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Vulnerable Ports

This list (a very small part of our SG Ports database) includes TCP/UDP ports currently tested by our Security Scanner, and corresponding potential security threats. We update the list on a regular basis, however if you feel we should add other port(s) to the list or modify their descriptions, please . Any feedback and suggestions can also be posted to our Security forum.

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Port(s) Protocol Service Scan level Description
 7500 tcp,udp games not scanned Anarchy Online, developer: FunCom
 7501 tcp,udp games not scanned Anarchy Online, developer: FunCom
 7508 tcp adcp not scanned Automation Device Configuration Protocol [Festo AG] (IANA official)
 7509 tcp acplt not scanned IANA registered for: ACPLT - process automation service
 7511 tcp trojan Premium scan Genue trojan
 7547 tcp tr069 Members scan CPE WAN Management Protocol Technical Report 069 uses port 7547 (TCP/UDP).

Port associated with TR-069 - application layer protocol for remote management of end-user devices. It is a bidirectional SOAP/HTTP-based protocol that provides communication between CPE devices and auto-configuration servers (ACS). It can be used by some modems, gateways, routers, VoIP phones, set-top boxes. TR-069 has some known exploits as demonstrated at the DEFCON22 conference.

If your NAT router/gateway keeps this port open and you are sure you want to filter it (potential interference with ISPs pushing firmware updates), try the following. Navigate to your router's admin interface and disable TR-069. If that does not work, look under "port forwarding", or "virtual servers", and forward the port to an unused local IP address, like (

The Eir D1000 modem does not properly restrict the TR-064 protocol, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via TCP port 7547, as demonstrated by opening WAN access to TCP port 80, retrieving the login password (which defaults to the Wi-Fi password), and using the NewNTPServer feature.
References: [CVE-2016-10372], [XFDB-126658]

IANA registered for: Broadband Forum CWMP (TCP/UDP)
 7550 udp cloudsignaling not scanned IANA registered for: Cloud Signaling Service
 7551 tcp controlone-con not scanned BORGChat is vulnerable to a denial of service. By sending specially crafted data to port 7551, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the application to crash.
References [XFDB-151989]

A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in BORGChat 1.0.0 Build 438. This affects an unknown part of the component Service Port 7551. The manipulation leads to denial of service. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-252039.
References: [CVE-2024-0888]

IANA registered for: ControlONE Console signaling
 7555 udp worm-linux not scanned Linux.Plupii.B [Symantec-2005-111712-0018-99] (2005.11.16) - a worm with backdoor capabilities. Attempts exploiting Linux vulnerabilities. Opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands on port 7555/udp.
 7563 tcp cfw not scanned Control Framework [RFC 6230] (IANA official)
 7569 tcp dell-eql-asm not scanned Dell EqualLogic Host Group Management
 7597 tcp trojan Premium scan Qaz trojan (a.k.a. W32.HLLW.Qaz.A [Symantec-2000-122013-5944-99])
 7599 udp malware Premium scan W32.Jacksuf virus is a computer virus that is capable of downloading other malware onto the system and infecting other executables. Once installed it will contact the attacker's website and download additional executables which add information theft capabilities and backdoor access to the infected system.

Once executed, the W32.Jacksuf malware will create several files. The first is C:\setup.exe, which is an installer that will create and launch the file C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\internat.exe, as well as c:\autorun.inf. The "autorun" file is used to make sure that the malware is started at whenever the drive is mounted. This same "autorun" file is copied to every drive root, including removal drives.

The "internat" program will attempt to download other files as directed by the website at One of these files downloaded includes "inetinf.exe", a program that creates a backdoor process on UDP port 7599. Other files include binaries to steal game login information and chat program login credentials.
 7606 tcp,udp mipi-debug not scanned IANA registered for: MIPI Alliance Debug
 7609 tcp trojan Premium scan Snid X2 trojan horse
 7614 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.GRM [Symantec-2002-062714-1321-99], Wollf

Backdoor.Win32.Wollf.14 / Missing Authentication - Wollf.14 listens on TCP port 7614 and creates a service "wrm" running as SYSTEM. The backdoor then allows casual intruders to take control of the infected system as there is no authentication required.
References: [MVID-2021-0055]
 7615 tcp,udp applications not scanned IANA registered for: ISL Online products.
 7624 tcp,udp indi not scanned IANA registered for: Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface
 7626 tcp trojans Premium scan Binghe, Glacier, Hyne

SImple Middlebox COnfiguration (SIMCO) Server (IANA official) [RFC 4540]
 7630 tcp hawk not scanned HA Web Konsole
 7631 tcp tesla-sys-msg not scanned TESLA System Messaging
 7634 tcp applications not scanned hddtemp - Utility to monitor hard drive temperature
 7648 tcp trojans Premium scan NextPVR NEWA uses port 7648 for streaming by default. NextPVR xbmc web server uses port 8866 tcp.

