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3. How do you survive ?

We have very low overhead, and are independent of investors and other distractions. We do generate revenue, mostly from banner advertising, as well as some from premium subscriptions that covers our servers and operating costs - although it hardly justifies the time spent in developing and maintaining the site.

Our mission has always been to provide free speed tweaks and objective information on broadband, as well as a place where people can get advice without press release hype or sales pressure. Although SpeedGuide is incorporated for liability purposes, the driving force behind developing the site has never been pure profit. It is our way of sharing information in order to improve your online experience and contribute to the global broadband community at no cost to users. We also highly value our members, since they are what makes our community what it is today.

SpeedGuide is free in both the "free speech" and "no charge" senses of the word.

  User Reviews/Comments:
by Shinobi87 - 2007-08-29 10:40
Well well well...


Thanks for being a brilliant bunch of people, too.
by jstric2608 - 2008-02-09 16:56
You have a great site. I recommend it to all my friends and clients.
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