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Vulnerable Ports

This list (a very small part of our SG Ports database) includes TCP/UDP ports currently tested by our Security Scanner, and corresponding potential security threats. We update the list on a regular basis, however if you feel we should add other port(s) to the list or modify their descriptions, please . Any feedback and suggestions can also be posted to our Security forum.

 1 |....| 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 |....| 55 
Port(s) Protocol Service Scan level Description
 10891 tcp applications not scanned Jungle Disk (this port is opened by the Jungle Disk Monitor service on the localhost)
 10933 tcp octopustentacle not scanned Octopus Deploy Tentacle deployment agent (IANA official)
 10975 tcp,udp games not scanned TOCA Race Driver 2
 11000 tcp,udp applications Premium scan Port used by Cisco Border Gateway Protocol, Microsoft Visual Studio, .Net Framework, SCInterface, Video Insight Health Monitor.

Games using this port: Everquest Online Adventrures, The Matrix Online, The Matrix Online (TCP), Archlord, Subnautica multiplayer mod Nitrox

Malware using this port: Senna Spy Trojan Generator, DataRape
 11001 tcp,udp metasys not scanned Metasys (IANA official)
 11002 tcp,udp games not scanned Archlord, developer: NHN Games Corporation
 11008 tcp,udp games not scanned Archlord, developer: NHN Games Corporation
 11010 tcp applications not scanned mySCADA myPRO 7 allows remote attackers to discover all ProjectIDs in a project by sending all of the prj parameter values from 870000 to 875000 in t=0&rq=0 requests to TCP port 11010.
References: [CVE-2018-11517]
 11011 tcp trojan Premium scan Amanda trojan
 11031 tcp,udp games not scanned Heroes of Newerth
 11050 tcp trojan Premium scan Host Control trojan
 11051 tcp trojan Premium scan Host Control trojan
 11080 tcp,udp dogtag not scanned Dogtag Certificate System authority uses port 9080 (ca) and port 9443 (secure ca) by default.
Dograg Certificate PKI Subsystems may also use:
DRM - ports 10080 (drm) and 10443 (drm secure)
OCSP - ports 11080 (ocsp) and 11443 (ocsp secure)
RA - ports 12888 (ra) and 12889 (ra secure)
TKS - ports 13080 (tks) and 13443 (tks secure)
TPS - ports (tps) 7888 and 7889 (tps secure)
 11092 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Agent.ggw / Authentication Bypass - the malware runs a built-in FTP server listening on one of several random TCP ports like 32335, 27227, 27942, 14223, 14988, 11092. Third-party attackers who can reach the server and that know or guess the port can "logon" using any USER/PASS combination or provide no credentials at all.
References: [MVID-2021-0193]
 11095 udp weave not scanned device-to-service application protocol [Nest_Labs_Inc] (IANA official)
 11100 udp games not scanned Risk of Rain multiplayer server
 11103 tcp origo-sync not scanned IANA registered for: OrigoDB Server Sync Interface
 11104 tcp netapp-icmgmt not scanned NetApp Intercluster Management
 11105 tcp netapp-icdata not scanned NetApp Intercluster Data
 11108 udp myq-termlink not scanned IANA registered for: Hardware Terminals Discovery and Low-Level Communication Protocol
 11109 tcp sgi-dmfmgr not scanned Data migration facility Manager (DMF) is a browser based interface to DMF - SGI (IANA official)
 11110 tcp sgi-soap not scanned Data migration facility (DMF) SOAP is a web server protocol to support remote access to DMF - SGI (IANA official)
 11111 tcp trojan Premium scan Breach trojan
 11112 tcp,udp dicom not scanned DICOM (IANA official)
 11115 tcp,udp applications not scanned An issue was discovered in SecurePoint UTM before The firewall's endpoint at /spcgi.cgi allows information disclosure of memory contents to be achieved by an authenticated user. Essentially, uninitialized data can be retrieved via an approach in which a sessionid is obtained but not used.
References: [CVE-2023-22897]

