Hi stranger, it's been a while, good to see you around
It's somewhat quiet in here, but doing fine otherwise thanks. How is life treating you up in the frozen country?
Linux is user friendly, it's just picky about its friends...
Disclaimer: Please use caution when opening messages, my grasp on reality may have shaken loose during transmission (going on rusty memory circuits). I also eat whatever crayons are put in front of me.
Chris wrote:used to be non stop here, guess what im trying to get away feom is the demise of so many great sites,
frigging social media, im done with it
Social media did have a lot to do with it. Nothing will ever replace sites like SG.
Any forums that are focused on certain topics still have value, as long as knowledgeable people participate in them. It is a great way to communicate information without the emojimadness fluff and hyped trends on social media.
I may be getting old school, but I still find myself learning a lot more by reading forums, I've only had a few laughs and found mostly useless info on social media.