Cu-SeeMe Cornell uses this port.

Malware using this port: BlackStar, Ghost, XHX
 7649 tcp,udp applications not scanned CU-SeeMe, Enhanced CUSM, LDAP
 7652 tcp,udp applications not scanned LDAP

I2P anonymizing overlay network also uses port 7652 (TCP).
 7654 tcp applications not scanned SSH Tunneling
 7655 udp applications not scanned I2P SAM Bridge Socket API
 7656 tcp applications not scanned I2P anonymizing overlay network
 7659 tcp,udp applications not scanned Polypheny User Interface (database system)
 7663 tcp,udp rome not scanned IANA registered for: Proprietary immutable distributed data storage
 7670 tcp applications not scanned BrettspielWelt BSW Boardgame Portal
 7672 tcp imqstomp not scanned iMQ STOMP Server
 7673 tcp trojan Premium scan Neoturk trojan

IANA registered for iMQ STOMP Server over SSL.
 7676 tcp trojan Basic scan Some ZyXEL DSL modems/routers have port 7676/tcp open by default, reserved for remote WAN management by the ISP (TR069 connection request port).

Aqumin AlphaVision Remote Command Interface also uses port 7676 (TCP).

The demo feature in Oracle GlassFish Open Source Edition 5.0 has TCP port 7676 open by default with a password of admin for the admin account. This allows remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information, perform database operations, or manipulate the demo via a JMX RMI session, aka a "jmx_rmi remote monitoring and control problem." NOTE: this is not an Oracle supported product.
References: [CVE-2018-14324]

Malware that uses this port: Neoturk trojan

IANA registered for: iMQ Broker Rendezvous (TCP/UDP)
 7677 tcp trojan Premium scan Neoturk trojan
 7680 tcp wudo not scanned TCP port 760 is used by WUDO (Windows Update Delivery Optimization) in Windows LANs. This includes both local and remote computers within a domain

Microsoft Delivery Optimization Peer-to-Peer (TCP/UDP) (IANA official)
 7680 tcp wud0 not scanned TCP port 7680 is used by WUDO (Windows Update Delivery Optimization) to distribute updates in Windows LANs.

IANA registered for: Pando Media Public Distribution
 7681 tcp nvr not scanned HikVision NVR uses port 7681 TCP
 7683 tcp dmt not scanned Cleondris DMT (IANA official)
 7687 tcp bolt not scanned IANA registered for: Bolt database connection
 7690 tcp sovd not scanned Service-Oriented Vehicle (IANA official)
 7700 udp applications not scanned P2P DC (RedHub)
 7701 sctp nfapi not scanned IANA registered for: SCF nFAPI defining MAC/PHY split
 7707 udp applications not scanned Killing Floor
 7708 udp applications not scanned Killing Floor
 7714 tcp trojans Members scan Backdoor.Berbew [Symantec-2003-071616-0350-99] (2003.07.16) - a backdoor trojan horse that steals passwords, may open ports 7714 and 8546.

Port is IANA assigned for: GunZ
 7717 udp applications not scanned Killing Floor
 7718 tcp trojan Premium scan Glacier trojan
 7722 tcp trojan Premium scan KiLo [Symantec-2003-021319-1815-99] trojan

