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Worldwide Mobile Broadband Subscriptions Top 2 Billion

2013-11-13 09:40 by


In its quarterly analysis of the mobile market, Ericsson announced that global mobile broadband subscriptions for the third quarter grew about 40 percent annually and reached two billion, which is a large portion of the 6.6 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide. According to the report, about 55% of all mobile phones sold in the quarter were smartphones vs. 40% a year ago.

"The rapid pace of smartphone uptake has been phenomenal and is set to continue. It took more than five years to reach the first billion smartphone subscriptions, but it will take less than two to hit the two billion mark. Between now and 2019, smartphone subscriptions will triple," Douglas Gilstrap, Ericsson's senior vice president and head of strategy, says.

Ericsson predicts that smartphone traffic will grow by 10 times between 2013 and 2019, reaching 10 exabytes. Video is growing 55 percent per year and will represent more than 50 percent of the mobile data traffic, while social networking and web services will account for around 10 percent each in 2019.

Read more -here-


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