
Port 2002 Details

known port assignments and vulnerabilities
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Port(s) Protocol Service Details Source
2002 tcp trojans Port used by LogMeIn (also uses ports 80 and 443 TCP)

W32.Beagle.AX@mm [Symantec-2004-111612-2714-99] (2004.11.15) - mass-mailing worm, also spreads through file-sharing networks. Affects all current Windows versions. The worm opens a backdoor on port 2002/tcp, allowing the machine to be used as an open email relay. Also uses port 80 to contact "webmoney.net".

Backdoor.Singu.C [Symantec-2006-112113-2825-99] (2006.11.21) - a trojan horse that logs keystrokes and opens a back door on the compromised computer.

The CSAdmin web administration interface for Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) 3.2(2) build 15 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (hang) via a flood of TCP connections to port 2002.
References: [CVE-2004-1458] [BID-11047] [SECUNIA-12386] [OSVDB-9182]

Some other trojans/backdoors that also use this port: Duddie, Senna Spy Trojan Generator, Sensive, TransScout
2002 udp worm-linux 2002 UDP used by oughtime.cloudflare.com

Linux.Slapper.Worm [Symantec-2002-091311-5851-99] (2002.09.13) - family of worms that use an "OpenSSL buffer overflow exploit [CVE-2002-0656] to run a shell on a remote computer. Targets vulnerable Apache Web servers under various Linux distributions. The worm has distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack capabilities. It spreads by exploiting ports 80/tcp and 443/tcp. Opens backdoors on the following ports: 2002/udp (.A variant), 1978/udp (.B variant), 4156/udp and 1052/tcp periodically (.C variant).
2002 tcp Secure Access Control Server (ACS) for Windows (unofficial) Wikipedia
2002 tcp trojan Duddie, Senna Spy Trojan Generator, Sensive Trojans
2002 udp trojan Slapper Trojans
2002 udp globe SANS
2002 udp slapper Slaper Worm P2P Backdoor SANS
2000-2002 tcp applications iSpQ VideoChat Portforward
2002 tcp,udp globe globe Nmap
2002 tcp milan Digi MiLAN print server admin port Neophasis
2002 udp slapper [trojan] Peer-to-peer UDP DDoS (PUD) (used by OpenSSL/Apache "Slapper" worm) Neophasis
2002 tcp TransScout [trojan] TransScout Neophasis
2002 tcp,udp threat Singu Bekkoame
2002 tcp,udp threat W32.Beagle Bekkoame
14 records found

Related ports: 80  443  1978  2003  2004  2005  4156  

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