Backdoor.Win32.Kilo.016 / Denial of Service (UDP Datagram) - the malware listens on TCP ports 6712, 6713, 6714, 6715, 7722, 15206, 15207, 16712 and UDP 6666. Attackers who can reach an infected host can send a large payload to UDP port 6666 causing a disruption in service.
References: [MVID-2022-0546]
 7724 tcp,udp nsdeepfreezectl not scanned Novell Snap-in Deep Freeze Control, GunZ
 7725 tcp,udp applications not scanned Nitrogen Service
Faronics Deep Freeze (workstation OS protection software) - uses either port 1971 or 7725.
 7728 tcp,udp,sctp osvr not scanned Open-Source Virtual Reality (IANA official)
 7741 tcp,udp scriptview not scanned ScriptView Network
 7744 tcp,udp raqmon-pdu not scanned RAQMON PDU (IANA official) [RFC 4712]
 7745 tcp trojans Premium scan W32.Mytob.HG@mm [Symantec-2005-071115-1349-99] (2005.07.11) - a mass-mailing worm with backdoor capabilities. Connects to an IRC server and listens for remote commands on port 7745/tcp.
 7754 tcp malware not scanned Backdoor.Win32.Wollf.c / Hardcoded Backdoor Password - the backdoor creates a service "sysocm.exe" running with SYSTEM integrity. The sysocm service listens for commands on TCP port 7754. The backdoors remote logon password is "mDVs3TAv8sByKyG6YgwbtYQK6fSQeauz" and while strong, its stored in the executable and easily discovered using strings utility.
References: [MVID-2021-0053]
 7755 udp games not scanned Red Faction

THQ Volition Red Faction Game allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (hang) of a client or server via packets to UDP port 7755.
References: [CVE-2001-0952], [BID-3651]
 7771 tcp applications not scanned HP Operations Agent for NonStop is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow, caused by improper bounds checking by the ELinkService process. By sending a specially-crafted HEALTH packet to TCP port 7771 or 8976, a remote attacker could overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system or cause the application to crash.
References: [XFDB-77930], [BID-55161], [OSVDB-84854]
 7772 tcp applications not scanned Tams ii Gaming Lobby & Games
 7775 tcp games not scanned Ultima Online

IANA registered for: A File System using TLS over a wide area network
 7776 tcp applications Premium scan Backdoor.Remocy [Symantec-2003-102217-2215-99] (2003.10.22) - a backdoor trojan horse that gives its creator full control over a computer through a Web browser. The existence of the Inject.dll file is an indication of a possible infection.

Trojans: marlDOOM, PoslDOOM
 7776 udp games not scanned Port used by: Spliter Cell Chaos Theory w AllSeeingEye, Spliter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, GunZ, Ultima Online
 7777 tcp trojans Members scan Applications:
iChat server file transfer proxy
Oracle Cluster File System 2
Satisfactory's dedicated server
Xivio default Chat Server

Active Worlds (TCP/UDP)
Fabula Mortis uses ports 7777 and 7778
ARK: Survival Evolved server
Terraria game (TCP/UDP)
Ultima Online

Malware: GodMessage trojan, The Thing trojan, tini.exe Windows backdoor program

Backdoor.Darkmoon [Symantec-2005-081910-3934-99] (2005.08.18) - trojan that opens a backdoor on the compromised computer and has keylogging capabilities. Opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands on ports 6868/tcp and 7777/tcp.

UsbCharger.dll in the Energizer DUO USB battery charger software contains a backdoor that is implemented through the Arucer.dll file in the %WINDIR%\system32 directory, which allows remote attackers to download arbitrary programs onto a Windows PC, and execute these programs, via a request to TCP port 7777. References: [CVE-2010-0103], [BID-38571]

OKI C5510MFP Printer CU H2.15, PU 01.03.01, System F/W 1.01, and Web Page 1.00 sends the configuration of the printer in cleartext, which allows remote attackers to obtain the administrative password by connecting to TCP port 5548 or 7777. References: [CVE-2008-0374], [BID-27339]

SKIDATA RFID Freemotion.Gate could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the system, caused by failure to restrict access to the RTP|One Gate web service and Gate. By sending a specially-crafted request to TCP port 7777, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to inject and execute arbitrary commands on the system with root privileges. References: [XFDB-89103]

A flaw was found in podman. The 'podman machine' function (used to create and manage Podman virtual machine containing a Podman process) spawns a 'gvproxy' process on the host system. The 'gvproxy' API is accessible on port 7777 on all IP addresses on the host. If that port is open on the host's firewall, an attacker can potentially use the 'gvproxy' API to forward ports on the host to ports in the VM, making private services on the VM accessible to the network. This issue could be also used to interrupt the host's services by forwarding all ports to the VM.
References: [CVE-2021-4024]

