
Microsoft lets OneDrive users keep existing 15GB free storage

2015-12-14 03:07 by
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Back in November, Microsoft announced that it plans to severely reduce the maximum size of free storage space on its OneDrive cloud storage service.

The reason for the decrease was the fact that users were abusing the service by uploading entire movie libraries, taking up as much as 75TB. After the announcement, many people started a petition, asking Microsoft to bring the old conditions back.

Now, the company has decided that it will let users keep their 15GB of free OneDrive storage and 15GB of camera roll "bonus" storage, but only if they manually opt-in at the new OneDrive bonus page by January 31, 2016.

"We've heard clearly from our Windows and OneDrive fans about the frustration and disappointment we have caused," Microsoft said in a statement. "We realize the announcement came across as blaming customers for using our product. For this, we are truly sorry and would like to apologize to the community."

As of January 31, the unlimited OneDrive storage previously offered to Office 365 subscribers is to be capped at 1 TB, and the 100-GB and 200-GB option for new paying OneDrive users will be replaced with a 50-GB plan for $1.99 per month.

Read more -here-


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