TCP Optimizer needs new version since v1709 Windows Update [updated]

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Post by Ailurus »

Hello n1kobg, good evening I wanted to comment that I am having problems with your file PERFORMANCE_BOOSTER_v3.4.bat when using it with games (PUBG, Dayz, Fortnite) with the BattleEye anticheat, when starting the game I automatically throw a BSOD with the error of page_fault_in_nonpaged_area bedaisy.sys, save a previous restore point before applying your .bat file to verify if a modified registry key of your file could be affecting to be able to enter games of these games

I hope you can help me see what could be the inconvenience because clearly you are the one who knows more hahaha and because the speed difference of my pc after applying the .bat is impressive
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Post by Philip »

Please discuss Performance Booster, K-Booster, etc. in their own separate threads, this is supposed to be TCP-Optimizer related. Thanks.
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Post by n1kobg »

@Philip In this thread I posted the batch file, maybe thats because he writes here.

@Ailurus If you have RAM overclock set it to default and/or reduce RAM cache-that could be a reason. If you dont have page file set it to at least 300mb. You can reduce the size of the Dump File to small memory dump or Kernel Memory Dump (System Properties>Advanced>StartUp and Recovery). Type "MdSched" in search or RUN or just "mem" in search and run Windows Memory Diagnostic tool. Be patient, it takes time to complete. Also update your drivers.
Im not sure its from my batch. i have to check. Maybe you did changes before apply the PERFORMANCE_BOOSTER and something happens after that...just guessing here.

ps. Maybe I'll change my mind later, idk but I honestly dont want to make a thread about PERFORMANCE_BOOSTER. i post it here because the people here are interested in the topic.

This is link to my other thread:
showthread.php?287873-New-App-for-Testi ... ost2433506
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Post by erpguy2 »


It looks like the latest version of TCP Optimizer (v4.0.9) can not seem to change the Initial "Retransmit Timeout" (RTO) setting from 3000 to 2000 (or vice-versa) in Windows 8.1.
I ran TCP Optimizer with administrative privileges in Win8.1, changed the Initial RTO value from 3000 to 2000, rebooted and ran TCP Optimizer again and the initial RTO value was still at 3000. I did not have this problem with an older 4.x version.

Also this problem seems to occur only with Win8.1. Problem does not happen with Win10 as TCP Optimizer v4.0.9 can correctly change the Intitial RTO value from 3000 to 2000 (and vice versa)
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Post by Philip »

erpguy2, thanks for the info, sent you a PM with links to some of the older versions.. I don't have a Windows 8.1 test machine, would be helpful if you can test those other versions and see which works. Thanks
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Post by erpguy2 »

Philip wrote:erpguy2, thanks for the info, sent you a PM with links to some of the older versions.. I don't have a Windows 8.1 test machine, would be helpful if you can test those other versions and see which works. Thanks
actually Philip I found the problem:

TCP Optimizer v4.0.9 (and maybe v4.0.8) was using "PowerShell.exe Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Internet -InitialRto 3000" to change the Initial RTO value, which only works under Windows 10 and does not work under Windows 8 & Windows 8.1.

To make actual changes to the Initial RTO value under Win8/Win8.1, I had to use the "netsh int tcp set global initialRto=3000" or "netsh int tcp set global initialRto=2000" command OR using "PowerShell.exe Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName InternetCustom -InitialRto 3000" as noted in the "Windows 8, 10, 2012 Server TCP/IP Tweaks" guide: ... weaks-5077

I think it was an older 4.0.x version of TCP Optimizer (the one before Win10 was first released, maybe between v4.0 and v4.0.4; something before v4.0.5) that used the proper powershell command to change the Initial RTO value under Win8/8.1.

Edit: I'll need to use a v4.x version before v4.0.5 - something that added Win8/8.1 compatibility but didn't have Win10 compatibility

Edit 2: OK I manually ran "PowerShell.exe Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Internet -InitialRto 3000" under Win8.1 and it generates an error message in Powershell on Win8.1, which is why the Initial RTO change did not work. TCP Optimizer should be running "PowerShell.exe Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName InternetCustom -InitialRto 3000" on Win8.x instead (like noted in the documentation).

well Philip, that's the difference between using "Internet" and "InternetCustom" in that powershell command

Summary: To change Initial RTO value in Win8/Win8.1 "Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName InternetCustom -InitialRto 3000" should be used while in Win10 "Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Internet -InitialRto 3000" should be used. That documentation needs to be updated to reflect these new findings.
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Post by Philip »

Thanks for the update erpguy2.

Can you please post the exact built of your Windows 8.1 ? (right-click Start > Run > type: winver)
I thought the template was changed from "InternetCustom" to "Internet" in one of the later 8.1 builds, will have to do some testing on our end.
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Post by erpguy2 »

Philip wrote:Thanks for the update erpguy2.

