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Greetings to all users of the legendary Speedguide forum! Special greetings to the legendary Philip!
I'm new here and don't know a lot of things yet, so please don't judge me harshly. )) And now to the question itself.
I can not reach the result "+A" in Bufferbloat. It always shows the result "B". What is the reason for this and how can I fix it? I wouldn't say I have a slow internet connection. 250000 mbit/s and I don't complain about ping either. Speedtest shows speed 250-270 mbit/s, ping 10-12. In games ping is almost always stable between 20-25, packet loss is VERY, VERY rare and not in all games. I've applied a couple of tweaks to improve and stable internet and configured TCP Optimizer for the best and cleanest connection. But the one thing that really pisses me off and I don't understand why Bufferbloat shows a value of "B" ? I read that it has a negative effect on latency. At this point in time, I'm most interested in fixing this annoying problem.
Is there a solution to it ? Thank you all in advance for your help!!! Regards Maks!!!
I don't worry about that bufferbloat score much, it is not necessarily a problem. It would only reduce your speeds in the presence of packet loss. The "buffer" it refers to is the TCP Window, which is automatically controlled in Windows 10/11. Having large TCP Window allows for higher throughput.
You can only control how aggressive the auto-tuning algorithm is, you can do it in the TCP Optimizer with the "TCP Window Auto Tuning" setting, you can change it from "normal" to "restricted", or "highlyrestricted" to reduce the buffer.
Keep in mind the effect will most likely be reduced trasnfer speed. Feel free to test it out, I just don't think it will reduce your ping from your already low latency.
Thanks for the quick feedback!
I didn't sit idly by and found some information in various forums on the subject. I won't claim it, but the information is most likely taken from this forum.
1. In tcp optimizer I set all the settings to optimal
2. In the properties of the network card set the default settings.
3. Finally I applied some tweaks in cmd.
4. Restarted the system and did a buffer test.
And this is what I got from it.
Our provider "Deutsche Telekom" is considered to be one of the best or the best in terms of quality, reliability and stability of internet connection.
I will not claim that I have done everything right regarding the changes, but rather the opposite. That's why I'm here to understand and solve this problem.
Thanks again in advance for your help!!!
Regards MakS!!
Thanks for the quick feedback!
I didn't sit idly by and found some information in various forums on the subject. I won't claim it, but the information is most likely taken from this forum.
1. In tcp optimizer I set all the settings to optimal
2. In the properties of the network card set the default settings.
3. Finally I applied some tweaks in cmd.
4. Restarted the system and did a buffer test.
And this is what I got from it.
Our provider "Deutsche Telekom" is considered to be one of the best or the best in terms of quality, reliability and stability of internet connection.
I will not claim that I have done everything right regarding the changes, but rather the opposite. That's why I'm here to understand and solve this problem.
Thanks again in advance for your help!!!
Regards MakS!!
How to insert url from the picture I have figured out thank god. Could you recommend me a good, free photo hosting where I could upload a picture? Thanks in advance!
As I said before, if you want to reduce your buffers, you can change "TCP Window Auto tuning" to restricted. I wouldn't recommend it though, as it limits your throughput, and doesn't usually help latency.
That's the only way to control the TCP Window "buffer" under Windows 10/11. I wouldn't worry about it much.
Reducing the TCP Window would only reduce throughput if the node is overloaded and you are transferring large amounts of data at the same time. In an unlikely situation like that, it is possible that the node starts dropping part of your buffered packets on that particular device to reduce its load, and your throughput would suffer as a side effect. If you're not experiencing packet loss, this scenario is not happening, so you can safely ignore the "bufferbloat" score. Large TCP buffers actually help your connection speed, and may be necessary for high throughput.
Thank you again Philip for your reply!
I have experimented a little and found out that if I download a large update and at the same time do a buffer test, then naturally the download speed in the test drops from 250 mbps to 80 mbps, which is logical in principle. But also decreases and buffer from 190 to 50 that for me is very strange. What can it be connected with? Some kind of reverse effect is at work here. It should be exactly the opposite.
Thanks in advance!
The biggest change I did to increase my score was to actually completely disable TCP Auto-Tuning and all Offloading options except Checksum offloading, via TCPOptimizer and NIC properties.
I wouldn't recommend that on a broadband connection though, you're limiting your throughput in order to MAYBE reduce packet loss and retransmissions IF a node near you is congested AND it starts dropping YOUR packets in THEIR buffer, which is not normal conditions scenario.
No, the test just gives you a lower score if your TCP Buffers are larger, because there is a potential that when nodes are congested you may oversaturate their memory with your packets, then they may start dropping your packets to slow you down. So the test recommends you to use smaller buffers, and essentially reduce your throughput in order to potentially reduce packet loss and dropped packets if nodes are congested.
If you are not experiencing packet loss, there is no gain from limiting your TCP Windows, you're just limiting your max throughput.
Using normal setting defintely has the max throughput like you said, while disabled nerfs my throughput significantly (Im on 1000mbps internet plan). The experimental does give a higher grade but has a little slower throughput.
I was mainly testing to make sure this setting didnt effect latency, which it doesnt. Im going to keep TCP Window Auto-Tuning at normal as you recommend so Im not flushing money down the toilet for getting the 1000mbps internet plan. I may as well have gotten the 250mbps plan if I set to disabled.
Last edited by shoober420 on Tue Oct 15, 2024 11:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
Yeah, I'd keep it an Normal. "Experimental" uses too aggressive of a TCP Window, it used to have issues even in LAN environments with transferring large files and local Windows file shares.