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WikiLeaks threatens "poison pill" if site shut down

2010-12-07 10:16 by
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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has reportedly released an encrypted "poison pill" file that contains sensitive data related to Guantanamo Bay, Afghan military ops, Bank of America and the BP oil spill.

The file - known as insurance.aes256 - is locked-down with a 256-digit key deemed virtually unbreakable by even the US Department of Defense (DoD). 

Assange, who is using the sensitive data to hold governments hostage, states: "We have over a long period of time distributed encrypted backups of material we have yet to release. All we have to do is release the password to that material, and it is instantly available."

Assange explains that if any government tries to stop WikiLeaks by downing the website or detaining him, he will disseminate the "poison pill" password, allowing anyone to access the highly-embarrassing documents.

Read more -here-


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