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Gmail users howl over Halloween outage

2009-11-02 09:41 by


Some Gmail users say they've been unable to access to the service for long stretches today and yesterday, though Google has not acknowledged any problem on its "Apps Status Dashboard."

Australia-based user Jason Reed says he's been without access for at least 12 hours today, and others posting to Google's support forums here and here say they've had trouble logging into the service for 24 hours or more.

"More than 30 hours without email...totally unacceptable. I'll definitely have to reconsider my selection of gmail for my primary email account. It may be I have to pay for an account but hell will freeze over before I pay one penny to Google after this debacle," says one poster.

According to these users - and others posting to Twitter - Gmail returns the error code "502" when they attempt to log in.

Read more -here-


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