Backdoor.Win32.Levelone.b / Remote Stack Buffer Overflow - the backdoor listens on Port 7777, sending two large consecutive HTTP OPTIONS requests trigger the buffer overflow overwriting EIP.
References: [MVID-2021-0021]

Backdoor.Win32.Tiny.a / Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution - the malware listens on TCP port 7777. Third-party attackers who can reach an infected system can run any OS commands hijacking the compromised host.
References: [MVID-2022-0533]
 7777 udp applications not scanned Unreal Tournament 2004 Game port, SCP: Secret Laboratory Multiplayer Server, San Andreas Multiplayer default server
 7778 tcp Oracle9iAS-OJSP not scanned AT&T Connect Web Conferencing uses TCP ports 443,80 and 7778
Oracle 9i Application Server Oracle Java Server Pages, Bad Trip MUD

Fabula Mortis uses ports 7777 and 7778
Tribes Vengeance uses port 7778 tcp/udp

The OHS component 1.0.2 through 10.x, when UseWebcacheIP is disabled, in Oracle Application Server allows remote attackers to bypass HTTP Server mod_access restrictions via a request to the webcache TCP port 7778.
References: [CVE-2005-1383] [BID-13418] [OSVDB-15908] [SECUNIA-15143]

Backdoor.Win32.RmtSvc.l / Remote Denial of Service - the malware listens on TCP port 7778. Third-party attackers who can reach infected systems can send a specially crafted junk HTTP CONNECT request to trigger an access violation and crash.
References: [MVID-2021-0348]

Backdoor.Win32.Tiny.c / Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution - the malware listens on TCP port 7778. Third party attackers who can reach an infected system can run any OS commands hijacking the compromised host.
References: [MVID-2022-0476]
 7778 udp applications not scanned Unreal Tournament 2004 Query port

uConfig agent in Compex NetPassage WPE54G router allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (unresposiveness) via crafted datagrams to UDP port 7778.
References: [CVE-2006-0960] [BID-16894] [SECUNIA-19037]

Unreal Tournament 2003 (ut2003) clients and servers allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service via malformed messages containing a small number of characters to UDP ports 7778 or 10777.
References: [CVE-2002-1507]

Port is also IANA registered for Interwise
 7779 tcp feodo Premium scan Feodo and Geodo (a.k.a. Cridex or Bugat) is a trojan used to commit e-banking fraud and steal sensitive information from the victims computers, such as credit card details. Feodo and Geodo is hosted on compromised webservers running a nginx proxy on port 8080 TCP, or port 7779 TCP. Geodo also communicates with the botnet C&C server on ports 8080 TCP and/or 7779 TCP.
 7780 udp games not scanned Will Rock, developer: Saber Interactive
 7786 tcp applications not scanned Improper access control vulnerability in lbd in Synology Router Manager (SRM) before 1.2.4-8081 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via port (1) 7786/tcp or (2) 7787/tcp.
References: [CVE-2020-27654], [XFDB-190889]
 7787 udp applications not scanned Unreal Tournament 2004 GameSpy query port
 7787 tcp applications not scanned GFI EventsManager 7 & 8

Improper access control vulnerability in lbd in Synology Router Manager (SRM) before 1.2.4-8081 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via port (1) 7786/tcp or (2) 7787/tcp.
References: [CVE-2020-27654], [XFDB-190889]
 7788 tcp,udp trojans Premium scan Trojans that use this port: Last 2000, Singularity (Backdoor.Singu)

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. also uses port 7788 (UDP), developer: Ubisoft Romania
 7789 tcp trojan Members scan Mozilla trojan, Back Door Setup trojan, ICKiller trojan
 7790 tcp,udp games not scanned Deus Ex
 7791 tcp,udp games not scanned Deus Ex
 7792 tcp,udp games not scanned Deus Ex
 7797 tcp applications not scanned Accelerate It, Humboldt Internet Accelerator, Hyperspeed Dialup
 7798 tcp,udp pnet-enc not scanned Propel Encoder port, GunZ
 7800 tcp trojan Premium scan Paltalk trojan

NetScreen-Security Manager is vulnerable to a denial of service attack. A remote attacker could send specially-crafted requests to the guiSrv service on port 7800 or the devSrv service on port 7801 to cause the targeted service to crash.
References: [BID-16075], [CVE-2005-4587], [XFDB-23850]

Port is also IANA registered for Apple Software Restore (TCP/UDP)
 7801 tcp,udp applications not scanned NetScreen-Security Manager is vulnerable to a denial of service attack. A remote attacker could send specially-crafted requests to the guiSrv service on port 7800 or the devSrv service on port 7801 to cause the targeted service to crash.
References: [BID-16075], [CVE-2005-4587], [XFDB-23850]

Port is also IANA registered for Secure Server Protocol - client
 7802 udp vns-tp not scanned Virtualized Network Services Tunnel Protocol [Juniper_Networks] (IANA official)
 7810 tcp wanopt not scanned Fortigate WAN optimization tunnel.

