmesh not scanned IANA registered for: Manufacturing Execution Systems Mesh Communication
 18747 udp applications not scanned Citrix EdgeSight could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by an error in the LauncherService.exe component. By sending specially-crafted packets to TCP or UDP port 18747, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the system with SYSTEM-level privileges.
References: [XFDB-68148], [BID-48385]
 18753 udp trojan not scanned Shaft (DDoS)
 18881 tcp,udp applications not scanned This module exploits a stack buffer overflow in Race river's Integard Home/Pro internet content filter HTTP Server. Versions prior to and are vulnerable. The administration web page on port 18881 is vulnerable to a remote buffer overflow attack. By sending an long character string in the password field, both the structured exception handler and the saved extended instruction pointer are over written, allowing an attacker to gain control of the application and the underlying operating system remotely. The administration website service runs with SYSTEM privileges, and automatically restarts when it crashes.
References: [OSVDB-67909]

Port is also IANA registered for Infotos
 18888 tcp,udp liquidaudio not scanned Port used by LiquidAudio servers.
 18923 tcp,udp jahia not scanned Jahia
 18961 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Haxdoor.B [Symantec-2004-052016-0128-99] (2004.05.20) - a backdoor trojan horse that opens a TCP port, allowing unauthorized access to an infected computer.
 18999 udp applications not scanned A vulnerability in the quality of service (QoS) subsystem of Cisco IOS Software and Cisco IOS XE Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause a denial of service (DoS) condition or execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges. The vulnerability is due to incorrect bounds checking of certain values in packets that are destined for UDP port 18999 of an affected device. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending malicious packets to an affected device. When the packets are processed, an exploitable buffer overflow condition may occur. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary code on the affected device with elevated privileges. The attacker could also leverage this vulnerability to cause the device to reload, causing a temporary DoS condition while the device is reloading. The malicious packets must be destined to and processed by an affected device. Traffic transiting a device will not trigger the vulnerability. Cisco Bug IDs: CSCvf73881.
References: [CVE-2018-0151], [BID-103540]
 19000 tcp games not scanned Silent Hunter IV: Wolves Of The Pacific, developer: UbiSoft Romania

Audition Online Dance Battle game uses these ports:
18200 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - Status/Version Check
18201 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server
18206 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft Thailand Server - FAM Database
18300 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - Status/Version Check
18301 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server
18306 tcp/udp: AsiaSoft SEA Server - FAM Database
18400 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server - Status/Version Check
18401 tcp/udp: KAIZEN Brazil Server
18505 tcp/udp: Nexon Server - Status/Version Check
18506 tcp/udp: Nexon Server
19000 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server - Status/Version Check
19001 tcp/udp: G10/alaplaya Server

Vulnerabilities listed: 100 (some use multiple ports)
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