An issue was discovered in SecurePoint UTM before The firewall's endpoint at /spcgi.cgi allows sessionid information disclosure via an invalid authentication attempt. This can afterwards be used to bypass the device's authentication and get access to the administrative interface.
References: [CVE-2023-22620]
 11142 tcp trojans not scanned Backdoor.SubSeven.215 [Symantec-2003-062916-3850-99] (2003.06.29) - variant of the SubSeven family. This trojan horse allows unauthorized access to an infected machine. By default it listens on port 11142.
 11143 tcp ubiquiti not scanned Ubiquiti Cloud Access uses the following ports:
 11155 udp applications not scanned Tunngle
 11171 udp snss not scanned IANA registered for: Surgical Notes Security Service Discovery (SNSS)
 11172 tcp oemcacao-jmxmp not scanned OEM cacao JMX-remoting access point
 11173 tcp t5-straton not scanned Straton Runtime Programing [COPALP] (IANA official)
 11174 tcp oemcacao-rmi not scanned OEM cacao rmi registry access point
 11175 tcp oemcacao-websvc not scanned OEM cacao web service access point
 11202 tcp dcsl-backup not scanned DCSL Network Backup Services [John_Reynolds] (IANA official)
 11211 tcp,udp memcached not scanned Port used by Memcachedb and Apple iCal Server

Memcached is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an error when handling TCP packets. By sending a specially-crafted packet containing an overly long string to TCP port 11211, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause a segmentation fault and application to crash.
References: [XFDB-83915], [BID-59567]

Memcached version 1.5.5 contains an Insufficient Control of Network Message Volume (Network Amplification, CWE-406) vulnerability in the UDP support of the memcached server that can result in denial of service via network flood (traffic amplification of 1:50,000 has been reported by reliable sources). This attack appear to be exploitable via network connectivity to port 11211 UDP. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 1.5.6 due to the disabling of the UDP protocol by default.
References: [CVE-2018-1000115], [EDB-44264], [EDB-44265]
 11223 tcp trojan Premium scan Progenic trojan, Secret Agent trojan
 11225 tcp,udp trojan not scanned Cyn trojan
 11234 tcp applications not scanned Graboid Video

Multiple stack-based buffer overflows in service.exe in Measuresoft ScadaPro 4.0.0 and earlier allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a long command to port 11234, as demonstrated with the TF command.
References: [CVE-2011-3490]
 11235 tcp,sctp xcompute not scanned Savage:Battle for Newerth Server Hosting

Numerical systems messaging (IANA official)
 11271 udp trojans Members scan Trojan.Peacomm [Symantec-2007-011917-1403-99] (2007.01.19) - trojan horse that drops a system driver which injects some payload and hidden threads directly into the services.exe process, using a sophisticated technique. Once infected, it opens a backdoor to download other malicious programs. Uses UDP ports 4000, 7871, 11271.
 11294 tcp,udp applications not scanned Blood Quest Online Server
 11300 tcp beanstalkd not scanned Beanstalkd (asynchronous job queue for web applications)
 11306 tcp trojan Premium scan Noknok trojan
 11311 tcp trojans not scanned Backdoor.Carufax.A [Symantec-2004-041911-4812-99] (2004.04.19) - a trojan horse that will attempt to download files, open a backdoor, connect to an IRC server and log keystrokes.
 11332 tcp rspamd not scanned Rspamd (email anti-spam filtering system) listens on these ports: 11332/tcp (proxy worker), 11333/tcp (normal worker), 11334/tcp (controller worker).
 11333 tcp rspamd not scanned Rspamd (email anti-spam filtering system) listens on these ports: 11332/tcp (proxy worker), 11333/tcp (normal worker), 11334/tcp (controller worker).
 11334 tcp rspamd not scanned Rspamd (email anti-spam filtering system) listens on these ports: 11332/tcp (proxy worker), 11333/tcp (normal worker), 11334/tcp (controller worker).
 11371 tcp,udp hkp not scanned IANA registered for: OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
 11386 tcp malware not scanned Trojan-Proxy.Win32.Ranky.z / Unauthenticated Open Proxy - the malware listens on TCP port 11386. Third-party attackers
who can connect to the infected system can relay requests from the original connection to the destination and then back to the origination system. Attackers may then be able to launch attacks, download files or port scan third party systems and it will appear as the attacks originated from that infected host.
References: [MVID-2021-0366]
 11404 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Prexot.a / Authentication Bypass - the malware listens on random high TCP ports e.g 11404, 19545, 17001, 10110. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected system can logon using any username/password combination.
References: [MVID-2022-0484]