IANA registered for: Riverbed WAN Optimization Protocol
 7811 tcp,udp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.RemoteSOB [Symantec-2003-010815-3452-99] (2003.01.08) - allows unauthorized access to the infected computer, listens to port 7811 by default and uses ICQ to notify the hacker.
 7812 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Sdbot.AP [Symantec-2005-030416-5626-99] (2005.03.04) - worm with backdoor capabilities. Opens a backdoor and listens for remote commands by connecting to IRC servers on port 7812/tcp.
 7823 tcp trojans Premium scan Backdoor.Amitis.B [Symantec-2003-051915-1012-99] (2003.05.19) Windows remote access trojan. Listens on ports 3547, 7823, 12345, 13173, 44280, 44390, 47387, 64429. Other variants of Backdoor.Amitis also use ports 27, 551.
 7826 tcp trojan Premium scan MiniOblivion trojan

Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Juntador.a / Weak Hardcoded Password - the malware listens on TCP ports 7826 and 13013 and drops executables under the Windows dir. Authentication is required for remote user access. However, the password "sexjerx sexjerx" is weak and hardcoded in plaintext within the executable.
References: [MVID-2021-0259]

Backdoor.Win32.Oblivion.01.a / Insecure Transit Password Disclosure - the malware listens on TCP port 7826 and makes HTTP GET requests to port 80 for "/scripts/WWPMsg.dll". The system logon credentials "Pass=beacytan" are sent plaintext via the URL query string. Third party attackers who can sniff traffic may locate the credentials which can also potentially be leaked to web server logs and or shared systems.
References: [MVID-2022-0658]
 7831 tcp applications not scanned Default used by Smartlaunch Internet Cafe Administration software
 7844 tcp cloudflared Premium scan Cloudflare Argo Tunnel - connects a web server to the Cloudflare network via HTTP2 over a TLS encrypted tunnel.
 7845 tcp,udp applications not scanned ZNES
APC 7845 [American Power Conversion] (IANA official)
 7846 tcp,udp apc-7846 not scanned APC 7846 [American Power Conversion] (IANA official)
 7847 tcp csoauth not scanned IANA registered for: A product key authentication protocol made by CSO
 7850 tcp trojan Premium scan Paltalk trojan
 7869 tcp mobileanalyzer not scanned MobileAnalyzer& MobileMonitor
 7870 tcp applications not scanned The Cisco ATA 187 Analog Telephone Adaptor with firmware and before ES build 4 does not properly implement access control, which allows remote attackers to execute operating-system commands via vectors involving a session on TCP port 7870, aka Bug ID CSCtz67038.
References: [CVE-2013-1111]

The Cisco Unified SIP Phone 3905 with firmware before 9.4(1) allows remote attackers to obtain root access via a session on the test interface on TCP port 7870, aka Bug ID CSCuh75574.
References: [CVE-2014-0721]

Riverbed Steelhead Mobile Service (IANA official)
 7871 udp trojans Members scan Trojan.Peacomm [Symantec-2007-011917-1403-99] (2007.01.19) - trojan horse that drops a system driver which injects some payload and hidden threads directly into the services.exe process, using a sophisticated technique. Once infected, it opens a backdoor to download other malicious programs. Uses UDP ports 4000, 7871, 11271.
 7871 tcp mdm not scanned IANA registered for: Mobile Device Management
 7872 udp mipv6tls not scanned TLS-based Mobile IPv6 Security [IESG] [RFC 6618] (IANA official)
 7875 tcp games not scanned Ultima
 7878 tcp trojan Premium scan Paltalk trojan

IANA registered for: Opswise Message Service
 7879 tcp trojan Premium scan Paltalk trojan

Vulnerabilities listed: 100 (some use multiple ports)
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