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My phone connects to either E, 3G, H or H+, what do they mean ?

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G is GPRS ~ 86kbps
E is EDGE ~ 236kbps
3G is UMTS ~ 386kbps
H is HSDPA ~ 3.2Mbps
H+ is HSPA ~ 7.2Mbps or HSPA+ (14.4Mbps or 21.1Mbps)

Other indicators:
R (or triangle) indicator means "roaming", it indicates you are outside the coverage of your cellular provider and likely to incur extra charges.
x indicator means no signal, airplane indicator means airplane mode, where all cell/data/Wi-Fi is turned off.

Some older phones don't display H or H+, it is possible that they show 3G for UMTS, HSPA and HSPA+
G or E means you're on a 2G network, 3G is either disabled or you're not in an area with 3G coverage.

  User Reviews/Comments:
by anonymous - 2015-03-01 09:21
What does it indicate when mobile displays "R"?
by anonymous - 2015-07-05 08:50
it means you enter other service provider area and connected to its Roaming!
by jam - 2016-04-20 23:34
what's the meaning of R E on my mobile signal?

Cannot use my data connection.
by Philip - 2016-04-27 06:43
Most likely it means [R]oaming ... [E]dge... Your phone may be configured not to use data while roaming on other cellular networks to avoid additional charges.
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