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Vaccines as Biological Weapons?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:23 pm
by knightmare
Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries

There's a popular medical thriller novel in which a global pandemic is intentionally set off by an evil plot designed to reduce the human population. In the book, a nefarious drug company inserts live avian flu viruses into vaccine materials that are distributed to countries around the world to be injected into patients as "flu shots." Those patients then become carriers for these highly-virulent strains of avian flu which go on to infect the world population and cause widespread death.

There's only one problem with this story: It's not fiction. Or, at least, the part about live avian flu viruses being inserted into vaccine materials isn't fiction. It's happening right now.

Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" (if you can call it that, see below...) was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and panic spread throughout the vaccine community as health experts asked the obvious question: How could this have happened?

Full story/links, etc..

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:20 pm
by JawZ
Crap, sorry man. You got the scoop. I didn't realize that it had been posted. Mombad. ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:26 pm
by knightmare
JawZ wrote:Crap, sorry man. You got the scoop. I didn't realize that it had been posted. Mombad. ;)
It doesn't matter who gets credit, I'm just glad someone has their eyes open.

What I meant about wasting your time in the other thread, was that I'm not too sure that anyone on the board cares.. (hope you didn't take it the wrong way.)

After all it is just some more tinfoil -CT stuff, etc... :rolleyes:

I've never had a flu vaccine, and do not want one...

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:08 am
by Mad_Haggis
Your about as old as me. So you do not need the new vaccine to fix the old vaccine b4 you got [the] vaccine?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:46 pm
by David
What a delightfully conflicted site, David.

I am rather curious to see what shakes out. The material in question should never have been close to the vaccine. Seems a bit like the cyanide laced Tylenol of a couple decades past.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:25 pm
by JawZ
David wrote:What a delightfully conflicted site, David.

I am rather curious to see what shakes out. The material in question should never have been close to the vaccine. Seems a bit like the cyanide laced Tylenol of a couple decades past.

Think Ryan White and Factor VIII.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:10 am
by Jada
Very intresting link, not a word in UK media about any of this, which don't surprise me any more, really nice site thanks for the heads up.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:36 am
by David
JawZ wrote:Think Ryan White and Factor VIII.
haemophilia? Please elaborate on the connection.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:29 pm
by JawZ
David wrote:haemophilia? Please elaborate on the connection. ... ted=1=2157
A division of the pharmaceutical company Bayer sold millions of dollars of blood-clotting medicine for hemophiliacs -- medicine that carried a high risk of transmitting AIDS -- to Asia and Latin America in the mid-1980's while selling a new, safer product in the West, according to documents obtained by The New York Times.

The Bayer unit, Cutter Biological, introduced its safer medicine in late February 1984 as evidence mounted that the earlier version was infecting hemophiliacs with H.I.V. Yet for over a year, the company continued to sell the old medicine overseas, prompting a United States regulator to accuse Cutter of breaking its promise to stop selling the product.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:46 pm
by David

I remember Ryan White and know the clotting cascade, however the start of the epidemic predates the Bayer incident. The safety of our blood supply was questionable during said time, being that it was not screened for this virus and many others. Anyone receiving a transmission was at risk, haemophiliacs were, of course at extreme risk.

If the Bayer product was derived from human blood, it goes without saying. Thank you for the link, this looks very interesting. Dumping old stock in other countries is not an uncommon practice....

Jayyy and I had a good discussion a while back. He made a salient point that most of those who died of HIV at the start were not the healthiest people from the start.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:52 pm
by David
"Cutter had continued to sell the old medicine, the statement said, because some customers doubted the new drug's effectiveness, and because some countries were slow to approve its sale. The company also said that a shortage of plasma, used to make the medicine, had kept Cutter from manufacturing more of the new product."

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:25 pm
by MissTynker2
What a strange time for me to be reading something of this nature. For the first time ever, in October..I believe, of last year...I agreed to a 5 year pneumonia shot...first in my life. In November...I came down with pneumonia for the first time....I am just now recovering from a second round of pneumonia, after a serious battle of over 3 weeks, with oxygen concentrator with a nebulizer as a backup, treatments, steroids, and complete quiet.....cheesh!! Me thinks me will pass on any more injections! What timing!! :rotfl:

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:40 pm
by knightmare
MissTynker2 wrote:What a strange time for me to be reading something of this nature. For the first time ever, in October..I believe, of last year...I agreed to a 5 year pneumonia shot...first in my life. In November...I came down with pneumonia for the first time....I am just now recovering from a second round of pneumonia, after a serious battle of over 3 weeks, with oxygen concentrator with a nebulizer as a backup, treatments, steroids, and complete quiet.....cheesh!! Me thinks me will pass on any more injections! What timing!! :rotfl:
Vaccines thru a needle go directly into the body, bypassing your natural immune system.

