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YaCy takes on Google with open source search engine

2011-11-29 10:59 by
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A project calling itself YaCy – pronounced "ya see" – aims to break Google's headlock on the search market by giving away an open source search engine that can be used both online and within an intranet. Rather than there being a central server, YaCy spreads its searching load across a network of peers. Anyone can help extend YaCy's search tendrils, and it's a completely decentralised system with some major attractions.

"Most of what we do on the internet involves search. It's the vital link between us and the information we're looking for. For such an essential function, we cannot rely on a few large companies, and compromise our privacy in the process," says Michael Christen, YaCy's project leader.

"We are moving away from the idea that services need to be centrally controlled. Instead, we are realising how important it is to be independent, and to create infrastructure that doesn't have a single point of failure," says Karsten Gerloff, president of the Free Software Foundation Europe, which supports the project.

Read more -here-


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