SpeedGuide.net Teams Information

SG Distributed Computing Teams discussion, S.E.T.I., Folding@Home, as well as other types of cloud/distributed computing, AI, machine learning, cryptocurrency mining.
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SpeedGuide.net Teams Information

Post by Philip »

Welcome, and thanks for your interest in our

SpeedGuide.net Distributed Computing Teams
Folding@Home | Genome@Home | SETI@Home

We participate in several different distributed computing projects which help humanity with research, using your CPUs idle time. All information for setting up your computers to run the software and participate in our teams can be found here:
http://www.speedguide.net/sg_teams.php ( Simply choose the project that appeals to you the most and run the client program... If you need additional help post to this forum.)

You can use the following links for Teams and User statistics:
GQH Team ranking & output comparison
SETI@home Team Stats
EOC Team SG Stats Page
EOC SG Member Rankings

What Is Folding ?
By helping understand how proteins fold, you are helping better understand how to cure many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's, Cancer, etc.

Thanks for joining !

Useful Links Additional Notes
  • By participating in our teams, you're also entitled to a custom user status on our forums and an Avatar regardless of post count (just message one of the admins/mods with your requests)
  • The client software does not interfere with the normal operation of your computer, it does not slow down other programs since it is very low priority and only uses idle cycles.
  • Console versions of the software generally run a bit faster than screen-saver versions.
  • Even if you have a slower PC, every little bit counts, your contribution to the team effort is appreciated !
  • Results are sent to servers and new WUs (Work Units) are assigned automatically, you only need to run the appropriate client program.
  • Once you join our teams, statistics usually take up to 48 hours (after you send your first results) to update and show your username and ranking.
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Posts: 11567
Joined: Sat May 08, 1999 5:00 am
Location: Jacksonville, Florida

Post by Philip »