The one vaccine that was very effective was taken orally, the polio vaccine.

What is strange in my area is every year they give out vaccines, people get the flu still. ( ones who took vaccine.)
Then the medical community blames it on a new strain.
(Well of course it is, the old strain you vaccinated against mutated.)

Positive intent sent your way... :) Hang in there...

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:32 pm
by David
knightmare wrote:Vaccines thru a needle go directly into the body, bypassing your natural immune system.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:51 pm
by JawZ
David wrote:What?
Tainted vaccines David.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:02 pm
by MissTynker2
knightmare wrote:Vaccines thru a needle go directly into the body, bypassing your natural immune system.

The one vaccine that was very effective was taken orally, the polio vaccine.

What is strange in my area is every year they give out vaccines, people get the flu still. ( ones who took vaccine.)
Then the medical community blames it on a new strain.
(Well of course it is, the old strain you vaccinated against mutated.)

Positive intent sent your way... :) Hang in there...

Thank you! Mighty mouse still prevails ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:05 am
by David
knightmare wrote:Vaccines thru a needle go directly into the body, bypassing your natural immune system.
David wrote:What?
Jawz wrote:Tainted vaccines David.
That is not what I took issue, Evan. Knightmare was wholly incorrect with the above quote. By injection, the vaccine avoids disintegration via the digestive system (Not a problem with Polio or Typhoid vaccine). It does not bypass the immune system. While I would concur that many of the present day vaccine being force on children are probably not necessary and indeed egregious incidences of tainted sera have occurred, however the proclivity of some to toss the baby out with the bathwater is getting a bit silly.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:07 pm
by JawZ
David wrote:That is not what I took issue, Evan. Knightmare was wholly incorrect with the above quote. By injection, the vaccine avoids disintegration via the digestive system (Not a problem with Polio or Typhoid vaccine). It does not bypass the immune system. While I would concur that many of the present day vaccine being force on children are probably not necessary and indeed egregious incidences of tainted sera have occurred, however the proclivity of some to toss the baby out with the bathwater is getting a bit silly.


Your body, your skin, acts as a barrier to pathogens. Your skin is part of your overall immune system.

A vaccine improves immunity to a particular disease.

Most modern day vaccines are given via an injection where the natural barrier to pathogens is breached.

Our bodies resist naturally occurring pathogens quite well. But once the first layer of our immune system is breached, progressive failure takes place in each successive system.

So by injection, a vaccine tainted with a pathogen is directly bypassing the body's first natural layer of self defense and it's by design.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:37 pm
by David
JawZ wrote:David,

Your body, your skin, acts as a barrier to pathogens. Your skin is part of your overall immune system.

A vaccine improves immunity to a particular disease.

Most modern day vaccines are given via an injection where the natural barrier to pathogens is breached.

Our bodies resist naturally occurring pathogens quite well. But once the first layer of our immune system is breached, progressive failure takes place in each successive system.

So by injection, a vaccine tainted with a pathogen is directly bypassing the body's first natural layer of self defense and it's by design.

I will keep this simple.

The stratum corneum serves as a barrier, but it is not in itself part of the immune system.

While the mucous membranes are capable of handling many pathogens on their own, it is the design of immunization to enact the entire system to react to a systemic ailment..... should our body's protective surfaces fail.

Tainted vaccine is no different than tainted medication or tainted food stuffs, save for the type of furor that it might cause within specific communities.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:10 pm
by JawZ
David wrote:Evan,

I will keep this simple.

The stratum corneum serves as a barrier, but it is not in itself part of the immune system.

While the mucous membranes are capable of handling many pathogens on their own, it is the design of immunization to enact the entire system to react to a systemic ailment..... should our body's protective surfaces fail.

Tainted vaccine is no different than tainted medication or tainted food stuffs, save for the type of furor that it might cause within specific communities.


I will also keep it very simple for you as well.

From wikipedia:

The immune system protects organisms from infection with layered defenses of increasing specificity. Most simply, physical barriers prevent pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from entering the organism.

[font=&quot]Innate Immunity[/font][font=&quot][/font] The innate immunity system is what we are born with and it is nonspecific; all antigens are attacked pretty much equally. It is genetically based and we pass it on to our offspring.
Surface Barriers or Mucosal Immunity
The first and, arguably, most important barrier is the skin. The skin cannot be penetrated by most organisms unless it already has an opening, such as a nick, scratch, or cut.

