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BlackBerry to end support for legacy devices on January 4

2021-12-31 09:08 by


BlackBerry, the company that once dominated smart mobile devices, recently announced that it was finally discontinuing key services that support its phones. As of January 4th, the phones will no longer be provided with provisioning services, meaning that they will gradually lose the ability to join networks, including the cellular network.

In a recent support message on its website, BlackBerry kindly reminded users with devices with BlackBerry 7.1 OS and earlier, BlackBerry 10 software, and BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.1 and earlier versions - all of which are considered legacy devices - that after Jan. 4, 2022, these products will lose the ability to carry out key functions.

"As of this date, devices running these legacy services and software through either carrier or Wi-Fi connections will no longer reliably function, including for data, phone calls, SMS and 9-1-1 functionality," BlackBerry said.

BlackBerry says WiFi might also become unreliable, and applications including BlackBerry Link, BlackBerry Desktop Manager, BlackBerry World, BlackBerry Protect, BlackBerry Messenger, and BlackBerry Blend "will also have limited functionality."

BlackBerry was once king among smartphones, before the iPhone hit the scene. Between iOS and Android, Blackberry quickly lost market share. The company's homegrown BlackBerry OS just couldn't compete, prompting it to adopt Android. The company also pivoted from a hardware to a software company, licensing the rights to make BlackBerry-branded devices to outside companies. Even those devices, however, ran Android.

Read more -here-


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