-= Gaming Tweaks for BBRv2 on Windows =-

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-= Gaming Tweaks for BBRv2 on Windows =-

Post by Kosmo »

Hi all!
Please tell me what settings need to be made in order to get minimal delays in online shooters, and speed up damage registration when using BBRv2 on Windows! Interested in any advice!! :thumb: :nod:
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Re: -= Gaming Tweaks for BBRv2 on Windows =-

Post by Philip »

In general, you can read the advantages/disadvantages of each congestion avoidance algorithm here: https://www.speedguide.net/articles/tcp ... rison-7423
You can try whether CTCP works better or BBR2 for your connection.

Other than that, smaller packets work a bit faster, but only if there is no packet coalescing, and it may depend on the game/protocol.

I also think it is beneficial to tune the network adapter settings, rather than just focusing just on the TCP/IP protocol settings, see these: https://www.speedguide.net/articles/net ... ation-3449

I hope this helps.
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