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Adobe releases an HTML5 developer tool

2011-08-01 09:10 by
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Adobe has released a new HTML5 and CSS3 animation tool, called Edge. It comes as response to the arrival of HTML5 and CSS3 and is likely to replace Flash. The new tool allows people to add animation effects to Web pages, mainly with CSS controlled by JavaScript.

"What we've seen happening is HTML is getting much richer. We're seeing more workflow previously reserved for Flash being done with Web standards," said Devin Fernandez, product manager of Adobe's Web Pro group.

"[For] the first public preview release, we focused on animation," Fernandez added. "Over the public preview period, we'll be adding additional functionality. We'll be incorporating feedback from the community, taking those requests into account."

The company intends to improve the features of the new software by adding video and audio elements alongside the SVG, PNG, GIF, and JPEG graphics it can handle now. The Edge preview product now is available at the Adobe Labs site.

Read more -here-


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