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UPS tests drone deliveries

2017-02-22 12:07 by
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United Parcel Service (UPS) has successfully tested package delivery with drone. On Monday, the company used a drone to drop off a package at a home in a Tampa, Fla. suburb. This is not the first time UPS tests such deliveries but this time it used a custom electric van outfitted with a recharging station for the battery-powered drone.

The drone was launched from the roof of the truck and automatically returned to the vehicle after making its drop-off. The idea is that the driver can continue along his or her route while the drone makes a delivery that would otherwise be out of the way.

Between flights, the drone would recharge its battery while docked in the UPS truck. The battery lasts for 30 minutes. The drone UPS tested was capable of carrying packages up to 10 pounds.

"Imagine a triangular delivery route where the stops are miles apart by road. Sending a drone from a package car to make just one of those deliveries can reduce costly miles driven," said Mark Wallace, UPS senior vice president of global engineering, in a press release on Tuesday. "This is a big step toward bolstering efficiency in our network and reducing our emissions at the same time."

Read more -here-


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