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Apple preps smaller Ipad

2010-04-08 11:55 by
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Apple is apparently unhappy with the size of its latest creation and plans to release a smaller Ipad next year.

Given that the Ipad is widely seen as an oversized Iphone, it's perhaps a surprise that Digitimes' Mingchi Kuo is reporting that component vendors are prepping for a sub-$400 unit with a smaller screen to be launched sometime early in 2011. The question is how small can Apple go before it is just repackaging the Iphone?

Kuo also says that the device will target the "highly-portable mobile device market" which is presumably currently served, poorly, by smartphones. A smaller device is, apparently, going to focus on those who mainly read and have little demand for text input.

Those who have a 'high demand' for text input are likely to use a device such as Motorola's Milestone or even a fully fledged computer, rather than any device, be it Android or Iphone OS powered, that offers only touchscreen input. However the underlying question still remains, at what point does an Iphone become an Ipad and, if Kuo is to be believed, the reverse?

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by RaisinCain - 2010-04-08 22:55
Why people are early adopters I will never understand. I guess it makes the e-Penis bigger.
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