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Vulnerable Ports

This list (a very small part of our SG Ports database) includes TCP/UDP ports currently tested by our Security Scanner, and corresponding potential security threats. We update the list on a regular basis, however if you feel we should add other port(s) to the list or modify their descriptions, please . Any feedback and suggestions can also be posted to our Security forum.

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Port(s) Protocol Service Scan level Description
 8096 tcp web password reset not scanned Web password reset (Mac OS X Server v10.6.3 and later)

Emby and Jellyfin HTTP port
 8097 tcp trojan Premium scan Kryptonic Ghost Command Pro
 8100 tcp trojan Premium scan Console Gateway License Verification

Back streets trojan

BlueMap, a 3D Minecraft web viewer and mapping tool

Xprint Server (TCP/UDP) (IANA official)
 8101 tcp ldoms-migr not scanned SmartPTT SCADA allows remote code execution (when the attacker has administrator privileges) by writing a malicious C# script and executing it on the server (via server settings in the administrator control panel on port 8101, by default).
References: [CVE-2023-30459]

Logical Domains Migration (IANA official)
 8102 tcp kz-migr not scanned IANA registered for: Oracle Kernel zones migration server
 8110 tcp trojans Premium scan DLP, LoseLove
 8111 tcp malware Premium scan Warthunder (WWII vehicular combat MMO) video game uses port 8111

Malware that uses this port:D LP, LoseLove

JOSM Remote Control

W32.Eboscro [Symantec-2006-110422-1903-99] (2006.11.04) - a worm that copies itself to removable drives, opens a back door, and lowers security settings on the compromised computer.
 8111 udp skynetflow not scanned IANA registered for: Skynetflow network services
 8116 tcp,udp cp-cluster not scanned Revo DVRNS

IANA registered for: Check Point Clustering
 8117 tcp purityrpc not scanned IANA registered for: clustering and remote management
 8118 tcp,udp privoxy not scanned adbyby v2.7 allows external users to make connections via port 8118. This can cause a program logic error and lead to a Denial of Service (DoS) via high CPU usage due to a large number of connections.
References: [CVE-2022-29767]

Privoxy HTTP proxy (IANA official)
 8123 tcp vipre Premium scan BURST Reference Software uses TCP ports 8123 (p2p), 8124 (standard mining pool port), 8125 (web interface)

ClickHouse Analytics DB (open source big data) uses TCP port 8123 for its HTTP interface.

Home Assistant (massive open source home automation project) uses port 8123 for WebUI. See:

Minecraft default dynmap mappiing port

Polipo open source web proxy, Bukkit DynMap Default Webserver Bind Address

VIPRE Business Security uses the following TCP ports: 8123, 18082, 18086, 18090. It may also communicate through TCP ports 135, 139, 445.

 8124 tcp applications not scanned BURST Reference Software uses TCP ports 8123 (p2p), 8124 (standard mining pool port), 8125 (web interface)
 8125 tcp applications not scanned BURST Reference Software uses TCP ports 8123 (p2p), 8124 (standard mining pool port), 8125 (web interface)
 8126 tcp trojans Members scan W32.Pejaybot [Symantec-2005-011415-1848-99] (2005.01.14) - worm that spreads via file sharing networks. Connects to an IRC server and opens a backdoor on port 8126.

W32.Kelvir.Q [Symantec-2005-041213-2840-99] (2005.04.12) - worm that spreads through MSN Messenger and drops a variant of W32.Spybot.Worm [Symantec-2003-053013-5943-99]. Connects to an IRC server on port 8126/tcp.
 8127 tcp,udp trojans not scanned 9_119, Chonker
 8128 tcp,udp paycash-online not scanned PayCash Online Protocol [MegaZone] (IANA official)
 8129 tcp,udp paycash-wbp not scanned PayCash Wallet-Browser [MegaZone] (IANA official)
 8130 tcp trojans Premium scan 9_119, Chonker, DLP