Backdoor.Win32.Prexot.a / Port Bounce Scan (MITM) - the malware listens on random high TCP ports e.g 11404, 19545, 17001, 10110 and accepts any credentials. Third-party intruders who successfully logon can abuse the backdoor FTP server as a man-in-the-middle machine allowing PORT Command bounce scan attacks using Nmap. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to abuse your system and discreetly conduct network port scanning. Victims will then think these scans are originating from the infected system running the afflicted malware FTP Server and not you.
References: [MVID-2022-0485]
 11427 udp canon not scanned Canon printers management console uses these ports (in addition to standard ports 25, 80, 110, 137, 389, 443, etc.):
427 UDP - SLP multicast discovery
5355 TCP/UDP - LLMNR device discovery for SNMP, SLP
8000, 8080 TCP - UI HTTP access
11427 UDP - device sleep notifications
47545 UDP - communication with devices
47547 TCP - communication with devices
 11430 udp lsdp not scanned Lenbrook Service Discovery Protocol [Lenbrook_Industries_Limited] (IANA official)
 11443 tcp,udp dogtag not scanned Plesk sw-cp-serverd (versions 9.0 to 10.2) uses ports 11443/tcp and 11444/tcp. Newer Plesk versions use port 6308/tcp.

Dogtag Certificate System authority uses port 9080 (ca) and port 9443 (secure ca) by default.
Dograg Certificate PKI Subsystems may also use:
DRM - ports 10080 (drm) and 10443 (drm secure)
OCSP - ports 11080 (ocsp) and 11443 (ocsp secure)
RA - ports 12888 (ra) and 12889 (ra secure)
TKS - ports 13080 (tks) and 13443 (tks secure)
TPS - ports (tps) 7888 and 7889 (tps secure)
 11444 tcp plesk not scanned Plesk sw-cp-serverd (versions 9.0 to 10.2) uses ports 11443/tcp and 11444/tcp. Newer Plesk versions use port 6308/tcp.
 11489 tcp asgcypresstcps not scanned ASG Cypress Secure Only
 11576 tcp,udp applications not scanned IPStor Server management communication
 11606 tcp,udp games not scanned Last Chaos, developer: Aeria Games
 11611 tcp,udp applications not scanned NETGEAR ProSAFE Network Management System has Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) listening on port 11611 and it is remotely accessible by unauthenticated users, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code.
References: [CVE-2023-49693]
 11623 tcp emc-xsw-dconfig not scanned IANA registered for: EMC XtremSW distributed config
 11660 tcp trojan Premium scan Back streets
 11675 tcp,udp applications not scanned V-Phone
 11718 tcp trojan Premium scan Kryptonic Ghost Command Pro trojan
 11720 tcp,udp h323 not scanned H.323 Call Control Signalling Alternate (IANA official)
 11723 tcp,udp emc-xsw-dcache not scanned IANA registered for: EMC XtremSW distributed cache
 11753 tcp applications not scanned OpenRCT2 multiplayer
 11768 tcp trojans Premium scan Dipnet (a.k.a. Oddbob) trojan. Exploits the Windows port 445 vulnerability (MS Security Bulletin [MS04-011]). Uses tcp ports 11768 and 15118.

Trojan.Netdepix [Symantec-2004-121913-4445-99] (2004.12.18) - a trojan horse program that attempts to exploit the Microsoft Windows LSASS Buffer Overrun Vulnerability (Microsoft Security Bulletin [MS04-011]) on randomly selected computers causing it to download and execute a remote file.
 11783 tcp,udp applications not scanned Last Contact
 11796 tcp lanschool not scanned LanSchool [Stoneware Inc] (IANA official)
 11796 udp lanschool-mpt not scanned Lanschool Multipoint [Stoneware Inc] (IANA official)
 11831 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Latinus [Symantec-2002-060710-5206-99] - remote access trojan, afects Windows 9x/ME/NT/2k/XP, opens TCP port 11831/tcp for direct control, 29559/tcp for file transfer, may also use ports 24289/tcp, 29559/tcp.

Backdoor.Pestdoor [Symantec-2002-100314-3144-99] (2002.10.03) - remote access trojan, affects Windows 9x/ME/NT/2k/XP

DarkFace - remote access trojan, affects Windows

Vagr Nocker (2001.02) - remote access trojan, affects Windows

Backdoor.Win32.Backlash.101 / Missing Authentication - BackLash Server 1.0 Alpha drops an executable named "d3d8thk.exe" under Windows dir and listens on TCP ports 11831 and 29559. Telnet to port 11831 allows anyone to retrieve basic system information and run some of the malwares built-in commands on the infected host.
References: [MVID-2021-0085]

