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Malicious Google Chrome extensions affect 1.4 million users

2022-08-31 18:27 by
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Google has removed browser extensions with more than 1.4 million downloads from the Chrome Web Store after third-party researchers reported they were surreptitiously tracking users' browsing history and inserting tracking code into specific ecommerce sites they visited.

Threat analysts at McAfee report lists out names of five Google Chrome extensions that are unsafe to use. These are: Netflix Party (, Netflix Party, FlipShope - Price Tracker Extension, Full Page Screenshot Capture - Screenshotting.

"The extensions offer various functions such as enabling users to watch Netflix shows together, website coupons, and taking screenshots of a website," McAfee researchers Oliver Devane and Vallabh Chole said. "The latter borrows several phrases from another popular extension called GoFullPage."

Removing the extensions from its servers isn't the same as uninstalling the extensions from the 1.4 million infected devices. People who have installed the extensions should manually inspect their browsers and ensure they no longer run.

Read more -here-


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