WellinTech KingSCADA before 3.1.2, KingAlarm&Event before 3.1, and KingGraphic before 3.1.2 perform authentication on the KAEClientManager console rather than on the server, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions and discover credentials via a crafted packet to TCP port 8130.
References: [CVE-2013-2826] [XFDB-90513]
 8130 udp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Loselove / Denial of Service - the malware listens on UDP ports 9329, 8329, 8322, 8131 and 8130. Attackers can send a large junk payload to UDP port 8131 causing it to crash.
References: [MVID-2022-0554]
 8131 tcp trojan Premium scan DLP trojan
 8131 udp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Loselove / Denial of Service - the malware listens on UDP ports 9329, 8329, 8322, 8131 and 8130. Attackers can send a large junk payload to UDP port 8131 causing it to crash.
References: [MVID-2022-0554]
 8139 tcp applications not scanned Puppet (software) Client agent
 8140 tcp applications not scanned Puppet (software) Master server
 8143 tcp,udp applications not scanned ImapProxy, SCO SSH Tunneling
 8149 udp eor-game not scanned IANA registered for: Edge of Reality game data
 8153 tcp quantastor not scanned QuantaStor Management Interface [OS NEXUS] (IANA official)
 8162 tcp lpar2rrd not scanned IANA registered for: LPAR2RRD client server communication
 8170 tcp https not scanned Podcast Capture/podcast CLI
 8171 tcp https not scanned Podcast Capture/podcast CLI
 8172 tcp applications Premium scan Microsoft Remote Administration for IIS Manager

W32.Zotob.K trojan [Symantec-2005-082415-0814-99] exploits Windows vulnerabilities on port 445, opens UDP port 69 for TFTP, listens to TCP ports 6664 and 8172.
 8173 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Zebroxy [Symantec-2003-082113-3132-99] (2003.08.21) - a trojan horse that opens port 8173 and runs as a proxy server under Windows 2000/XP.

Port also used by: Y-cam Wireless IP Camera
 8175 tcp pcast tunnel not scanned Apple pcastagentd (for control operations, camera and so on)
 8181 tcp trojans Members scan W32.Erkez.D@mm [Symantec-2004-121413-4703-99] (2004.12.14) - mass mailing worm that can terminate processes, lower security settings, and allow remote access to the compromised computer. Opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands on port 8181/tcp.

Backdoor.Shangxing [Symantec-2007-030516-4150-99] (2007.03.06) also uses this port.

The Web Administrator service (STEMWADM.EXE) in Websense Personal Email Manager 7.1 before Hotfix 4 and Email Security 7.1 before Hotfix 4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) by sending a HTTP GET request to TCP port 8181 and closing the socket before the service can send a response.
References: [CVE-2009-3749], [BID-36740]

IPSwitch IMail is an e-mail server which provides WWW (HTTP) E-mail services. By default this web service resides on port 8181 (TCP/UDP) or 8383 (TCP/UDP). Sending an HTTP request with an extremely long "HOST" field multiple times can cause the system hosting the service to become unresponsive. Each long request "kills" a thread without freeing up the memory used by it. By repeating this request, the system's resources can be used up completely.
References: [BID-2011]

TerraMaster F2-210 devices through 2021-04-03 use UPnP to make the admin web server accessible over the Internet on TCP port 8181, which is arguably inconsistent with the "It is only available on the local network" documentation. NOTE: manually editing /etc/upnp.json provides a partial but undocumented workaround.
References: [CVE-2021-30127]

Intermapper network management system (IANA official)
 8182 tcp applications not scanned SQL servers

Port is IANA registered for VMware Fault Domain Manager (TCP/UDP).
 8183 tcp proremote not scanned ProRemote
 8184 tcp,udp itach not scanned Remote iTach Connection
 8190 tcp iot Members scan Veeam Backup and replication suite uses these ports, in addition to common 80, 443, etc.:
6160 TCP - Veeam installer service
6165 TCP - WAN accelerator
6180 TCP/UDP - Veeam cloud gateway
6169, 8190, 8191 TCP - used by SP backup server
10003 TCP - communication with Veeam backup service

Port used by: Ecobee thermostats, Y-cam Wireless IP Cameras

W32.Reatle.E@mm [Symantec-2005-080215-5809-99] (2005.08.02) - a mass-mailing worm that opens a backdoor and also spreads by exploiting the MS LSASS Buffer Overrun Vulnerability ([MS04-011]). Opens backdoors on ports 3351/tcp and 8190/tcp.

