
Apple employees will have to return to the office 3 days a week

2022-08-16 17:50 by


Apple has informed staff that they will be expected to return to the office three days per week starting September 5th.

The company, which recently dropped its mask mandate at "most locations," initially called for a return to the office in September 2021, but that plan was thwarted by COVID-19 surges and worker pushback. Now, Apple will require folks to work from the office on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and a regular third day determined by individual teams, Bloomberg reports.

Apple joins several technology and finance companies that have begun mandating a return to office as COVID cases ease. Earlier in June, Tesla Inc Chief Executive Elon Musk has asked employees to return to the office or leave the company, according to an email sent to employees and seen by Reuters.

News of Apple's latest return-to-office deadline comes amid reports Monday that the company laid off about 100 recruiter contractors in a move to slow hiring and curb spending.

Read more -here-


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