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'Do Not Track' feature in your browser doesn't do anything

2018-10-18 13:14 by


According to a recent survey by Forrester Research, a quarter of American adults use the "Do Not Track" feature of browsers to protect their privacy. However, the study shows that most websites are ignoring it.

Currently, only a shockingly small number of websites actually comply, with Reddit and Pinterest among them. Most websites ignore this request, including Yahoo and Facebook, despite both sites initially pledging to respect it. This means these websites continue to collect data on your browsing habits, location and time spent online, even when you aren't using the site itself.

Created around ten years ago, Do Not Track (DNT) is supposed to function like a 'no call list' for the Internet, sending a message to the website you're using that you don't want to be tracked. In theory, if you switch the tool on, websites will not sell your data to third parties or use your browsing behavior to advertise to you.

Unlike with the national Do Not Call Registry for telephones, there is no penalty if a website ignores a "Do Not Track" claim. Tracking options are rather independently handled, with very little outside control. In fact, Mozilla showed disappointment in this, announcing plans for removing cross-site tracking, and mitigating harmful practices by default in upcoming versions of Firefox.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by anonymous - 2018-10-23 18:10
And then they wonder why we adblock their trackers. Double standards much?
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