Multiple stack-based buffer overflows in Medicomp MEDCIN Engine 2.22.20142.166 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted packet on port 8190, related to (1) the GetProperty info_getproperty function and (2) the GetProperty UdfCodeList function.
References: [CVE-2015-2901]

Heap-based buffer overflow in the QualifierList retrieve_qualifier_list function in Medicomp MEDCIN Engine before 2.22.20153.226 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long list name in a packet on port 8190.
References: [CVE-2015-2899]

Multiple stack-based buffer overflows in Medicomp MEDCIN Engine before 2.22.20153.226 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted packet on port 8190, related to (1) the SetGroupSequenceEx na_setgroupsequenceex function, (2) the FormatDate julptostr function, and (3) the UserFindingCodes addtocl function.
References: [CVE-2015-2898]

IANA registered for: Generic control plane for RPHY
 8191 tcp limnerpressure not scanned Veeam Backup and replication suite uses these ports, in addition to common 80, 443, etc.:
6160 TCP - Veeam installer service
6165 TCP - WAN accelerator
6180 TCP/UDP - Veeam cloud gateway
6169, 8190, 8191 TCP - used by SP backup server
10003 TCP - communication with Veeam backup service

Limner Pressure - a pressure sensitive tablet apllication for Mac and iPad (IANA official)
 8192 tcp,udp applications not scanned Sophos Remote Management System, SnapStream PVS, SpyTech Phone Service, Y-cam Wireless IP Camera use this port.
 8193 tcp,udp applications not scanned Sophos Remote Management System, Y-cam Wireless IP Camera
 8194 tcp,udp applications not scanned Sophos Remote Management System, Bloomberg data API, Y-cam Wireless IP Camera use this port.
 8195 tcp blp2 not scanned Bloomberg feed
 8198 tcp applications not scanned Sophos Antivirus, Y-cam Wireless IP Camera
 8199 tcp applications not scanned Citrix AppDNA Server uses port 8199 for HTTP connections between AppDNA and IIS.

Y-cam Wireless IP Camera

The administrative service in Symantec Veritas Volume Replicator (VVR) for Windows and VVR for Unix, in Symantec Storage Foundation products allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption and service crash) via a crafted packet to the service port (8199/tcp) that triggers a request for more memory than available, which causes the service to write to an invalid pointer.
References: [CVE-2007-1593], [BID-24160]

Port is also IANA registered for VVR data.
 8200 tcp,udp applications not scanned Duplicati web server (open source remote backup solution)
GoToMeeting, also Citrix workstation GoToMeeting service broker
MiniDLNA media server Web Interface

Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon.aaio / Remote Stack Buffer Overflow - the malware listens on TCP ports 8200,8201,8202,8203 and UDP ports 8200,8204. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected host can trigger a classic remote buffer overflow by sending a large payload to TCP port 8202. This will overwrite the ECX and EIP stack registers and structured exception handler (SEH).
References: [MVID-2021-0255]

TRIVNET (IANA official)
 8201 tcp,udp trivnet2 not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon.aaio / Remote Stack Buffer Overflow - the malware listens on TCP ports 8200,8201,8202,8203 and UDP ports 8200,8204. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected host can trigger a classic remote buffer overflow by sending a large payload to TCP port 8202. This will overwrite the ECX and EIP stack registers and structured exception handler (SEH).
References: [MVID-2021-0255]

TRIVNET (IANA official)
 8202 udp aesop not scanned Audio+Ethernet Standard Open Protocol [POWERSOFT SRL] (IANA official)
 8202 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon.aaio / Remote Stack Buffer Overflow - the malware listens on TCP ports 8200,8201,8202,8203 and UDP ports 8200,8204. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected host can trigger a classic remote buffer overflow by sending a large payload to TCP port 8202. This will overwrite the ECX and EIP stack registers and structured exception handler (SEH).
References: [MVID-2021-0255]
 8203 tcp worm not scanned W32.Neeris.B [Symantec-2007-091303-4952-99] (2007.09.12) - a worm that spreads through MSN instant messaging applications. It also opens a back door on the compromised computer.

Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon.aaio / Remote Stack Buffer Overflow - the malware listens on TCP ports 8200,8201,8202,8203 and UDP ports 8200,8204. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected host can trigger a classic remote buffer overflow by sending a large payload to TCP port 8202. This will overwrite the ECX and EIP stack registers and structured exception handler (SEH).
References: [MVID-2021-0255]
 8204 tcp,udp lm-perfworks not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon.aaio / Remote Stack Buffer Overflow - the malware listens on TCP ports 8200,8201,8202,8203 and UDP ports 8200,8204. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected host can trigger a classic remote buffer overflow by sending a large payload to TCP port 8202. This will overwrite the ECX and EIP stack registers and structured exception handler (SEH).
References: [MVID-2021-0255]

LM Perfworks (IANA official)
 8211 tcp applications not scanned Dealing Office Server
Palworld Server
Y-cam Wireless IP Camera
 8211 udp aruba-papi not scanned There are multiple buffer overflow vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthenticated remote code execution by sending especially crafted packets destined to the PAPI (Aruba Networks AP management protocol) UDP port (8211) of access-points or controllers in Aruba 9000 Gateway; Aruba 7000 Series Mobility Controllers; Aruba 7200 Series Mobility Controllers version(s):, and below;,,,,,, and below;,,,,,, and below.
References: [CVE-2020-24633]

An attacker is able to remotely inject arbitrary commands by sending especially crafted packets destined to the PAPI (Aruba Networks AP Management protocol) UDP port (8211) of access-pointsor controllers in Aruba 9000 Gateway; Aruba 7000 Series Mobility Controllers; Aruba 7200 Series Mobility Controllers version(s):, and below;,,,,,, and below ;,,,,,, and below.
References: [CVE-2020-24634]

There is a command injection vulnerability that could lead to unauthenticated remote code execution by sending specially crafted packets destined to the PAPI (Aruba Networks AP management protocol) UDP port (8211). Successful exploitation of this vulnerability results in the ability to execute arbitrary code as a privileged user on the underlying operating system.
References: [CVE-2022-37897]

There are buffer overflow vulnerabilities in multiple underlying services that could lead to unauthenticated remote code execution by sending specially crafted packets destined to the PAPI (Aruba Networks AP management protocol) UDP port (8211). Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities results in the ability to execute arbitrary code as a privileged user on the underlying operating system of Aruba InstantOS 6.4.x: and below; Aruba InstantOS 6.5.x: and below; Aruba InstantOS 8.6.x: and below; Aruba InstantOS 8.7.x: and below; Aruba InstantOS 8.10.x: and below; ArubaOS 10.3.x: and below; Aruba has released upgrades for Aruba InnstantOS that address these security vulnerabilities.
References: [CVE-2022-37885], [CVE-2022-37886], [CVE-2022-37887], [CVE-2022-37888], [CVE-2022-37889]

There is a buffer overflow vulnerability in the underlying AirWave client service that could lead to unauthenticated remote code execution by sending specially crafted packets destined to the PAPI (Aruba's access point management protocol) UDP port (8211). Successful exploitation of this vulnerability results in the ability to execute arbitrary code as a privileged user on the underlying operating system.
References: [CVE-2023-45614], [CVE-2023-45615], [CVE-2023-45616]

