Another freaky-scary heights video

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Another freaky-scary heights video

Post by Humboldt »

Repost but, eh.


Not sure what would be worse, the drive Minir posted or this. Notice the the dude is NOT clipped in to the safety line.
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Post by minir »

Humboldt even if this trail led directly to a Pot of Gold I'd still be a poor man! :nod: :eek:

What bothers me even more is the question of Who Built this Thing & Why? :(

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Post by Humboldt »

The walkway was built to provide workers at the hydroelectric power plants at Chorro Falls and Gaitanejo Falls with means to cross between them, to provide for transport of materials, and to facilitate inspection and maintenance of the channel. Construction began in 1901 and was finished in 1905.

In 1921 King Alfonso XIII crossed the walkway for the inauguration of the dam Conde del Guadalhorce, and it became known by its present name.
In some places the walkway has collapsed.

The walkway is 1 metre (3.3 ft) in width, and rises over 100 metres (330 ft) above the river below. Constructed of concrete, resting on steel rails supported by stanchions at around 45 degrees into the rock face, it is currently in a highly deteriorated state and there are numerous sections where part or all of the concrete top has collapsed. The result is large open air gaps that are bridged only by narrow steel beams or other support fixtures. Very few of the original handrails exist but a safety-wire runs the length of the path. Several people have lost their lives on the walkway in recent times and after two fatal accidents in 1999 and 2000, the local government closed both entrances.

In June 2011, the regional government of Andalusia and the local government of Málaga agreed to share costs of restoration (including car parking and a museum) of €9 million. The project will take approximately three years to complete.[3] Many of the original features will remain in place and the new materials that are used will be in keeping with the old design.
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Post by minir »

Hope the hourly wage in 1901 was like $100 and hour or more Humboldt :rotfl:

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Post by ace »

Check out this video and search for tower dogs if you want to see some crazy stuff.
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