Do we need to dig deeper?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:41 pm
by brembo

C'mon man. Wiki is one thing, having a real live Doc is another.

David is saying that the INTENDED purpose of the injection is to bypass part of the immune defense array (skin) to get it in there and doing it's little white cell thing. Vaccines are by nature de-tuned versions of the critter we don't want and it's likely that the weaker strain that vaccines are would have problems overcomming the skin/mucous barrier, so injection is the most logical method in many cases.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:04 pm
by JawZ
brembo wrote:Evan-

C'mon man. Wiki is one thing, having a real live Doc is another.

David is saying that the INTENDED purpose of the injection is to bypass part of the immune defense array (skin) to get it in there and doing it's little white cell thing. Vaccines are by nature de-tuned versions of the critter we don't want and it's likely that the weaker strain that vaccines are would have problems overcomming the skin/mucous barrier, so injection is the most logical method in many cases.

Knightmare's purpose in creating this thread was to show how vaccines can be used as a biological weapon.

What he said is this:
Vaccines thru a needle go directly into the body, bypassing your natural immune system.
How is he incorrect Dan?

Dan, A needle is designed to break through your skin, your first line of defense(the immune system barrier).

Dan, if I were to place the vaccine directly on your would be ineffective.

Dan, If I wanted to infect you with a biological agent, I would use the delivery system that is common to vaccines, injection.

The lovely and sinister part of it is that YOU agree to be injected with vaccines Dan!!!!

And that is what Knightmare is saying Dan. David is taking his purpose and his message out of context.

So please stop distorting Knightmare's message.

If you disagree further, we can talk about it on the phone in a recorded session. PM me for my number. Fair enough Dan?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:02 pm
by David
JawZ wrote:David,

I will also keep it very simple for you as well.

From wikipedia:

The immune system protects organisms from infection with layered defenses of increasing specificity. Most simply, physical barriers prevent pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from entering the organism.

Do we need to dig deeper?


Evan, do you recall my profession?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:13 pm
by David
JawZ wrote:Knightmare's purpose in creating this thread was to show how vaccines can be used as a biological weapon.

What he said is this:

How is he incorrect Dan?

Dan, A needle is designed to break through your skin, your first line of defense(the immune system barrier).

Dan, if I were to place the vaccine directly on your would be ineffective.

Dan, If I wanted to infect you with a biological agent, I would use the delivery system that is common to vaccines, injection.

The lovely and sinister part of it is that YOU agree to be injected with vaccines Dan!!!!

And that is what Knightmare is saying Dan. David is taking his purpose and his message out of context.
Because Knightmare does not understand what he is reading or he is creating a distortion of fact.

The most of the pathogens that immunization effect can enter the body through mucous membranes..... Like, inhalation..... does this sound familiar? They never need break the skin.

Barriers, like latex, nitrile rubber or the stratum corneum are not the immune system. The immune system is a complex system of reaction, often started by an insult to tissues, the lysis of Mast cells with release histamines and cytokines, which in turn increas blood flow to the area, luring a variety of white blood cells and other molecules to destroy the offending object and later promote repair....

BTW... I did not need to look it up.

Have some peanut butter.


Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:27 pm
by knightmare
David wrote:<sigh>

Evan, do you recall my profession?
Sorry David, but being a dentist does not give you the final authority in anything posted on SG, which is medical related.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:28 pm
Careful David, you may end up on UOD's ignore if you keep up this kind of behavior. :p

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:30 pm
by knightmare
YARDofSTUF wrote:Careful David, you may end up on UOD's ignore if you keep up this kind of behavior. :p

This is why no one can have a mature discussion on SG.

Why not offer a opinion instead of bashing a memeber who is trying to help.

JAWZ/UOD intentions are honorable.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:34 pm
by knightmare
David wrote:Because Knightmare does not understand what he is reading or he is creating a distortion of fact.


BTW... I did not need to look it up.

Have some peanut butter.


creating a distortion of the fact???

Why not just call me a liar David?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:36 pm
by knightmare

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:50 pm
by JawZ
David wrote:Because Knightmare does not understand what he is reading or he is creating a distortion of fact.

The most of the pathogens that immunization effect can enter the body through mucous membranes..... Like, inhalation..... does this sound familiar? They never need break the skin.

Barriers, like latex, nitrile rubber or the stratum corneum are not the immune system. The immune system is a complex system of reaction, often started by an insult to tissues, the lysis of Mast cells with release histamines and cytokines, which in turn increas blood flow to the area, luring a variety of white blood cells and other molecules to destroy the offending object and later promote repair....