Aruba Networks AP management (IANA official)
 8212 tcp,udp not scanned Palworld Server REST API
 8222 tcp applications not scanned VMWare, Y-cam Wireless IP Camera
 8225 tcp applications not scanned IP/IPX gateway for Novell BorderManager 3.6 SP 1a allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a connection to port 8225 with a large amount of random data, which causes ipipxgw.nlm to ABEND.
References: [CVE-2002-0780], [BID-4697]
 8231 udp hncp-udp-port not scanned IANA registered for: HNCP
 8232 udp hncp-dtls-port not scanned IANA registered for: HNCP over DTLS
 8236 tcp,udp applications not scanned jRCS listener for Rocket Software jBASE Remote Connectivity Server
 8243 tcp,udp synapse-nhttps not scanned Synapse Non Blocking HTTPS, HTTPS listener for Apache Synapse, Y-cam Wireless IP Camera
 8245 tcp applications not scanned No-IP, DynDNS, Y-cam Wireless IP Camera use this port.
 8257 tcp applications not scanned Papenmeier WiFi Baby Monitor Free & Lite before 2.02.2 allows remote attackers to obtain audio data via certain requests to TCP ports 8258 and 8257.
References: [CVE-2018-7661], [EDB-442322]
 8258 tcp applications not scanned Papenmeier WiFi Baby Monitor Free & Lite before 2.02.2 allows remote attackers to obtain audio data via certain requests to TCP ports 8258 and 8257.
References: [CVE-2018-7661], [EDB-442322]
 8270 tcp robot-remote not scanned IANA registered for: Robot Framework Remote Library Interface
 8276 tcp,udp ms-mcc not scanned Microsoft Connected Cache (IANA official)
 8280 tcp,udp synapse not scanned Apache Synapse, Y-cam Wireless IP Camera use this port.
 8282 tcp applications not scanned Y-cam Wireless IP Camera, SAS Server, CS Intranet use this port.

IANA registered for: Libelle EnterpriseBus
 8282 udp libelle-disc not scanned IANA registered for: Libelle EnterpriseBus discovery
 8284 tcp citrix not scanned Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) uses these ports:
8284,8285,8286,8287 TCP - agent and administration console connections
49752 TCP - agent listening port
7279,27000 TCP - Citrix license server ports
 8285 tcp citrix not scanned Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) uses these ports:
8284,8285,8286,8287 TCP - agent and administration console connections
49752 TCP - agent listening port
7279,27000 TCP - Citrix license server ports
 8286 tcp citrix not scanned Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) uses these ports:
8284,8285,8286,8287 TCP - agent and administration console connections
49752 TCP - agent listening port
7279,27000 TCP - Citrix license server ports
 8287 tcp citrix not scanned Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) uses these ports:
8284,8285,8286,8287 TCP - agent and administration console connections
49752 TCP - agent listening port
7279,27000 TCP - Citrix license server ports
 8291 tcp mikrotik not scanned MikroTik RouterOS uses the following ports:

5678/udp - Mikrotik Neighbor Discovery Protocol
6343/tcp - Default OpenFlow port
8080/tcp - HTTP Web Proxy
8291/tcp - Winbox GUI
8728/tcp - API
8729/tcp - API-SSL
20561/udp - MAC Winbox GUI

RouterOS versions 6.45.6 Stable, 6.44.5 Long-term, and below allow remote unauthenticated attackers to trigger DNS queries via port 8291. The queries are sent from the router to a server of the attacker's choice. The DNS responses are cached by the router, potentially resulting in cache poisoning.
References: [CVE-2019-3978], [XFDB-170447]
 8293 tcp hiperscan-id not scanned Hiperscan Identification Service
 8300 tcp applications not scanned Messenger Agents (nmma.exe) in Novell GroupWise allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted HTTP POST request to TCP port 8300 with a modified val parameter, which triggers a null dereference related to "zero-size strings in blowfish routines."
References: [CVE-2006-4511], [BID-20316]

Port is also IANA registered for Transport Management Interface
 8301 tcp amberon Premium scan Hashicorp Consul (network service discovery platform)
Y-cam Wireless IP Camera

Trojans using this port: DLP, LoseLove

Amberon PPC/PPS (IANA official)
 8302 tcp trojans Premium scan DLP, LoseLove
 8303 udp applications not scanned Teeworlds Server
 8311 tcp trojan Premium scan Backdoor.Mxsender [Symantec-2003-101014-4332-99] (2003.10.10) - a backdoor trojan horse that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a compromised computer. It connects to port 8311 of the predetermined servers and waits for commands from its author.

