
Amazon offers to help Biden with vaccine distribution

2021-01-21 18:55 by


Amazon says it's ready to help President Joe Biden achieve his goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans against COVID-19 in the first 100 days of his presidency. In a letter to President Biden Wednesday, Amazon confirmed its intentions:

"Congratulations to you and Vice President Harris on your inauguration," the letter, signed by Amazon Worldwide Consumer CEO Dave Clark, stated. "As you begin your work leading the country out of the COVID-19 crisis, Amazon stands ready to assist you in reaching your goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in the first 100 days of your administration."

The letter added that Amazon has over 800,000 employees in the U.S. - making it the nation's second-largest employer - and most are essential workers who cannot work from home. It urged that those essential workers, including those at Whole Foods Markets, "should receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the earliest appropriate time" and pledged to "assist them in that effort."

The U.S. vaccination campaign was slow out of the gate, but has picked up in recent weeks as states expand the categories of people who are eligible for shots. As of Tuesday, a little less than half of the 31 million doses that have been sent to states have been administered, according to the CDC.

Read more -here-


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