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Twitch confirms massive data breach

2021-10-06 14:54 by


Twitch has been hacked, exposing a large trove data that allegedly includes the Amazon-owned streaming platform's source code, reports on creator payouts and details about an unreleased Steam competitor from Amazon Game Studios.

An anonymous hacker posted a link to a 125-gigabyte file reportedly containing Twitch's data on 4chan and it is publicly available to download. The leak is labelled as "part one," suggesting there could be more to come. Twitch is aware of the breach, but the company has not yet informed its userbase.

"Our teams are working with urgency to understand the extent of this," the company wrote. "We will update the community as soon as additional information is available."

The people claiming responsibility for the breach said in a 4chan post that the point of the hack was to "foster more disruption and competition in the online video streaming space" because Twitch's community is "a disgusting toxic cesspool."

The breach comes almost exactly a month after Twitch streamers took September 1 to protest the company's lack of action against "hate raids," where bots are used to flood other streamers with hate and harassment.

Read more -here-


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