Backdoor.Win32.Antilam.11 / Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution - the Win32.Antilam.11 malware aka "Backdoor.Win32.Latinus.b" (MVID-2021-0029), listens on TCP ports 11831, 29559. Third-party attackers who can reach infected systems can execute commands made available by the backdoor.
References: [MVID-2021-0324]
 11876 tcp,udp xoraya not scanned X2E Xoraya Multichannel protocol
 11877 udp x2e-disc not scanned X2E service discovery protocol
 11885 tcp,udp games not scanned DD Tournament Poker
 11921 tcp citrix not scanned Citrix NetScaler Insight Center / Agent node / Connector node use port 1921 TCP to scale out deployment.
 11950 tcp applications not scanned Murraycoin JSON-RPC server[147]
 11951 tcp applications not scanned Murraycoin
 11971 tcp tibsd not scanned IANA registered for: TiBS Service
 11977 tcp trojan Premium scan Cool Remote Control trojan
 11978 tcp trojan Premium scan Cool Remote Control trojan
 11980 tcp trojan Premium scan Cool Remote Control trojan
 11991 tcp trojan Premium scan PitfallSurprise trojan
 11999 tcp yahoo-games not scanned Yahoo Games
 12000 tcp trojans Members scan Applications that use this port: Phantasy Star Universe, ClearCommerce Engine 4.x (, CubeForm, Multiplayer SandBox Game.

Wizard 101 uses ports 12000-12999 (TCP/UDP).

SatanCrew [Symantec-2002-082915-3335-99] - remote access trojan, 08.2002. Affects Windows 9x/Me,NT,2K,XP.

W32.Mytob.GN@mm [Symantec-2005-062916-0911-99] (2005.06.29) - mass-mailing worm with its own SMTP engine and backdoor capabilities. Sends itself to email addresses it finds on the compromised computer. Opens and IRC backdoor on port 12000/tcp.

eosfailoverservice.exe in C3-ilex EOScada before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service by sending a large amount of data to TCP port 12000.
References: [CVE-2012-1813]

Backdoor.Win32.ReverseTrojan.200 / Authentication Bypass Empty Password - ReverseTrojan by satan_addict listens on TCP ports, 12000 and 21. The malware accepts empty credentials for authentication as the default settings are set to blank. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected host can potentially gain access to the machine before or if no password is set.
References: [MVID-2021-0256]

IANA registered for: entextxid - IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange
 12001 tcp seafile not scanned Think or Swim (TD Ameritrade) platform uses port 12001 TCP

Seafile Windows Server uses the following TCP ports: 8000 (seahub web interface), 8082 (seafile server), 10001 (ccnet), 12001 (seaf-server).

IANA registered: IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority
 12002 tcp,udp applications not scanned ImageCast Control Center 4.1.0 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (resource exhaustion or system crash) via a long string to port 12002.
References: [CVE-2001-0121], [BID-2174]

Port is also IANA registered for IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority
 12003 tcp,udp entextmed not scanned Geutebrueck re_porter 16 before 7.8.974.20 has a possibility of unauthenticated access to sensitive information including usernames and hashes via a direct request for /statistics/gscsetup.xml on TCP port 12003.
References: [CVE-2018-15534], [EDB-45240]

IANA registered for: IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority
 12005 dbisamserver1 not scanned A reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability exists in Geutebrueck re_porter 16 before 7.8.974.20 by appending a query string to /modifychannel/exec or /images/*.png on TCP port 12005.
References: [CVE-2018-15533], [EDB-45242]

IANA registered for: DBISAM Database Server
 12009 udp ghvpn not scanned Green Hills VPN [Green Hills Software] (IANA official)
 12010 tcp edbsrvr not scanned ElevateDB Server
 12011 tcp applications not scanned Axence nVision
 12012 tcp,udp vipera not scanned Audition Online Dance Battle, Korea Server—Status/Version Check (UDP), Axence nVision

Vipera Messaging Service (IANA official)
 12013 tcp,udp vipera-ssl not scanned IANA registered for: Vipera Messaging Service over SSL Communication, registered 2008-01-16
Audition Online Dance Battle, Korea Server also uses this port.
 12031 tcp applications not scanned Axence nVision
 12032 tcp applications not scanned Axence nVision
 12035 udp applications not scanned IANA registered for: Linden Lab viewer to sim on SecondLife
 12043 tcp trojan Premium scan Frenzy trojan
Second Life, used for LSL HTTPS in-bound
 12046 tcp applications not scanned Second Life, used for LSL HTTP in-bound
 12053 tcp,udp applications not scanned Delta Three PC to Phone
 12065 tcp trojan Premium scan Backdoor.Berbew.j [Symantec-2004-082414-4142-99]
 12076 tcp trojans Premium scan GJamer, MSH.104b trojans

Vulnerabilities listed: 100 (some use multiple ports)
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