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Host a Speed Test Mirror

Thank you for your interest in creating a SG Speed Test mirror! It allows users to test from different geographic locations, and really helps reliability by distributing the bandwidth. We'd be glad to add more international mirrors to the list. We'll help you with some exposure and links back to your site in return. Adding a mirror requires that you have a web server, and some available dedicated bandwidth (20+Gb total transfers per month, preferably quality burstable bandwidth).

Adding a test mirror involves simply creating a separate directory on your server, and uploading a few test files to it. The test requires your webserver to allow XMLHttpRequests from our domain, the files linked in the instructions below already contain the necessary simple .htaccess file for Linux/Apache servers. Hosting a mirror will only use some bandwidth (currently mirrors use ~1Gb per day on average), it should not have any significant impact on other server load.

Here are the simple steps to create a mirror:

1. Download and extract the test files from this archive:

2. Upload all the extracted files to a separate directory your server (called "speedtest" for example ;))... (the ".htaccess" file is needed to allow ajax http requests from; the php file is for generating random data; the other files are simply random uncompressible test data of exact sizes).

3. Check if mirror is working properly. You should be able to access if from the web (blank index.html page, but no "Internal Server Error"). If there is an error, it most likely means the server did not read the .htaccess file correctly, and couldn't set the CORS header from it. This requires a bit of additional work.. Basically, the mirror server needs to set this CORS header to allow requests from our domain: Access-Control-Allow-Origin "" You can remove the .htaccess file, and try to set the CORS header, there are server-specific instructions here: Generally, for Apache servers, mod_headers should be enabled, and "Allow Override All" should be set in the config file for the .htaccess to work. We'd be happy to help with troubleshooting this, if needed.

4. When done, or if you have questions, please , (or skype: philip71, or message me through the sg forums) so we can add your speed test mirror to the list, usually within a day. Please also send me the following information about your mirror:

Test Mirror Name:    [usually your website url, whatever you want it named       ]
Server location:     [server physical location, if known. Example: Tampa, FL, USA]
Test files address:  [Example:             ]
Link URL (optional): [if you'd like links back to your site provide the URL      ]
Monthly bandwidth:   [speed test limit, or unlimited. Example: max 100GB/month   ]
Any additional info: [Example: server on a T3 pipe at the BtN Access Tampa DC    ]


By adding a mirror server, you'd help make this free tool better for all users. You will also get links back to your site in a couple of places - the tests mirrors list, the test results (when someone tests using your server), and the mirror stats pages. Most importantly, it would be great for people to have the ability to test their internet speed from many different geographic locations...

If you have any additional questions or concerns, just and I'd be happy to address them.




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  • Hosting a test mirror uses some bandwidth, tell us if you'd like it limited to a certain amount (for example 20Gb/month, or 100Gb/month) and if it ever reaches that limit, it will stop forwarding users to your server for that month.
  • We reserve the right to remove mirrors, or not add them to the list if we determine that the host is too slow or somehow unable to handle testing broadband connections.
  • The SG speed test files are designed to transfer nearly uncompressable data.
  • Web-based speet tests are just an estimate of the slowest link between you and this particular server. Tests are dependent on many factors, such as time of day, congestion on the path at the time, your ISP's backbone/connectivity, your allocated bandwidth, the particular node you're on, the state of the Internet at the time, latency, moon phase ;), etc.
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