BTW... I did not need to look it up.

Have some peanut butter.


David, your experience with biological warfare is...............?

It just so happens to be a very large part of my profession.

Knightmare is still correct. I'm sorry we disagree. You are a healer, while I am a killer. I can't help it if you missed his point....which you did David. He's simply stating that vaccine is a great social engineering tool as most people will allow themselves to be injected with almost anything that comes from a "trusted" source. So again, if I wanted to infect you with a biological agent, I would inject you with it via a socially acceptable vaccination.

If you have a point to make, stop being so wordy and just make it. You don't need to impress me...I already admire you without all the god damn jargon.

If you want to be right about the skin NOT being part of the immune so at your own peril.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:09 pm
by David
JawZ wrote:David, your experience with biological warfare is...............?

It just so happens to be a very large part of my profession.

Knightmare is still correct. I'm sorry we disagree. You are a healer, while I am a killer. I can't help it if you missed his point....which you did David. He's simply stating that vaccine is a great social engineering tool as most people will allow themselves to be injected with almost anything that comes from a "trusted" source. So again, if I wanted to infect you with a biological agent, I would inject you with it via a socially acceptable vaccination.

If you have a point to make, stop being so wordy and just make it. You don't need to impress me...I already admire you without all the god damn jargon.

If you want to be right about the skin NOT being part of the immune so at your own peril.
Read post #14 to see what I took issue. Knightmare is incorrect, but go on believing what you will. The stratum corneum (look it up) is a PASSIVE barrier, not the ACTIVE immune system which is capable of some rather cool things.

My experience is in treating bacterial and viral infections. I do have some knowledge of the immune system.

It is the same a poisoned well, salmonella laced food, lead painted toys, cigarette exports or a nerve agent sprayed into a subway ventilation system. It CAN be intentional, or a case of occam's razor.... human laziness and ignorance.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:20 pm
by JawZ
David wrote:Read post #14 to see what I took issue. Knightmare is incorrect, but go on believing what you will. The stratum corneum (look it up) is a PASSIVE barrier, not the ACTIVE immune system which is capable of some rather cool things.

My experience is in treating bacterial and viral infections. I do have some knowledge of the immune system.

It is the same a poisoned well, salmonella laced food, lead painted toys, cigarette exports or a nerve agent sprayed into a subway ventilation system. It CAN be intentional, or a case of occam's razor.... human laziness and ignorance.

Great I can stop washing my hands now?

Go read your children a lovely story. Time for milk and cookies here.


Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:30 pm
knightmare wrote:This is why no one can have a mature discussion on SG.

Why not offer a opinion instead of bashing a memeber who is trying to help.

JAWZ/UOD intentions are honorable.

I return a discussion to the same level at which he used PMing me. Before that I put in my honest opinions. If he doesnt want to be treated like a child, he shouldn't treat others with differing opinions as such.

For a vaccine to work it needs to get passed the skin, now as I understand it the disease or whatever they put in is suppose to be dead or not active, so something like a live flu strain is bad. But it just seems like a mistake to me.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:10 pm
by David
JawZ wrote:Great I can stop washing my hands now?

Go read your children a lovely story. Time for milk and cookies here.

No, because you will probably touch one of your or your daughter's mucous membrane. Lord only knows what you or I might have handled.

"Any tool is a weapon if you hold it right."
-Ani DiFranco

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:15 pm
by David
knightmare wrote:creating a distortion of the fact???

Why not just call me a liar David?
Do I have a reason to call you a liar?

Because, I believe you have half the information, and made assumptions.

You are aware that there are inhaled vaccines, no need to break the skin. Influenza, in fact.

As for being a "final authority", not really. However, I might have a better working knowledge on the immune system with my background and experience.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:50 pm
by David
You know......

David, I had really one key issue with your supposition, moreover it was a simple correction. With the in your face approach of Evan, I allowed my emotions to get the better of me. Understand, it is my job and passion to heal people. I am no simple dentist.

I sincerely apologize for any ill words directed towards your person.


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:56 pm
by knightmare

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:01 pm
by knightmare
Long Time everyone....
I work as a Nurse at a Mental Health facility now....
It has been quite an experience.

I hope everyone is doing well...
I was browsing my profile, could not believe it was 19 years ago, I joined SG.

Really great times, going thru some of my old threads/posts

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:04 pm
by Philip
Hey, long time!!! Good to see you back though. Some of us are still around :)

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:17 pm
by Easto
I've found going over old (real old) posts can be a lot of fun. Not just mine but everyone's. It can bring a smile to your face.