Can you please post the exact built of your Windows 8.1 ? (right-click Start > Run > type: winver)
I thought the template was changed from "InternetCustom" to "Internet" in one of the later 8.1 builds, will have to do some testing on our end.
well you thought wrong on that template change, which occurred starting in Win10, not 8.1.

upon further testing, it was TCP Optimizer v4.06 and earlier that used "PowerShell.exe Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName InternetCustom -InitialRto 3000" on Win8.1. so versions 4.05 & 4.06 worked fine on Win8.1

v4.07 & higher used "PowerShell.exe Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Internet -InitialRto 3000", which did not work on Win8.1

And I'm currently using v6.3.9600.18969 of Win8.1 w/ KB3191564 update. And this is the powershell error message when manually typing Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Internet -InitialRto 3000 into Win8.1:


using Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName InternetCustom -InitialRto 3000 does not make that error message in Win8/8.1.

For now, I'm gonna keep a copy of TCP Optimizer v4.06 for my Win8.0 & Win8.1 machines and not use any higher versions to change the Initial RTO value.
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Post by Philip »

erpguy2 we are looking into it, thanks.
Also, what is the output of: netsh int tcp show supplemental
(does it have a line saying "The TCP global default template is ...")
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Post by erpguy2 »

Philip wrote:erpguy2 we are looking into it, thanks.
Also, what is the output of: netsh int tcp show supplemental
(does it have a line saying "The TCP global default template is ...")
speaking of netsh, why not make future versions of the TCP Optimizer program use the netsh int tcp set global initialRto=3000 or netsh int tcp set global initialRto=2000 command to change the Initial RTO value instead of relying on powershell's Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Internet InitialRto xxxx cmdlet? Think about it, Philip. I used that netsh command to change the Initial RTO value on my Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 computers (getting an Ok. response after using netsh) and netsh does it consistently well (and recent versions of TCP Optimizer from v4.0.7 to v4.0.9 do recognize the Initial RTO value change).

meaning after I run netsh int tcp set global initialRto=xxxx on a cmd prompt with admin rights, I run latest version of TCP Optimizer (also as admin) and it shows the Initial RTO value that I just entered with the NETSH command

Edit 2/20: running "netsh int tcp show supplemental" on the win8.1 command prompt shows "The TCP global default template is internet"
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Post by n1kobg »

@erpguy2 They had to change the commands because Microsoft start changing the Networking after v1709.
I think there should be eighter options for differend WIndows versions or the program to detect the version & apply the corresponding commands (which is more dificult).
I always use older versions when deal with older Windows instalations, anyway. Make sense new version to work for new Windows versions.
Maybe the easiest way is to make in the TCP Optimizer page a chart or just to clarify which version is good for which Windows.

There is one more thing about the program. It cant properly set Congestion Control Provider in v1809.
netsh int tcp set supplemental Internet congestionprovider=CTCP doesnt change it and it shows Default with netsh int tcp show global. They only way to set it ti CTCP is with registry tweak. We already talked about that with Philip.
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Post by Philip »

erpguy2 wrote:speaking of netsh, why not make future versions of the TCP Optimizer program use the netsh int tcp set global initialRto=3000 or netsh int tcp set global initialRto=2000 command to change the Initial RTO value instead of relying on powershell's Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Internet InitialRto xxxx cmdlet? Think about it, Philip. I used that netsh command to change the Initial RTO value on my Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 computers (getting an Ok. response after using netsh) and netsh does it consistently well (and recent versions of TCP Optimizer from v4.0.7 to v4.0.9 do recognize the Initial RTO value change).

meaning after I run netsh int tcp set global initialRto=xxxx on a cmd prompt with admin rights, I run latest version of TCP Optimizer (also as admin) and it shows the Initial RTO value that I just entered with the NETSH command

Edit 2/20: running "netsh int tcp show supplemental" on the win8.1 command prompt shows "The TCP global default template is internet"
As n1kobg mentioned, The TCP Optimizer is designed to detect the OS, and use a combination of "netsh" commands, Registry entries, and PowerShell Cmdlets depending on what works in that particular OS.

The issue with Windows 8 (if I remember correctly) is that it uses the Internet template by default (as the netsh command shows), yet only allows you to change the settings in the "InternetCustom" template.

netsh allows for changing some parameters, and not others, it is supposedly being phased out and depreciated according to MS, there are issues with changing the congestion avoidance algorithm, etc. It may work for RTO, thanks for that bit of info.
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Post by Philip »

The TCP Optimizer has been updated to version 4.1.0, it now uses the netsh variant for InitialRTO under Windows 8/8.1 as the PowerShell cmdlet doesn't have enough permissions to change the current template if it isn't "InternetCustom"
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Post by erpguy2 »

ah thanks Philip. the 4.1.0 version worked great on my Win8.x machines
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Post by Philip »

Glad to hear it, thanks for confirming and the constructive feedback :)
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