SweetHeart trojan
 8313 tcp hub-open-net not scanned Hub Open Network [Grexie] (IANA official)
 8322 tcp trojan Premium scan DLP trojan

Garmin Marine (TCP/UDP) (IANA official)
 8322 udp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Loselove / Denial of Service - the malware listens on UDP ports 9329, 8329, 8322, 8131 and 8130. Attackers can send a large junk payload to UDP port 8131 causing it to crash.
References: [MVID-2022-0554]
 8324 tcp plex not scanned Plex Media Server uses port 8324 TCP locally for controlling Plex for Roku via Plex Companion.
 8329 tcp trojan Premium scan DLP trojan
 8329 udp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Loselove / Denial of Service - the malware listens on UDP ports 9329, 8329, 8322, 8131 and 8130. Attackers can send a large junk payload to UDP port 8131 causing it to crash.
References: [MVID-2022-0554]
 8331 tcp applications not scanned MultiBit
 8332 tcp bitcoin not scanned IANA registered for: Bitcoin JSON-RPC server
 8333 tcp applications Premium scan Bitcoin cryptocurrency uses port 8333. (Bitcoin Testnet uses 18333 instead)
Common cryptocurrency ports (TCP):
Bitcoin: 8333
Litecoin: 9333
Dash: 9999
Dogecoin: 22556
Ethereum: 30303

VMware Server Management User Interface , Y-cam Wireless IP Camera
 8334 tcp applications not scanned Filestash server
 8337 tcp applications not scanned VisualSVN Distributed File System Service (VDFS)
 8347 tcp sophos not scanned Sophos Security Heartbeat updates uses port 8347
 8372 tcp trojan Premium scan NetBoy trojan
 8376 tcp,udp cruise-enum not scanned Vulnerability in CounterPath eyeBeam can cause a DoS (Denial of Service) and potentially compromise a user's system. The vulnerability is caused due to a boundary error when handling malformed SIP packets. This can be exploited to cause heap corruption, which crashes the application and may allow arbitrary code execution via specially crafted SIP packets sent to port 8376/udp.
References: [CVE-2006-0359] [SECUNIA-18516]

IANA registered for Cruise ENUM
 8379 tcp,udp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Binghe [Symantec-2005-030215-5059-99] (2005.03.02) - a back door Trojan horse program that allows unauthorized access to a compromised computer. The Trojan logs keystrokes, steals information, and has ability to execute programs. Opens a back door on TCP ports 8848 and 8379, and UDP port 8379.
 8383 tcp imail www not scanned IPSwitch IMail admin port, IPSwitch IMail http frontend

IPSwitch IMail is an e-mail server which provides WWW (HTTP) E-mail services. By default this web service resides on port 8181 (TCP/UDP) or 8383 (TCP/UDP). Sending an HTTP request with an extremely long "HOST" field multiple times can cause the system hosting the service to become unresponsive. Each long request "kills" a thread without freeing up the memory used by it. By repeating this request, the system's resources can be used up completely.
References: [BID-2011]
 8384 udp marathontp not scanned Marathon Transport Protocol (IANA official)
 8384 tcp applications not scanned Syncthing uses the following ports:
8384/TCP - web GUI
22000/TCP - listening port
21027/UDP - discovery broadcasts on IPv4, multicasts on IPv6.
 8388 tcp applications not scanned Shadowsocks proxy server
 8393-8400 tcp maestro not scanned League of Legends game uses the following ports:
5000 - 5500 UDP - League of Legends Game Client
8393 - 8400 TCP - Patcher and Maestro
2099 TCP - PVP.Net
5222 TCP - PVP.Net
5223 TCP - PVP.Net
80 TCP - HTTP Connections
443 TCP - HTTPS Connections
 8400 tcp,udp cvd not scanned cvp, Commvault Unified Data Management

IANA registered for: cvd

Vulnerabilities listed: 100 (some use multiple ports)
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