
With Bedrock, Amazon enters the generative AI race

2023-04-13 19:15 by
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Amazon announced on Thursday it's releasing an AI platform for businesses called Amazon Bedrock, which will compete with enterprise offerings from OpenAI and others in the generative AI space.The expanded AI push from AWS, comes as its cloud rivals including Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud continue to roll out their own respective sets of services and organizations of all sizes look to benefit from AI.

"Applying machine learning to the real world - solving real business problems at scale - is what we do best," Vasi Philomin, VP of generative AI at AWS, told TechCrunch in a phone interview. "We think every application out there can be reimagined with generative AI."

With Bedrock, AWS customers can opt to tap into AI models from a variety of different providers, including AWS, via an API. The details are a bit murky - Amazon hasn't announced formal pricing, for one. But the company did emphasize that Bedrock is aimed at large customers building "enterprise-scale" AI apps, differentiating it from some of the AI model hosting services out there, like Replicate (plus the incumbent rivals Google Cloud and Azure).

Amazon says C3.ai, Pegasystems, Accenture and Deloitte are some early businesses lined up to try Bedrock. The company hasn't yet announced pricing for the AWS toolset, and it's currently opening access through a waitlist.

Read more -here-


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